to the Ph.D. in French and Francophone Studies

The Ph.D. in French and Francophone Studies at USC is offered through the Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture (CSLC) Doctoral Program. For information on how to apply to CSLC, please click here.

Please note that CSLC only accepts applications for admission to the Ph.D. program. Applicants seeking a terminal M.A. degree should not apply.

In addition to the materials requested by the USC Graduate School and CSLC, applicants to the French and Francophone Studies track should include the following documents in their application:

  • A 500-word statement in which you describe clearly your interest in French and Francophone Studies, your proposed field of concentration, the research you would like to undertake, and your level of competence in French and other languages besides English.
  • A sample of your scholarly writing (15-25 pages) written in French.  It should treat a subject relevant to the field of French and Francophone studies. A paper submitted for a course is fine.

If you have any questions regarding admission to CSLC, please feel free to contact the Department of Comparative Literature, home to CSLC, at 213-740-0102 or email

For general information on graduate admission at USC, please refer to the Graduate Admissions website.