October 2018
By Manuel Pastor and Chris Benner
With Arpita Sharma, Edward Muña, Stina Rosenquist, and Vanessa Carter
Please note: reports dated earlier than June 2020 were published under our previous names: the USC Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) or the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII).
As California faces off against the federal government on everything from immigration to climate change, the state has the opportunity to do something radically different: transform our infrastructure, education, workforce development, housing, and transportation systems for the 21st century.
Researchers at the USC Program for Regional and Environmental Equity (PERE) and the UC Santa Cruz Institute for Social Transformation have conducted a comprehensive review on the California economy to help shift the economy toward stability and prosperity for Black, Brown, Asian, and all communities.
The report, From Resistance to Renewal: A 12-Step Program for Innovation and Inclusion in the California Economy highlights ways that state government, California communities of all backgrounds, and businesses can partner for prosperity under a new social compact. By examining California’s recent history and building on the lessons learned in the Golden State, the authors aim to create a forward-looking vision for the economy. Our multisectoral analysis spans diverse industries and institutions to paint a nuanced picture—of where we have been and where we are going—covering everything from innovation to environmental justice to housing to universal basic income.
The authors emphasize investment in innovation and infrastructure, growing our workforce, connecting Californians to one another and to opportunity by tackling the housing crisis, transforming our transportation systems, and supporting struggling regions, while securing our future by reforming the tax system, building climate friendly infrastructure, strengthening our governance, and more.
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What are the 12 Steps?
STEP 1: Promote Innovation and Secure Public Benefits
STEP 2: Care for the Caring Economy
STEP 3: Empower and Equip Workers for Change
STEP 4: Encourage Lifelong Learning
STEP 5: Promote Lifelong Security
STEP 6: Support All of California’s Regions and Communities
STEP 7: Ensure Successful De-Incarceration and Reentry
STEP 8: Embrace and Integrate Immigrant CA
STEP 9: Ensure Affordable Housing for All
STEP 10: Improve the Movement of People, Goods, and Services
STEP 11: Secure Our Environmental Future
STEP 12: Align Fiscal and Governance Systems for an Inclusive Economy