ERI Postdoctoral Scholar
Pronouns: she/her

Bachelors, 2014 | University of California, Berkeley
Master of Public Health, 2017 | University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine
Doctoral Degree, 2022 | University of Southern California, Spatial Sciences Institute 

Twitter: @BitaMinaravesh

headshot of Bita Minaravesh looking off to the side and slightly smiling

Dr. Bita Minaravesh (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Scholar at USC’s Equity Research Institute and Lecturer in the Spatial Sciences Institute in the Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California (USC). In her post-doctoral research, she is exploring the state of environmental and economic equity across California through a lens of intersectionality to promote every child’s opportunity to realize their universal right to self-determination. She employs a spatial perspective to expose the inequitable factors influencing both a child’s trajectory in the short term and a community’s opportunity for growth over generations.

Her research interests include greenspace accessibility, public schools, EV infrastructure and income security. Her dissertation in the Population, Health and Place doctoral program was entitled “Children’s Environmental and Developmental Equity Within Los Angeles: A Spatio-Temporal Exploration of Varying Conditions, Perspectives, and Outcomes.” Dr. Minaravesh’s research uses a variety of methodologies that implement critical human rights analysis, spatial statistics and community-driven discussions to understand the circumstances that influence transgenerational equity. In promoting children’s rights, she ensures that young students are given a platform to share their perspective and values in discussions regarding their community’s environmental conditions. Dr. Minaravesh is a member of USC’s Center for Children’s Environmental Health Translational Research (SC-CEHRT) executive committee.


Research Topics:
Environmental Justice; Intergenerational Equity; Children’s Rights; Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis; Community Development; Self-Determination 



Minaravesh, B. (2023). The Multi-Scalar Relationship Between Children’s Self-Determination and Environmental Justice in the United States. Local Environment.

Minaravesh, B., & Aydin, O. (2023). Environmental and demographic factors affecting childhood academic performance in Los Angeles County: A generalized linear elastic net regression model. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, 100942.