Data Analyst
Pronouns: he/him/his

Austin Mendoza (he/him) holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology from UCLA. Having been raised in a biracial family during times of great climate upheaval in California, Austin is passionate about advancing equity and building solidarity in all realms – with a particular focus on environmental justice.

Prior to joining the Equity Research Institute, he worked with the City of Los Angeles to conduct policy analysis and community outreach on extreme heat in environmental justice communities. He has also previously done international climate justice-related work with federal agencies, and worked as a journalist for LGBTQ+ newspapers in LA.

Before moving to LA, Austin grew up in San Diego – and still loves the beach, the outdoors, and good Mexican food. In his spare time, you can find him hiking, diving, practicing photography, and searching for the best small restaurants in the city.