
Singapore moving forward with School-to-Jobs program developed at USC 

After implementing a School-to-Jobs intervention program in its educational systems, a delegation from Singapore visited USC to follow up with the professor who oversaw it. Daphna Oyserman, Dean’s Professor of Psychology and co-director of the Mind and Society Center at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, spent time in Singapore over the summer, consulting with the nation-state as it prepared to offer the program on a national scale.

‘Overwhelmingly Positive’: A Singaporean delegation visits USC for further discussion and plans for more training on Daphna Oyserman’s School-to-Jobs program.

After implementing Daphna Oyserman’s School-to-Jobs (STJ) intervention program in its school systems, a delegation from Singapore has visited USC to meet with Oyserman about follow up. Oyserman, Dean’s Professor of Psychology and co-director of the Mind and Society Center at USC Dornsife, spent time in Singapore this past summer, consulting with the nation-state as it prepared to provide STJ nationally. “All of the evidence we have collected so far has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Charles Tan, manager of Children, Youth and Family Service Planning and Development at the National Council of Social Service in Singapore. “Ranging from the students, their parents, social workers and teachers participating in STJ.”

Michigan Radio Broadcast (audio file): I explain the School-to-Jobs intervention on Michigan Radio, Stateside on February 5, 2004. The Pathways-to-Success intervention has its roots in this earlier work. Real Player required to listen.

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