Associate Professor
Office SSC 221
Ph. 213-740-2999
Naman Jain
Master’s student

PhD student
PhD student
Undergraduate student
Master’s student in Quantum Information Science
Physics PhD student
- Angel-Emilio Villegas, undergraduate student. Now Masters student at Central Michigan University.
- William Jackson, undergraduate student. Now PhD student at the University of Minnesota.
- Ilaria Siloi, postdoc. Now assistant professor at the University of Padova, Italy.
- Angana Ray, postdoc. Now postdoc at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland.
- Mitchell Bias, undrgraduate student.
- Carlos Alas, rotating PhD student.
- Hoa Trinh, temporary PhD student.
The following is a list of people that Dr. Di Felice trained in her group at CNR-NANO-S3 in Modena, Italy (reverse chronological order).
- Wenming Sun (postdoc at CNR-NANO-S3 Modena, from November 2011 to December 2014). Now research associate at the State Key Laboratory of Green Building Materials, Beijing, China.
- Marta Rosa (PhD student in Physics & Nanoscience, University of Modena – 2011-2013; pre-doc student October-December 2010). Now postdoc at the University of Padova, Italy (with Stefano Corni), after a first postdoc at SISSA, Trieste, Italy (with Stefano Baroni).
- Marcelo Alves dos Santos (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, March 2008 to February 2010). Now left research, after a posdoc at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.
- Tahereh Ghane (PhD student in Nanoscience, University of Modena – 2009-2011; pre-doc student for 1 year in 2008). Now postdoc at TU Berlin, Germany (with Petra Imhof), after a first postdoc at TU Dresden, Germany (with Giovanni Cuniberti).
- Giorgia Brancolini (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, October 2007 to August 2010). Now non-permanent research staff member at CNR-NANO-S3, Modena, Italy.
- Rosangela de Paiva (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, April 2007 to January 2010). Now assistant professor at the Federal University of São João del Rei, Brazil.
- Daniele Varsano (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, April 2006 to March 2010). Now tenured researcher at CNR-NANO-S3 Modena, Italy, after a fixed-term faculty position at the University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy.
- Arrigo Calzolari (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, March 2003 to December 2006; PhD student in Physics, University of Modena – 2000-2002; MsC in Physics, 1998-1999). Now tenured researcher at CNR-NANO-S3, Modena, Italy.
- Manuela Cavallari (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, 2005). Now employed at a private company in Modena, Italy, after few years at a technology transfer business in the same city.
- Agostino Migliore (PhD student in Physics, University of Modena – 2003-2006). Now research assistant professor at Duke University, USA, after other postdocs at Duke, el Aviv University, Israel, and UPENN, USA.
- Stefano Corni (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, January 2003 to December 2004). Now Full Professor at University of Padova, Italy, after tenure-track and tenured research appointments at CNR-NANO-S3, Modena, Italy.
- Andrea Ferretti (PhD student in Physics, University of Modena – 2002-2004). Now tenured researcher at CNR-NANO-S3 Modena, Italy.
- Maria Clelia Righi (PhD student in Physics, University of Modena – 2002-2004). Now tenure track researcher at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, after several years of fixed-term appointments.
- HouYu Zhang (postdoc at INFM-S3 Modena, November 2002 to December 2004). Now faculty at State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, Jilin University, China.
- Francesca De Rienzo (postdoc at INFM Modena, 2001-2002). Now lab technician at Dept. Chemistry, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
- Carlo Antonio Pignedoli (postdoc at INFM Modena 2000/2002; PhD student in Physics, University of Modena – 1998-2000). Now member of the permanent research staff at EMPA Zürich, Switzerland.
- Giovanni Borghi (MSc thesis, University of Modena, 2000).
- Karsten Leding Jensen (Master student at Aalborg University, Denmark, for training on DFT calculations of metal surfaces; 3 weeks October 2011).
- Marcos Brown Gonçalves (postdoc Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil; 1 week July 2011).
- Leonardo Andres Espinosa Leal (PhD student at UPV/EHU San Sebastian, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Angel Rubio to perform collaborative activity within the EC Project “DNA-based Nanowires”; 4 weeks October 2009, 4 months March-June 2010).
- Emerson Rengifo Carpintero (PhD student from Universidad del Valle, Colombia, March-August 2009).
- Gaurav Jaithliya (3rd–year student at IIT Delhi, internship May-July 2010).
- Garima Jaithliya (2nd–year student at IIT Bombay, internship May-July 2007).
- Setty-Venkat Anurag (3rd-year student at IIT Bombay, internship May-July 2006). PhD University of Maryland, USA, 2014. Now employed at EXL USA,
- Daniele Varsano (PhD student at UPV/EHU San Sebastian, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Angel Rubio to perform collaborative activity within the EC Project “DNA-based Nanowires”; 4 weeks in October 2003, 2 weeks in December 2004).
- Helena M. Petrilli (Professor at Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil, for a CNR-CNPq bilateral agreement; 3 weeks in November 2003; 3 weeks in October-November 2004).