• February 2025: USC media coverage. https://dornsife.usc.edu/stories/usc-dornsifes-rosa-di-felice-earns-recognition-in-the-airbus-bmw-quantum-computing-challenge/
  • January 2025: USC Dornsife media coverage. https://dornsife.usc.edu/news-briefs/news-brief/2025/01/quantum-solution-rusty-equipment/
  • December 2024: Naman and Rosa won the 2024 Airbus-BMW quantum computing challenge in the Smart Coating track, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/quantum-computing/winners-announced-in-the-airbus-bmw-group-quantum-computing-challenge/,
  • November 2024: Samprita successfully defended her PhD defense and she will join Purdue University as a postdoctoral scientist in December 2024. Congratulations!
  • October 2024: Hoda published her first-author paper on CRISPR/Cas9 in ACS Omega https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39554421/. Congratulations!
  • November 2022/October 2024:
    • Miguel, Karlo, Yuxiao, Charu, Dawei, Devika, Naman and Brennen joined the group at different times and efforts.
    • Hoda and Angana became mothers of a boy and a girl, respectively;
    • Colin has started his PhD in Physics at Yale University;
    • Margo has first joined and experimental group at USC and then started her PhD in Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder;
    • Advik has left the group.
  • October 2022: Colin passes his Physics GRE with the score of 910. Congratulations and good luck for graduate school!
  • October 2022: USC Physics majors Advik Unni (freshamn) and Margo Collins (junior) join the group and start learning molecular dynamics simulations. Welcome!
  • September 2022: Dawei Zhong, PhD student in Physics, starts exploring algorithms for electronic structure calculations of molecules and materials.
  • September 2022: Parth Hemant Darekar, Master student in quantum information sciences, joins the group for Directed Research in Fall 2022.
  • September 2022: Samprita’s first-author paper has been published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., with co-authors Colin, Angel, Angana and Rosa. Congratulations! https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/cp/d2cp03505g.
  • May-July 2022: Colin spends a Summer research internship at the University of Padova, Department of Chemistry, working on electronic structure calculations of molecules on surfaces.
  • May 6, 2021: We have just published our outreach articles in the leading science communication publication, Scientia. https://www.scientia.global/wp-content/uploads/Rosa-Di-Felice.pdf; https://www.scientia.global/wp-content/uploads/Q4Q/Q4Q-team.pdf.
  • Summer 2021: Samprita receives a Simons Foundation’s research internship to work at the Flatiron Institute in New York City; Hoda receives a Colgate-Palmolive research internship to work remotely; Billy has accepted a PhD offer at the University of Minnesota, which will start in AUgust 2021; Angel has been accepted for a Bridge Program at DePaul University, starting in AUgust 2021; Colin has been accepted in multiple REU programs and he has chosen to join Notre Dame University.
  • March 2020-May2021: the pandemic year. Group meetings continued on zoom as regularly as possible, on a weekly basis. Rosa was tenured in April 2020.
  • January 2020: Angana leaves the group, for a postdoc position in Poland.
  • Summer 2019: Hoa spends two months working in Italy and participates in the Quantum Hiking Conference.
  • April 15, 2019. Congratulations to Samprita, Hoa, Hoda and Carlos for passing the screening exam! Very good job!
  • February 26, 2019. Welcome to new group member, Physics freshman Colin Coane.
  • January 18, 2019. Welcome to new group member Carlos Alas (PhD student 1st year, trial).
  • January 8, 2019. Welcome to new group member, Physics junior William Jackson.
  • September 28, 2018. Welcome to new group member, Biophysics freshman Mitchell Bias.
  • September 25, 2018. Pizza dinner with PHYS 408A undergraduate students, joined by Samprita and Angana.
  • September 25, 2018. Congratulations Angana! For receiving an invitation to participate as a plenary speaker in the 4th International Conference on Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics (SAME) in Aalborg, Denmark, November 13-16, 2018. Angana will present her work done at USC on CRISPR/Cas9 systems and will write a review paper for the SAME journal.
  • September 24, 2018. The US Department of Energy announces $218 Million for Quantum Information Science, in which framework I get a $1.842 Million award to work on “Q4Q: Quantum Computation for Quantum Prediction of Materials and Molecular Properties”, with co-PIs Anna I. Krlylov (USC Chemistry), Marco Fornari (Central Michigan University) and Marco Buongiorno Nardelli (University of North Texas).
  • September 1, 2018. Welcome to new group members: Samprita Nandi (PhD student 2nd year, Physics, trial); Hoda Fatemi (PhD student 1st year, Physics, trial); Hoa Trinh (PhD student 1st year, Physics, trial); Anwesha Maitra (PhD student 1st year, Chemistry, trial with Anna Krylov)
  • February 4, 2018. Welcome to postdoctoral scholar Dr. Angana Ray. Thanks Angana for accepting the challenge to be a pioneer in my new group at USC.