About Us
Learn about the Center’s mission and history.

Our Mission
USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research is dedicated to:
Advancing innovative interdisciplinary research on genocide and mass violence
Promoting research with the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (VHA) and other unique Holocaust and genocide research collections and resources at the University of Southern California in scholarship and teaching
Transforming the way we understand the origins, dynamics and consequences of mass violence, as well as the conditions and dimensions of resistance.

Our History
Since its founding in 2014, the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research (previously USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research) has concentrated its efforts on developing an innovative research agenda. While it welcomes and supports creative and interdisciplinary research that focuses on genocide in general, the Center’s own research programs focus on three distinct areas:
Resistance to genocide and mass violence
Violence, emotion and behavioral change
Digital genocide studies
The Center organizes a rich academic program consisting of international fellowships and annual conferences, a lecture series and unique research opportunities such as the Interdisciplinary Research Week and graduate student research workshops with institutional partners.
The Center advances interdisciplinary research by supporting the most innovative fellows, conference presenters, guest speakers, workshop and Research Week teams, as well as visiting scholars.
Alongside its research programs and activities, the Center has a history of encouraging faculty to incorporate testimonies and related unique USC resources and collections into their research and university teaching. The Center trains and supports faculty in conducting their own research that then feeds into their lectures and seminars. It also promotes assigning research projects to students since serious scholarly engagement and research with the testimonies provides the most valuable educational experience.
The Center was originally founded as the academic arm of the USC Shoah Foundation in 2014. In 2021, the Center became an independent research center within the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences.
Learn more about the Center
Contact Us
Mailing Address
USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research
Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall
635 Downey Way, Suite 301
Los Angeles, CA 90089