2018 Conference Program Preview

“New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison”
The conference will be held November 4-7, 2018 at Doheny Library at USC and at Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades. The conference is co-organized by the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research and the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, and is presented in cooperation with the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., and the Center for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University Berlin, Germany.
The interdisciplinary conference, which convenes 80 years after the violent pogrom of 1938 against the Jews in Nazi Germany, aims to gather the most recent scholarship on the event, its reverberations, and its legacy. 22 international scholars from a variety of disciplines (History, Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Religion, Jewish Studies, Literature, Political Science, and French) will gather to share new research about the event itself, the avenues through which information about the event traveled throughout the world, individual and group reactions to Kristallnacht around the world, and what we can learn about Kristallnacht and about pogroms in general when we put them into comparison with each other, even if they happen(ed) in vastly different geographic or temporal contexts. The conference will help situate the anti-Jewish pogrom in its close historical context, as well as in its place in world history.
Conference Program
Monday, November 5, 2018
USC, Main Campus, Doheny Memorial Library, Room 240
9:30 am – 9:40 am
Welcoming Remarks
Wolf Gruner, Founding Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, Steve Ross, Director of the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, Stephen Smith, Finci-Viterbi Executive Director, USC Shoah Foundation
9:40 am – 10:20 am
Introductory Panel
Chair: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Center for Research on Anti-Semitism, Technical University Berlin, History)
François Guesnet (University College, London, History), Ulrich Baumann (Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, History)
Kristallnacht – Pogrom or State Terror? A Terminological Reflection
10:20 am – 12:20 pm
The Pogrom
Chair: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Center for Research on Anti-Semitism, Technical University Berlin, History)
Mary Fulbrook (University College, London, German History)
Bystanders to Violence
Maximilian Strnad (Town Archive, City of Munich, History)
A Question of Gender! Spaces of Violence and Reactions to Kristallnacht in Jewish-Gentile Families
Wolf Gruner (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Jewish Studies and History)
Mass Attack on Privacy and Stories of Resistance
Lunch break
1:50 pm – 3:10 pm
Protest in Germany and Abroad
Chair: Shira Klein (Chapman University, Los Angeles, History)
Michael Geheran (United States Military Academy, West Point, History)
Between Defiance and Conformity: The Case of Julius K.
Dov Ber Kotlerman (Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Literature)
From the Manila Protest to Philippine Visas
Coffee break
3:40 pm – 5:00 pm
Reactions in Print Media
Chair: Wendy Lower (Claremont McKenna College and Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Norman Domeier (University of Stuttgart, History)
The “Reichskristallnacht” and the American Journalists in Nazi Germany
Paul Moore (University of Leicester, UK, Modern European History)
“La Nuit de Cristal”: The November Pogrom as a Transnational Media Moment
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
USC, Main Campus, Doheny Memorial Library, Room 240
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Reactions in the Jewish Press
Chair: Marla Stone (Occidental College, Los Angeles, History)
Anne-Christin Klotz (Freie Universität Berlin, Eastern European History)
The Warsaw Yiddish Press and the Persecution of Jews in the Third Reich – Polish-Jewish Journalists and the Production of Knowledge during the Rise of National Socialism in 1933 and the November Pogroms in 1938, A Comparative Analysis
Jeffrey Koerber (Chapman University, Los Angeles, History)
What Did Soviet Jews Make of Kristallnacht?
Kiril Feferman (Ariel University, Israel, History)
“Anti-Jewish excesses in response to von Rath’s assassination”: Public responses of the Jewish Community in Japan-controlled Harbin to the Kristallnacht
Coffee break
12:00 pm – 1:20 pm
Reactions in Audiovisual Media
Chair: Michael Renov (University of Southern California, Cinema & Media Studies)
Stephanie Seul (University of Bremen, Cultural Studies)
‘The Germans prefer anti-Jewish propaganda’: Reporting (?) Kristallnacht and its Aftermath in the BBC German-language Broadcasts during 1938-1939
Lawrence Baron (San Diego State University, Modern Jewish History)
Kristallnacht in Film: From Reportage to Reenactments, 1938-1948
Lunch break
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Reactions in Jewish Communities
Chair: Paul Lerner (University of Southern California, History)
Hasia Diner (New York University, American Jewish History)
1938: A Moment of Reckoning for American Jews
Steven Ross (University of Southern California, History)
The Ambiguous Legacy of Kristallnacht: Nazis, Resistors and Anti-Semitism in 1930s-1940s Los Angeles
Gershon Greenberg (American University, Washington, DC., Philosophy and Religion)
Orthodox Jewish Religious Responses to Kristallnacht: Globally Considered
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Villa Aurora, Pacific Palisades
Shuttle leaves hotel at 8:15 am, arrives at 9:45 am
9:45 am – 10:15 am
Coffee and pastries
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
The Event and Beyond
Chair: Jared McBride (University of California Los Angeles, History)
Jason Lustig (Harvard University, Jewish Studies)
Out of the Ashes: Jewish Community Records and Archives after Kristallnacht
Alexander Walther (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, History)
Jewish Anti-Fascism? ‘Kristallnacht’ Remembrance in the GDR Between Propaganda and Jewish Self-Assertion
Mark Wolfgram (McGill University, Political Science)
From the Visual to the Textual: How Nazi Control of the Visual Record of Kristallnacht Shaped the Postwar Narrative
Lunch break
1:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Comparative Perspectives
Chair: Brenda Stevenson (University of California Los Angeles, History)
Baijayanti Roy (University of Frankfurt, History)
The Long Shadow of Reichskristallnacht on the ‘Gujarat Pogrom’ in India: A Comparative Analysis
Nathalie Segeral (University of Hawaii-Manoa, French)
Reclaiming Kristallnacht: The Nazi Pogrom as Transnational Trope in Narratives of the Rwandan Genocide and the Migrants Crisis
Liat Steir-Livny (Sapir Academic College & The Open University, Israel, Cultural Studies)
Satiric Comparisons between Kristallnacht and a Violent Demonstration in Southern Tel-Aviv against Refugees from Africa in Israeli Social Media
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Concluding Discussion
Shuttle back to hotel leaves at 5:00 pm.
The conference website, with conference schedule and registration form, will be launching soon. Click here to be notified when registration opens.