01.04.2025 Recollections and Reflections About My Dad, Leo Mazel (1907–2000). Arts, 2025, 14 (1), 2 (Music vis-à-vis Other Arts in Eastern and Central Europe: Performance, Literature, Theatre, Art/Architecture and Visuality, Academic editor Dennis Ioffe). PDF-version.
01.04.2025 Testing Textual and Territorial Boundaries in Bulat Okudzhava’s Song “And We to the Doorman: ‘Open the Doors!’” Arts 2024, 13(3), 81 (Music vis-à-vis Other Arts in Eastern and Central Europe: Performance, Literature, Theatre, Art/Architecture and Visuality, Academic editor Dennis Ioffe). PDF-version.
03.27.2023 Natalia Batova (University of Melbourne). Review of Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, Joe Peschio, and Igor Pilshchikov (eds), A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky. Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2018. ISBN978-1-61811-778-6. ix + 660 pages. Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, 32, Nos. 1-2, 2018. P. 126-128.
11.01.2022 Digital High: The Art of Visual Seduction? Arts 2022, 11(5), 97. PDF-version. A revised and expanded English-language version of Bibliography, 287.
11.01.2022 Congratulatory speech at the Book Launch of LIFETIME LINGUISTIC INSPIRATIONS: To Igor Mel’čuk from Colleagues and Friends for his 90th Birthday (Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Sonderband 101; Peter Lang, 2022) at the Département de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal 9:00 AM – 12 noon (and via Zoom). Recording (2 hrs. 04 min. – 2 hrs. 12 min.) and text.
09.02.2022 A pirate 1979 English translation by Emery W. Tetrault of Sintaksis somali. Glubinnye i poverkhnostnye struktury [Somali syntax. Deep and surface structures] has been discovered. More on this, see Georgi Kapchits. Somali Syntax in USSR, RF and USA. Bildhaan, 2020, vol. 20. P. 132-140. PDF-version of the translation.
02.21.2022 “The Poetry of Grammar and Ungrammaticality. Alexander Zholkovsky Interviewed by the editors of Pushkin Review.” Pushkin Review, vol. 22-23, 2020-2021, p. 135-167. “Selected Bibliography of Alexander Zholkovsky’s Works on Pushkin.” Pushkin Review, vol. 22-23, 2020-2021, p. 169-178.
09.26.2021 To Be or Not to Be God: The Issue of Authorial Power in Dostoevsky. Religions (ISSN 2077-1444), Vol. 12, 7 (2021; forthcoming in a paper edition).
04.02.2021 From Memoir Vignettes. Zvezda [The Star], 2000, vol. 3; vol. 4. An unauthorized translation (website: Gor’kii).
01.02.2021. Six easy pieces on grammar of poetry, grammar of love. Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture. Papers from an International Conference on the Occasion of the Seventieth Birthday of Yury Mikhailovich Lotman. Russian Culture: Structure and Tradition. 2-6 July 1992, Keele University, UK, ed. by V. Polukhina, J. Andrew, and R. Reid, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993: 192-213.
10.17.2020 Linguistics and poetics — and some other smoldering issues of literary analysis: An auto-heuristic study. Slavic and East Europen Journal, 64 (2020), 2: 155-177. (Linguistics and Poetics and Some Other Smoldering Issues of Literary Analysis: An (auto)heuristic study.” — Keynote address, AATSEEL, Feb 8, 2020, San Diego, Ca.)
05.21.2020 Angela Brintlinger. Review of: Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, Joe Peschio and Igor Pilshchikov. A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky, Academic Studies Press, 2018. SEEJ, 2019, 63(4): 620-621.
03.01.20 “Linguistics and Poetics and Some Other Smoldering Issues of Literary Analysis: An (auto)heuristic study”. Prof. Alexander Zholkovsky’s keynote address, AATSEEL, Feb 8, 2020, San Diego, CA.
08.02.19 AATSEEL’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship.
23.12.18 Listomania, or Catalog as Technique (with examples from poetry and prose, classical and modern, Western and Russian). Russian Journal of Linguistics, 2018, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Studies in Cultural Semantics And Pragmatics: For Anna Wierzbicka’s Anniversary). Pp. 945—965.
27.04.18 A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky/Ed. by Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, Joe Peschio, and Igor Pilshchikov. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018.
04.03.18 Review of: On the Beneficence of Censorship: Aesopian Language in Modern Russian Literature by Lev Loseff // The Russian Review, vol. 45, No. 3 (Jul., 1986), p. 349-351.
12.01.17 Barry P. Scherr. A Cautionary Tale for the Digital Age//ASEES Blog, August 3, 2016.
09.01.17 Between Groys and Gasparov // Dialogic Pedagogy Online Journal, vol.5 (2017): 16-22.
07.30.17 Towards a typology of “debut” narratives: Babel, Nabokov and Others: Paper at the conference on The Enigma of Isaac Babel. Stanford University, 29 February-2 March 2004. Version in Danish.
07.22.17 Quote the Poets Ever More: Micro-Analyzing Intertextual Gems by Anna Akhmatova, Vladislav Khodasevich and Osip Mandel’shtam // Slavic & East European Journal, 61, 1 (Spring 2017): 11-128.
01.05.17 To Cross or Not to Cross: Akhmatova’s “Sacred Boundary”, in: Approaches to Poetry: Some Aspects of Textuality, Intertextuality and Intermediality, ed. by Janos Petofi and Terry Olivi, Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1994: 248-264.
10.05.16 (co-author Yuri Shcheglov) Ex ungue leonem: Detskie rasskazy L’va Tolstogo i poetika vyrazitel’nosti [Ex ungue leonem: Leo Tolstoy’s children’s stories and the poetics of expressiveness] / Compiled by A. Zholkovsky; ed. by A. Bodrova. Moscow: NLO Publishers, 2016. 288 p. Content page in Russian (in PDF); Compiler’s Preface in Russian (in PDF)
10.05.16 Vybrannye mesta, ili siuzhety raznykh let [Selected passages, or Narratives of Many Years]. Moscow: CoLibri, 2016. 576 p.Content page in Russian (in PDF); Author’s Preface in Russian (in PDF)
05.01.16 “Who organized the standing ovation?”: Stalin, Akhmatova, and Shakespeare. An Eberhard L. Faber Lecture (Monday, April 25, 4:30 pm, 245 East Pyne, Princeton University). See poster.
03.04.16 Barry P. Scherr (Dartmouth College). To Write of Many Things: Three Recent Volumes by Alexander Zholkovsky. Review article in Slavic and East European Journal, v. 59, 4 (2015). P. 609-617.
01.12.16 A Little House on Chelsea; or, A Theme And Variations //Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon / Ed. Igor Pilshchikov. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2015. P. 319-334.
01.05.16 Zagadki martovskoi nochi. Esche raz o stikhotvorenii Pasternaka “Vstrecha”[Enigmas of a March night: More on Boris Pasternal’s poem “An Encounter”] // Zvezda [The Star], 2015, 12: 219-227.Also on the site “Zhurnal’nyi zal.”
01.05.16 Performance as power and power as performance In “Belshazzar’s Feasts” by Fazil Iskander// Slavic and East European Journal. Vol. 59, No. 3 (2015): 367–390.
11.30.15 Collaboration and Its Discontents: Pasternak and Mandel’stam in the Nineteen Thirties // Russian Literature 78 (2015), pp. 683-703.
10.10.15 The City and the Lock: Pushkin’s Miniature Lyric// ‘A Convenient Territory:’ Russian Literature at the Edge of Modernity. Essays in Honor of Barry Scherr” / Ed. by Michael Gronas and John Kopper. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 2015 P. 67-79.
09.03.15 Zadachki na pamiat’ [Memory tests. Vignettes]// Novyi mir [New World] 2015, 8: 84-103.
03.14.15 “Ulitsa Dante.” Topographiia, toponimika i topika parizhskoi novelly Babelia [Dante Street”: The Topography, Toponymy and Topoi of Isaak Babel’s Parisian Short Story] / “NLO”, 2014, 6 (130): 216-230; аlso in the book: Isaak Babel. Dante Street. A short story.The idea of the two-book special edition, layout and illustrations by Aleksei Borusov. Published by Leonid Iuniverg. Articles by Elena Pogorel’skaia and Aleksandr Zholkovsky. Jerusalem: Philobiblon, 2015. Limited edition: 175 copies, 50 of them numbered. Zholkovsky article, Vol. 2: 39-54.
02.09.15 Seeing Tolstoy’s ghost in Khodasevich’s mirror // Poetry & Poetics: A Centennial Tribute to Kiril Taranovsky / Ed. by Barry P. Scherr, James Bailey and Vida T. Johnson. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. P. 203-213
02.09.15 The Gift[A memoirsitic vignette] / Transl/ by John E. Bowlt // The Institute of Modern Russian Culture At Blue Lagoon Newsletter 69 (February 2015), pp. 1-4
09.15.14 Poetika za chainym stolom i drugie raboty [Poetics at five o’clock and other analyses]. Moscow, NLO [New Literary Survey], 2014. 820 pp. Content page in Russian (in Word).
09.15.14 Iurii Shecheglov. Izbrannye trudy[Selected works]. Ed. by A. K. Zholkovsky and V. A. Shcheglova. Moscow: RGGU [RSUH], 2014. 960 pp.
05.25.14 Time, Money, and Authorship in Dostoevsky’s “A Gentle Spirit.”Paper at the Symposium on Russian and Comparative Literature in Memory of Professor Emeritus James L. Rice (Eugene, Oregon, Friday, May 16, 2014).
04.27.14 Listomania, or Catalog as Technique.With examples from poetry and prose, classical and modern, Western and Russian. An invite lecture at UC Berkeley, Monday March 31, 2014).
04.25.14 Michelle Boston. Writing on Russia: Slavic languages and literatures professors Marcus Levitt and Alexander Zholkovsky are honored for their critical work examining Russian culture and literature. In: USC Dornsife College of Arts and Sciences News [online], April 21, 2014.
06.10.13 Grammatika prostoty(“Liubit’ inykh – tiazhelyi krest…”) [A Grammar of Simplicity (“To Love Others Is a Heavy Cross…”)] Zvezda [The Star], 2013, 8: 219-227.
06.10.13 Kliuchi schast’ia(“Liubit’ inykh – tiazhelyi krest…”) [Key to Happiness] Novy mir [New World], 2013, 8: 179-193.
06.10.13 Vin’etist. Interv’u Maksimu Semeliaku[The Vignettist. An Interview given to Maksim Semeliak] // The Prime Russian Magazine 2013, 5 (20): 1-18.
11.05.2012. Themes, Structure, and Intertexts in Mikhail Kuzmin’s Infinitive Poem “Sweet Is It To Die…”. In: The Many Facets of Mikhail Kuzmin. A Miscellany. Ed. by Lada Panova with Sarah Pratt. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica, 2011. P. 27-42.
10.23.2012. Poetics Today: Some Burning Issues. Keynote Lecture // AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference, 12-13 October 2012.
09.14.2012. The Red and the Gray. In: : Emily Van Buskirk and Andrei Zorin, eds., Lydia Ginzburg’s Alternative Literary Identities. A Collection of Articles and New Translations (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012): 27-37. Russain version in Book 24: 104-114.
01.25.2011. More Keys To The Lamarck Puzzle And Related Theoretical Issues. Paper at the ASEEES 2010 Convention (Los Angeles, CA), Panel on “Mandelstam Revisited” (Nov. 20, 2010).
01.19.2011. Infinitive Poetry, Relevance Of Linguistics And Issues In Poetic Analysis. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Work in Progress” ( Jan. 07, 2011).
01.19.2011. Iskander’s Pantomime Narratives. Paper at the AATSEEL 2010/2011 Convention (Pasadena, CA), Panel on “Literary Theatrics: Gestures, Staginess, and Speech” (Jan. 8, 2011).
10.08.2007. Barry P. Scherr (Dartmouth College). Review in Slavic and East European Journal, v. 50, 2 (2006). P. 321-322.
09.30.2007. Mikhail Zoshchenko: Poetika nedoveriia[Mikhail Zoshchenko: A Poetics of Mistrust]. M.: Shkola “Iazyki Russkoi Kul’tury,” 1999. 393 pp.; Moscow: LKI, 2007.
05.14.2007. Eduard Limonov. 85 stikhotvoirenii iz Arkhiva Aleksandra Zholkovskogo (konets 60-kh — nachalo 70-kh gg.) [Eduard Limonov. 85 poems from the Archive of Alexander Zholkovsky (late 1960s– early 1970s)].
04.25.2006. The poetic structure of a maxim by La Rochefoucauld: An essay in “Theme – Text” poetics [co-author Iu. K. Shcheglov]. Poetics and Theory of Literature 3 (1978), 549-592; Russian version in: Paremiologicheskii sbornik [Essays on paremiology], G. L. Permjakov ed., Moscow: Nauka, 1978 (revised version of No. 9).
04.19.2006. The Somali Story “A Soothsayer Tested” (short version) in: A Soothsayer Tested. Somali Folktales, ed.and tr. by G. Kapchits, Moscow, 2006, p. 205-217.
04.14.2006. October 19, 1982, or: The semiotics of a Soviet cookie wrapper. Wiener Slawistischer Alamanach 11 (1983; special Mel’chuk issue), 341-354.
04.06.2006. In Memoram M. L. Gasparov: A Poetic Offering (Ivan Bunin’s “Without Me”; 1916 ). Paper at the USC Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures Symposium on Recent Books on Russian Poetry dedicated to the memory of M.L. Gasparov, Friday, April 7, 2006.
04.06.2006. You Don’t Know What You’re Missing. Hermitage Magazine 2006, No. 2:32-33.
03.22.2006. The stylistic roots of Palisandria. Canadian-American Slavic Studies (special Sasha Sokolov issue; D. Barton Johnson guest ed.) 21, Nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1987 [actually publ. 1990], 369-400).
01.24.2006. Through Revolution’s looking-glass: Tolstoy into Zoshchenko in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 35-57.
01.24.2006. A study in framing: Pushkin, Bunin, Nabokov, and theories of story and discourse in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 88-116.
01.24.2006. De- and re-constructing a classic: “I loved you” by Joseph Brodsky in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 117-146ю
01.24.2006. The beauty mark and the ‘I’s of the beholder in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 147-163.
01.24.2006. A duet in three movements: Bulgakov — Olesha – Bulgakov in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 181-212.
01.24.2006. A dystopian “Newdream” Fivefold : Analyzing Ilf and Petrov’s Closet Monarchist in Text Counter Text. Stanford UP, 1994 (cloth), 1995 (paper): 241-269.
01.24.2006. The Literary Text. Thematic and Expressive Structure: An Analysis of Pushkin’s Poem “Ya vas lyubil…” in New Literary History, 9 (1977-78), 264-278, and in Themes and Texts. Toward a Poetics of Expressiveness. Cornell UP, 1984.