Welcome to the Math Center! If you want help with your math classes this is the place to come!
The Math Center is located in KAP 263. (Kaprielian (KAP) is the building on Vermont that is next to gate #6 and across the street from parking structure A.) It is a suite of rooms where you can get together with friends to study, use the computers, and get help with your math classes. Math graduate students, faculty, and assistants are available to help you.
During the Spring and Fall semesters, the Math Center is open Monday to Thursday 8am to 7pm and Friday 8am to 5pm. It is run informally and is designed for easy drop-in usage. It works best to use the Center as a study room. It’s a good place to meet up with your study partners and work on homework. If and as you need help, ask one of the graduate students, faculty members or assistants. It’s as easy as that!
The graduate students and faculty are there to help you with your math assignments. Click on consulting hours to find out when the graduate students are available. Notice that the graduate students are listed according to which mathematics class they are assisting, and classes that cover similar material are grouped together. As a first choice, try to get help from a graduate student that is assisting a class that is grouped with your class.
The Math Center assistant on duty can help you with questions about Mathematica and Matlab. They can also help you identify the graduate students and get the help you need.
PLEASE NOTE: The Math Center is closed for all university holidays and during the first week of classes each semester. It will open as a study room during the second week of classes but during that week there will be no formal schedules indicating when the graduate students are available (your TA should have told you when he/she will be in the Center but you’ll have no way of knowing when other TAs are in the Center). Starting the 3rd week of classes, there will be schedules (click on Consulting Hours to see them) showing when all the TAs are in the Math Center. You are free to get help from a TA that isn’t your own TA.
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