The Levan Institute provides modest grants ($300–$500 for in-person events and $200–$400 for online events) to help co-sponsor public programs and events in the humanities at USC. This includes lectures, conferences, and workshops, but not private meetings. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis.
Requests for co-sponsorship must be submitted a minimum of four weeks prior to the event. Organizers are expected to secure funding from other sources.
All events co-sponsored by the Levan Institute for the Humanities must list the institute as an official co-sponsor on any digital or printed materials, website and calendar listings, and include the event in the Campus Humanities Calendar (CHC). Instructions for inclusion in the CHC will be provided with the notification of funding.
To apply for funding, please complete this form, which asks for the following information:
- Title, event date, and description of the proposed event or program, including participants and activities.
- Organizers. (Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows should list a faculty adviser who can corroborate that the event is approved by the hosting academic unit.)
- Intended audience.
- Complete budget, detailing all planned expenditures, estimated dollar amounts, existing funding sources, and pending/requested funds.
Header image: The North American Indian, vol. 11, Makah basketry, 1915, USC Libraries Special Collections
Contact Us
3501 Trousdale Parkway
THH 348
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Director: Daniela Bleichmar
Associate Director: Zach Mann
Assistant Director: Isabella Carr