GYOPO is a collective of diasporic Korean cultural producers and arts professionals generating and sharing progressive, critical, intersectional and intergenerational discourses, community alliances, and free educational programs in Los Angeles and beyond.

The KOREAN AMERICAN  PIONNER COUNCIL is a non-profit corporation formed for the purpose of preserving the legacy, record, and promoting the education, understanding and appreciation of the experience and history of the Pioneer Generation of the Korean American community. The organization recognizes the Korean Heritage Library of the University of Southern California as one of the primary repository for the organized record of the Pioneer generation.

The KOREAN CULTURAL CENTER is the axis of Korean heritage in Los Angeles. It welcomes the general public to experience the rich traditions and history of Korea through specialized programs, sponsored events, and multiple learning resources.

The K.W. LEE CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing youth with the tools and opportunities necessary to become future leaders.

The LOS ANGELES KOREAN FESTIVAL FOUNDATION is considered one of the major advocates of furthering the knowledge of Korean culture and its traditions.

The LAKF Foundation works year-round in organizing the four-day festival to carry out the mission of providing the community with a festival that is an instrument of inclusivity and an advocate of cultural diversity awareness, providing not only the Korean cultural heritage but also bringing together the numerous ethnic groups residing in Los Angeles