FRIENDS OF KOREA is dedicated to enhancing cultural awareness and friendship between Americans and Koreans.

THE KOREA SOCIETY is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea.

The KOREAN FILM ARCHIVE YOUTUBE CHANNEL provides 110 classic Korean films from the 1930s onwards available for free viewing.

First launched by Darcy Paquet in 1999, this site has grown with the help of many volunteers to provide a comprehensive introduction to Korean cinema.

KLWAVE is a centralized platform that supports the translation, publication, and exchange of Korean literature, with the goal of fostering its growth as part of world literature.

The SMOKING TIGERS is a cohort of experienced literary translators working from Korean to English.

They have altogether won virtually every publication and translation grant available for Korean literature in translation, including funding from the Literary Translation Institute of Korea, the Daesan Foundation, the Korean Publication Industry Promotion Agency, English PEN, PEN America, GKL Ltd, and more.

LONDON KOREAN LINKS is a U.K.-based website founded in 2006 which covers Korean arts and culture in London and elsewhere. It is a reflection of the way Korean culture has begun to gain momentum among foreigners outside of Asia.

It provides a space for those who are interested in Korean culture to write about their enthusiasm, while providing an independent source of information and critique about events in London and Korean cultural content generally available internationally.