The USC Korean Studies Institute invites applications for the Annual USC Graduate Conference in Korean Studies. This conference aims to foster a multidisciplinary community of local and regional graduate students whose research projects significantly engage Korean society and culture across the periods. It offers a platform for emerging scholars to present their work-in-progress, receive feedback from faculty and peers, and participate in interdisciplinary discussions within a supportive environment.

We welcome applicants from the humanities and social sciences who are conducting research related to Korea, East Asia, or Asian diasporas. Submissions that situate Korea within broader comparative or theoretical frameworks are especially encouraged.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Deadline for paper proposals: Friday, November 15th, 2024

Notifications of acceptance: Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Deadline for paper submissions: Friday, January 17th, 2025

Conference Date

Friday, February 7, 2025

Application Process for Paper Proposals/Discussant

Students can apply as a panel or as an individual.

For paper proposals: please e-mail your CV a 250-word abstract to

For panel proposals: please include both a panel abstract as well as individual abstracts for each panelist.

If accepted to present, completed papers must be submitted by Friday, January 17th, 2025 for distribution to discussants and participants.

Questions can be directed to Jay Lee at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can a paper I submit here be submitted elsewhere for presentation or publication?
A: Papers used for this conference do not have any restrictions in publishing or use before or after the conference.

Q: Is there any financial support for travel?
A: There is no funding for travel or accommodations.

Q: Is a PowerPoint required for the presentation?
A: No, you are not required to use PowerPoint.

Q: What is the panel format?
A: Each presenter gets 7-10 minutes, followed by discussant feedback and audience Q&A with time remaining after all presentations. More detailed guidelines will be sent out to accepted presenters and discussants.

Q: My paper is not just on Korea – can I still apply?
A: Papers with Korea in comparative contexts are eligible to apply, as well as papers on non-Korea Asian and Diaspora topics.

Q: Can Masters students apply?
A: Preference will be given to Ph.D. students but Masters students are welcome to apply.

Q: Will this year’s conference be virtual or have a virtual option?
A: Currently, we do not have plans to host the conference online or to include a virtual option.