The GE office adds seats to specific GE courses, including GE Seminars, throughout the continuing student registration cycle, as well as during Welcome Trojans orientation sessions.  Our office also manages enrollments in GESM sections during the first three weeks of the semester.   Students planning to register for a GE course in Fall 2025 should consult the information below.

  • The GE office will add seats to selected courses during the continuing student registration period.  Below is the list of courses that seats will be added to as well as the dates when the seats will be added.   The GE office will only add seats to the following courses.  Students seeking to enroll in a GE course not listed here should contact the department offering the course regarding their registration policy.

      • AMST 101, 135, 150, 252 and 301

      • ENGL 176, 230, 298 and 299

      • IR 101

      • JS 100, 180 and 211

      • LING 115

      • PHIL 174, 176, 178 and 284

      • POSC 100, 130, 248 and 265

      • SOCI 155, 169 and 210

      • SWMS 210, 215 and 219

    The courses listed above will have seats added starting at 9:00 am only on the dates listed below.

      • Monday, March 24th

      • Wednesday, March 26th

      • Friday, March 28th

      • Monday, March 31st

      • Wednesday, April 2nd’

      • Friday, April 4th

      • Monday, April 7th

      • Wednesday, April 9th

      • Monday, April 14th

      • Tuesday, April 15th

      • Wednesday, April 16th

  • Students who need to register for a GESM and have sophomore or upperclass standing, will need to obtain d-clearance from the GE office by emailing two business days prior to their registration date.  The email needs to include the USC student ID number, the registration appointment date and the five-digit section numbers for the preferred three classes.  The GE office will respond to requests within one business day prior to the registration appointment date.  If the GESM section needs to be changed after fall semester registration occurs, the student will need to contact us so we can provide a new d-clearance for another section.

  • Freshmen may not take WRIT 150 and a GESM simultaneously during fall semester.  In the spring semester, freshmen may take both if needed.  Sophomores who have not completed WRIT 150 and GESM may take both courses concurrently in any semester.

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General Education