About Courses in GE-H


Global Perspectives includes two course requirements. The first focuses on the contemporary situation (GE-G), while the second explores some dimensions of the historical cultural context that has given rise to the current global scene (GE-H). While no course can meet all of these objectives, these requirements should help students appreciate the dynamics at work in complex global issues and their varying local forms.  

Courses in GE-H examine the historical and cultural foundations of contemporary and past societies by studying enduring and influential literary, political, economic, philosophical, legal, ethical or religious traditions. Courses can examine multiple aspects of a single culture (for example, the literary and philosophical heritage of classical Greece or imperial China) or can trace the development of a fundamental idea or tradition across multiple cultures. The following courses have been approved to satisfy the GE-H, Traditions and Historical Foundations requirement. Courses that meet this category are indicated with “p” suffix.  This list also notes any additional GE requirements the course may satisfy.

updated: 3/19/2025

Art History

  • AHIS 120gp, Foundations of Western Art: Prehistoric to Renaissance
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    AHIS 121gp, Foundations of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    AHIS 125gp, Arts of Asia I: Antiquity to 1300
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    AHIS 128gp, The Arts and Society in Latin America, Colonial to Contemporary
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

American Studies and Ethnicity

  • AMST 301gp, America, the Frontier, and the New West
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • ANTH 316mgp, Native Americans in American Public Life
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • ARCG 323p, Roman Archaeology: History, Methods and Field Work
    This course does not satisfy any other GE requirement.


  • CLAS 150gp, The Greeks and their Legacies,
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 151gp, The Legacy of Rome
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 160gp, Ancient Lives
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 170gp, Classics of Music and Literature: from Ancient Greece through Contemporary L.A.
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 195gp, Nature and Environment in Ancient Mediterranean Culture
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
    (effective Fall 2023)

    CLAS 280gp, Classical Mythology in Art and Literature
    also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 320mgp, Diversity and the Classical Western Tradition
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 337gp, Ancient Drama
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    CLAS 349gp, Ancient Empires
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

Comparative Literature

  • COLT 101gp, Masterpieces and Masterminds: Literature and Thought
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    COLT 264gp, Asian Aesthetic and Literature Traditions
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    COLT 360gp, Fictions of Africa
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • COMM 330p, Rhetoric in Classical Culture
    This course does not satisfy any other GE requirement.

Critical Studies

  • CRIT 150gp, Histories of Art, Design and Visual Culture
    also satisfies GE-A


  • DANC 324gp, International and Historical Perspectives on Dance
    also satisfies GE-B
    This course is not for a general student audience.  It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.

East Asian Languages and Cultures

  • EALC 110gp, East Asian Humanities: The Great Tradition
    also satisfies GE-B and Dornsife Core Literacy

    EALC 130gp, Introduction to East Asian Ethical Thought
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    EALC 340gp, Japanese Civilization
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    EALC 342gp, Japanese Literature and Culture
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    EALC 344gp, Korean Culture from Ancient to Modern Times
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    EALC 350gp, Chinese Civilization
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

East Asian Studies

  • EASC 150gp, East Asian Societies
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    EASC 160mgp, China and the World
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • FREN 272gp, Medicine, Health and the Body in Literature and Culture
    This course also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement.  Effective Fall 2025, FREN 272 is the same as FREN 372.

    FREN 372gp, Medicine, Health and the Body in Literature and Culture
    This course also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement.  Effective only from Spring 2022 to Spring 2025.  Starting in Fall 2025, FREN 372 will be renumbered to FREN 272.

Gender and Sexuality Studies

  • SWMS 212gp, Introduction to Gender and Sexuality: American Perspectives
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    SWMS 219gp, Introduction to Feminist Theory
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    SWMS 227gp, Death and Gender in Urban Contexts
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • HIST 101gp, State and Society in the Ancient World
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 104gp, Modern Europe
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 107gp, Introduction to the History of Japan
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 211gp, Race in America
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 220gp, Murder on Trial in America
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 237gp, Fascism
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 240gp, History of California
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 245mgp, How Sex Changed: US History, 1870-the Present
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 251gp, History of Science, Technology and Medicine
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 266gp, Business and East Asian Culture, 1800-Present
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    HIST 278gp, Ottomans and Empire: Anatolia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean World
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

Judaic Studies

  • JS 100gp, Jewish History
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    JS 170gp, Exploring the Hebrew Bible
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
    effective Spring 2024

    JS 180gp, Judaism
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    JS 258gp, Food, Faith and Conflict
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    JS 314gp, Holy War And History: Jews, Christians, Muslims
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    JS 370gp, Digs and Dispute: Religion and Archaeology in Israel
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • LAW 210p, Fundamentals of the U.S. Legal System
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

    LAW 275p, Equal by Law: The History of Civil Rights Law in the United States
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

    LAW 320p, Law, Slavery, and Race
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

Middle East Studies

  • MDES 213gp, Iran: From Antiquity to Modernity
    also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    MDES 313p, Modern Iran
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
    effective Spring 2024

    MDES 314p, Political Thought in the Middle East
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

    MDES 316p, The Great Muslim Empires of the Near East and India
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

    MDES 345p, Power and Authority in the Middle East
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

Multidisciplinary Activities

  • MDA 340p, South Asian Studies: Arts, Cultures, History and Religion
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
    effective Spring 2025


  • MUSC 115gp, Western Music as Sounding History
    also satisfies GE-A

Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Science

  • RXRS 201p, The History and Geography of Drugs
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.


  • PHIL 102gp, Historical Introduction of Philosophy
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    PHIL 141gp, The Professions and the Public Interest in American Life
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    PHIL 254gp, Science, Knowledge and Objectivity
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    PHIL 255gp, Existentialism in Philosophy, Literature and Film
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    PHIL 284gp, Ideas on Trial
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    PHIL 288gp, Love and Its Representations in Western Literature, Film, and Philosophy
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • REL 125gp, Introduction to Christianity: Antiquity to 1500
    satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    REL 146gp, Spirituality in America
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

    REL 326gp, The Historical Jesus
    satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement

    REL 345p, Islamic Mysticism: Sufism
    This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.

Slavic Languages and Literatures

  • SLL 330gp, Russian Thought and Civilization
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


  • SPAN 290gp, Introduction to Latin American and Iberian Studies
    also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement


Thematic Option

  • CORE 102gp, Culture and Values: Thematic Option Honors Program
    also satisfies GE-B
    This course is not for a general student audience.  It is part of the curriculum for Thematic Option.