The Graduate Program
USC English is one of the most vibrant, innovative and productive departments in the nation, with 41 full-time and joint faculty training a talented cadre of Ph.D. students whose work is theoretically sophisticated, broadly interdisciplinary and historically rich. Our Ph.D. program is composed of two tracks, one in Literature and one in Creative Writing and Literature. The Literature track trains students in English, American and Anglophone literary cultures, criticism and theory and admits 10 to 12 students each year. The Creative Writing track admits 4 to 5 students a year.
Three qualities distinguish USC English from other top Ph.D. programs.
Signature Features
Featured Collaboration
See Professor of English and Comparative Literature David St. John discuss his collaboration with Thornton professors Frank Ticheli and Lisa Sylvester, teaching classes in which graduate writer/poets, composers and singers come together for a semester to create and perform new works for voice/piano (some chamber works) with original texts from creative writing students.

Application Codes
Ph.D. in Literature
Post code 382
Ph.D. in Creative Writing and Literature
Post code 1087

Graduate Alerts
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation offers dissertation completion fellowships and is interested in questions concerning violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects. Please see the link below for more information.
Life in L.A.
Living and studying in one of the great cities in the world is an incomparable educational experience.
Contact Details
USC Department of English
3501 Trousdale Parkway
Taper Hall of Humanities 404
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354