December 2024 updates: Security changes, transition to EFAX

ByDornsife Technology Services

December 2024 updates:

  • New feature: View your quarantined emails

  • Security changes impacting USC email

  • Fax lines will be transitioning to EFAX

New feature: View your quarantined emails

Didn’t receive an email you were expecting? It’s possible that the email looked suspicious to USC’s email security and spam filter, and the email was quarantined—in other words, the email was not delivered to your inbox.

USC ITS is testing a new feature for viewing quarantined emails. To see your quarantined emails, follow our guide:

Viewing quarantined or suspected emails using Proofpoint

Security changes impacting USC email

Beginning in October, email warning tags now appear above messages to indicate when the message comes from an external (non-USC) sender or is otherwise suspicious. 

You can learn more about these warning tags on OCISO’s Email Tags page.

Fax lines will be transitioning to EFAX

The University is transitioning to an Electronic Fax service (EFAX) as part of the Campus Voice program, which will replace existing fax services with a secure, digital platform.

EFAX Benefits and Features: The EFAX service offers features like Fax2Email, secure digital management, and compliance with protocols such as HIPAA and PCI, sustainability, and the ability to retain current fax numbers.

Your department’s senior admin should have received an email with additional information regarding the transition of Dornsife fax lines. If you have a fax line and have not received this communication, please reach out to us at