A group photo of scholars at the 2022 INOGS conference. Wolf Gruner can be seen in the far right corner.

Call for Papers

INoGS 9th International Conference

Genocide and Survivor Communities: Agency, Resistance, Recognition

June 23-26, 2024
University of Southern California Los Angeles

On the ancestral and unceded territory of the Tongva and Kizh Nation peoples

Organized by the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS)
Co-organized and hosted by the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Professor Marcia Esparza
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
City University of New York

Kimberly Morales Johnson
Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians
University of California, Davis

Submission Deadline: November 19, 2023


Download the Call for Papers here

Descarga la invitación para presentación de propuestas aquí

Submit your proposal here


The International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) and USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research invite proposals for the next biennial convention of the International Network of Genocide Scholars, scheduled for June 23-26, 2024, entitled “Genocide and Survivor Communities: Agency, Resistance, Recognition.”

Los Angeles is home to a multitude of large communities of genocide survivors and their descendants, including from the Californian genocide against Native Americans, the genocide against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, the Holocaust in Europe, the genocides in Cambodia and Guatemala, as well as other instances of mass violence in the Americas and the rest of the world. Given the setting, in addition to general interest on individual cases and comparative analyses of genocide, mass violence, colonial violence and genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, a special focus of this conference is on the individual experiences, and perspectives of victims and survivors, not only in the aftermath of state violence, but during the mass atrocities as well.

We welcome diverse approaches to the workshop theme that draw from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives and methods. Subjects of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

• Individual experiences of systemic and institutional racism against targeted populations
• Patterns, strategies, and tactics of state violence
• Environmental changes related to genocide and mass violence, environmental racism, ecological destruction, and ecocide
• Gender and genocide, mass violence, and mass atrocities
• Individual and collective resistance against genocide and mass violence, denial, and erasure
• Subversive knowledge production, transfer, and exchange before, during and/or after genocide and mass violence, including the use of rumors, coded language, humor, and other covert forms of communication
• Violent population transfers, including deportations, expulsions, forced transfer, internal displacement, and movement of refugees
• Dimensions and impacts of cultural genocide, including linguicide
• Transitional justice procedures and mechanisms, including reconciliation, restitution, and apology
• Memorialization, commemoration, and remembrance (local, regional, national, transnational)
• Explorations of how survivor testimonies challenge our understanding of cases of genocide, their dynamics, and their impacts.
• Writing the history of victims and/or survivors of the Holocaust, genocide, and mass violence in comparative perspectives
• Survivor-centered pedagogies, healing practices, cultural expressions, and storytelling as ways of combating and/or addressing racism, persecution, violence, and/or legacies of genocide and mass violence
• Beyond memory: Learning about violence and its impacts from oral history and testimony
• Visual and digital archives of genocide, mass violence, and mass atrocities
• Genocide denial, justifications, and silences
• Long-lasting, transgenerational impacts (individual and collective) of genocide and mass violence
• Cultural, political, and economic resurgence of survivors of genocide and mass violence
• Representations of genocide in film, literature, art, music, and other media

In addition to scholarly papers, organizers invite proposals for artistic presentations, such as films, songs, musical recitals, poetry, dance, or other creative works related to the themes of the conference.

The conference will also feature keynote presentations, roundtable discussions, and excursions to sites in/near Los Angeles relevant to the themes of the conference. These will be announced as planning continues. Possibilities include a visit to Manzanar National Historic Site where the US government established the first of ten internment camps for Japanese-Americans from 1942 to 1945.

Conference Participants

We welcome submissions from scholars at all levels and in all disciplines. Advanced PhD candidates and early career scholars are especially encouraged to apply. Participation is not restricted to INoGS members, nor to scholars affiliated with a university. We also welcome submissions from members of affected communities, artists, activists, and professionals working in museums, NGOs, and other organizations. We aim to encourage and facilitate discussions that challenge disciplinary and various academic/non-academic divisions and shift the focus to the voices and perspectives of groups facing state violence, past and present.

Registration Fees and Financial Support

Tenured faculty: $250
Untenured faculty/established artists: $200
Students/ independent scholars/postdoctoral scholars/emerging artists: $100
Global South faculty: $100
Global South students/independent scholars: $50

To support participation and presentations at the conference, funding for travel and accommodation will be available for selected scholars, artists, knowledge holders, members of affected communities, and other participants who might not otherwise be able to attend (including junior scholars and scholars without university affiliation or from universities with inadequate resources), especially from the Global South. When you submit your proposal, there will be a space to indicate your need for support.


Please note that INoGS remains cognizant of the ongoing challenges of COVID-19. We are currently committed to a fully in-person, face-to-face conference. We will follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization and keep participants aware of any changes.

Application Instructions

The deadline for submissions is November 19, 2023.

Proposals can be submitted for panels as well as individual papers.

panel proposal should consist of three papers and a respondent, or four papers. It should include a panel title, a brief description of the full session (up to 150 words), abstracts for each paper (up to 250 words each), and short biographical notes for each presenter (up to 150 words each).

An individual paper proposal should include a title, an abstract (up to 250 words), and a short biographical note (up to 150 words). Those papers will be coordinated into panels by conference organizers.

An artistic presentation proposal should include a title, a description of the artistic presentation (up to 250 words), and a short biographical note (up to 150 words).

If you are interested in submitting a paper in a language other than English or Spanish, please email us at conference2024@inogs.com.

If you envision an alternative form or method of presentation, please email us at conference2024@inogs.com.

For further conference information and submission instructions, please visit https://inogs.com/conferences/.


The International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) emerged from a conference in Berlin in January 2005 with the goal to provide Genocide Studies with a non-partisan forum through which to present research and analysis on any aspect of genocide as well as other forms of collective violence. INoGS conferences on genocide and mass violence since 2009 in Sheffield, Brighton, San Francisco, Cape Town, Jerusalem, Marseille, online (in 2020), and Mexico City, have witnessed intensified scholarly engagement with, and debates around, a range of issues and questions of fundamental importance to the field. These include critical discussions about the meanings and uses of key concepts; voices and perspectives of victims and survivors; ideas about gender and the role of sexual assault in processes of extreme violence; global warming, conflict, and displacement; the politics of memory and demands for reparations and justice; and the need to develop more effective means of combatting and striving to prevent mass violence globally. For more information, please visit https://inogs.com/

Founded in 2014, the USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research is dedicated to advancing innovative interdisciplinary research on genocide and mass violence, focusing on transforming the way we understand the origins, dynamics, and consequences of mass violence, as well as the conditions and dimensions of resistance. The Center’s unique academic program, including a competitive international research fellowship program, interdisciplinary international conferences, and other events, attracts scholars at all levels, from all over the world, and from a multitude of disciplines. For more information, please visit https://dornsife.usc.edu/cagr