What is VR?
VR is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immerse feel of a virtual world. AIRE is excited to launch programming for language learning, interactive history and meaningful narratives.
- Immerse yourself in a different time, culture and environment
- Practice a second language with an AI bot
- Learn about social movements through meaningful narratives
Why learning in VR?
VR purpose is to enhance student’s learning through a virtual setting. It develops experiences where students will train in a virtual environment without the need of physically traveling. While extremely innovative, VR holds a space where learning can continue outside of the classroom in an immerseive environment and at the learners pace.
VR Pilot Program and Center for Languages and Culture (CLC)
The Center for Languages and Culture (CLC) and AIRE launched VR Labs in the 2023-2024 academic year.
VR headsets were made available to faculty, students and staff to explore the benefits of exisiting immersive experiences related to language learning, culture and history.
Program Elements

Get together to use a virtual reality
Collaborate on projects through immersive experiences

Chat with AI in the virtual learning space
Hold conversations in different languages with AI

Interact with History through Immersivew Learning
Use VR to live critical moments in history
AIRE and CLC Host VR Labs in the Humanities
Starting Wednesday April 10th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in THH 309K, join us and practice a language in virtual reality or travel through history with meaningful narratives! Light refreshments including pastries will be provided!