Listed here are the available instruments at the Agilent Center of Excellence:


LC, LC/MS, GC/MS and GPC/SEC Systems

Single Quadrupole LC/MS (LC/MSD)

1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale LCMS System (with mass guided purification)

Triple Quadrupole LC/MS

1290 ll LC-Ultivo triple quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ)

Quadrupole Time of Flight LC/MS

1290 ll-6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF

GC/MS System

7250 GC/Q-TOF (Mass quadrupole time of flight)

GPC/SEC System

1260 Infinity II Multi-Detector GPC/SEC System

InfinityLab Analytical-Scale LC Purification System

1260 Infinity II Analytical-Scale LC Purification System

Molecular Spectroscopy

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

Cary Eclipse Rapid Mix Accessory

UV-Vis System

Cary 60 UV-Vis

Benchtop FTIR Spectroscopy

Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

SureCycler 8800 Thermal Cycler

Real-Time PCR (qPCR) System

AriaMx Real-time PCR System

TapeStation Automated Electrophoresis

4200 TapeStation System


Bravo NGS Workstation

Bravo BenchCel Workstation

PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer

Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform

*For instrument reservation in FBS, click on each related link.