This project enhances approximately 3 acres of the existing back dunes in Manhattan Beach from 36th Street to 23rd Street, along approximately 0.6 miles of coastline. The project’s innovative approach will increase the extent and condition of a key ecosystem in the coastal area, including all of the functions and services dunes provide, such as habitat for endangered shorebirds, accretion of sediment, preventing coastal erosion, and sequestering carbon. In addition, coastal dunes provide a living shoreline to buffer coastal infrastructure from climate change, coastal storms, and sea level rise. This project will create a resilient shoreline that will provide educational and recreational opportunities to Manhattan Beach residents and visitors.

This project has three goals: 

  • Goal 1: Increase the resiliency of the shoreline through the restoration of sandy beach and foredune habitat
  • Goal 2: Implement soft-scape protection measures against sea level rise and coastal storm
  • Goal 3: Increase engagement of the community through enhanced beach experiences, outreach, and education

The development of the project will serve as a model for the region, exemplifying how nature-based solutions may be a cost-effective manner of providing protection to our beaches through restoring California’s ecosystems.