
The spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) threatens our native coastal ecosystems. Invasive species do not respect the arbitrary jurisdictional boundaries humans create, so it is critical to establish regional, national, and international partnerships to study and monitor invasive species, investigate potential pathways of introduction, and finally develop policies and tools to prevent the introduction and spread of these organisms. Equally important to research on aquatic invasive species is the development and dissemination of effective outreach and education methods, resources, and technical assistance to reduce the sale and potential spread of marine invasive species.

USC Sea Grant has developed a series of educational tools for a broad range of age groups to help educators teach about the impacts of invasive species and help stem the release on non-natives into our ecosystems. Explore these resources below.


A New Home for an Old Friend, Responsible Aquarium Stewardship

Cover page for the book "A new home for an old friend"

View this book

View Associated Curriculum


Invaders from Around the World Movie (English)

Invaders from Around the World Movie (Spanish)

Don’t Release a Pest

On a pier by the ocean a little girl is about to ‘set free’ her fish, but finds out how her good intentions could go wrong.Animated film targeting pet owners, specifically those that have aquarium tanks, to not release their pets and plants into the environment because they may become invasive. The film uses the invasion of Caulerpa taxifolia as an example for why people should not release pets or plants into the environment.

Contact Us

USC Sea Grant

3454 Trousdale Pkwy, CAS 200
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0373
(213) 740-1961


For More Information

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