Photo Gallery: “El Respiro” art project spotlights Latin American energy transition
Nearly two years of planning culminated this spring in a week of art activities sponsored by USC’s Wrigley Institute, Visions & Voices, and La Casa. Titled El Respiro/Respire, the project showcased work by Carolina Caycedo ’12, a USC Roski alumna. Caycedo is a Los Angeles-based Colombian artist whose practice centers environmental issues. El Respiro focused on Latin America’s transition to renewable energy, including the need for a transition that is equitable for all Latin American communities and people groups.
The project also served as the culmination of Caycedo’s participation in the Getty-helmed PST ART: Art & Science Collide program. As part of PST ART, Caycedo’s work was included in the Vincent Price Art Museum’s exhibition We Place Life at the Center/Situamos la vida en el centro.
El Respiro began with a multi-day retreat at the Wrigley Marine Science Center (WMSC) on Catalina Island. There, Caycedo and a group of Latin American community leaders met to create a themed tapestry. They also connected with the remote natural environment and brainstormed tactics for supporting a just energy transition.
From Brainstorming to Action
Following their retreat at WMSC, the group returned to USC’s University Park Campus. There, they held a public panel discussion on energy transition issues. Caycedo then led a large group of participants in a geochoreography, an art activation where people use their bodies to make words or images.
The group spelled out “Just Transition Now” and “Transicíon Justa Ya” by lying on the grass in USC’s McCarthy Quad. Participants were given red T-shirts to wear for the geochoreography, referencing the fact that red is often associated with emergencies.
” ‘Just transition’ is a transition that entails everyone,” said Caycedo in a pre-event interview for a story by USC News. ” ‘Now’ speaks to the climate emergency at this historical moment of our planet.”
The Wrigley Institute’s Allison Agsten, who curated El Respiro, pointed out that geochoreography allows participants to experience the power of joining forces for a shared goal.
“When we think of an art experience, most of us…think of ourselves as onlookers,” Agsten said to USC News. “This is an invitation to not just stand on the sidelines, but to get in there and be part of the group and do the work together.”
See below for photo galleries and a video of the El Respiro/Respire project. Unless otherwise noted, all photos by Nick Neumann/USC Wrigley Institute.