October 16th, 2012 – Bottomhood Is Powerful: Asian American Sexual Positionings, presented by Nguyen Tan Hoang (Bryn Mawr College)
From the speaker: “Advancing the concept of ‘gay Asian bottomhood,’ this talk examines the ways that anal erotics and bottom positioning refract the meanings of race, gender, sexuality, and nationality in American culture. I suggest that bottomhood simultaneously enables and constrains Asian American men in moving-image media. Gay male video pornography and sex cruising websites constitute case studies.”
Sponsored by USC’s Asian American Studies, American Studies and Ethnicity, the Center for Feminist Research, the Visual Studies Research Institute, and the Center for Transpacific Studies.
About the speaker: Nguyen Tan Hoang is Assistant Professor of English & Film Studies at Bryn Mawr College. His videos K.I.P, PIRATED!, and Forever Bottom! have screened at MoMA, The Getty Center, and the Georges Pompidou Center. His writings have appeared in Porn Studies, Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular, and Resolutions 3: Video Praxis in Global Spaces. Hoang is the author of A View from the Bottom, from Duke University Press.