Publications and Other News from STPL Faculty
Andrea Ballestero, Professor of Anthropology, recently received a Collaborative Research grant from the National Science Foundation (co-funded by its STS and Cultural Anthropology programs) for a project titled “Retooling at the Hydro-Frontier: Devices for Resource Extraction in the 21st Century.”
In April 2024, Nayan Shah, Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity and History, received the Phi Kappa Phi USC Faculty Recognition Award for his book Refusal to Eat: A Century of Prison Hunger Strikes (University of California Press, 2022). He was also elected to the Society of American Historians. In 2024–25, he is Huntington Library Los Angeles Times Distinguished Fellow while at work on a new project that concerns Asian American artistic perspectives on environment and embodiment. He appears in a creative documentary, DIS-EASE (2024, dir. Mariam Ghani), a provocation to rethink how we define both the “public” and “health” in public health, which premiered at the Tate Modern in August.
The City on Life Support: Los Angeles as a Laboratory for Planetary Health