The graduate certificate is open to Ph.D. students in any USC program. To complete the certificate, doctoral students are required to take one core course and three elective courses (see courses below).
In addition to the completion of these course requirements, students must demonstrate a focus on STS as a meaningful component of their doctoral dissertation. This will include working with faculty with expertise in STS on the doctoral committee (as a primary advisor or minor member). Faculty will be responsible for judging the adequacy of the STS component in the student’s dissertation. To apply for the certificate, contact
COMM 569/SOCI 653: Introduction to Science & Technology Studies
This course is designed to provide newcomers with an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Science & Technology Studies (STS) at the doctoral level. It presents canonical and contemporary scholarship, providing an overview of some of the major themes and issues that occupy the field, with attention to different disciplinary areas of application and concern. STS provides tools for critical analysis of the forms of political, epistemological, and cultural authority that underpin scientific knowledge and technological systems. We will read examples of sociological, historical, and ethnographic approaches to the study of knowledge production, its relationship to technology, and political and social order. This course will provide doctoral students with a cross-disciplinary foundation for analyzing the material and epistemological dimensions of their proposed independent research sites.
Pre-Approved Fall 2024 STS Elective Courses
VISS 599: Art & Science in the Gallery
Professor Daniela Bleichmar
In the Fall of 2024, cultural institutions throughout Southern California will host more than sixty simultaneous exhibitions exploring connections between art and science past, present, and future as part of “PST: Art and Science Collide.” Led by the Getty Foundation, PST is one of the most expansive art events in the world. Seizing the opportunity presented by this curatorial extravaganza, this graduate seminar will examine select examples of the relationship between art and science in a variety of historical moments and cultural contexts. Each week we will visit and analyze one or more exhibitions, often meeting with scholars and museum professionals. We will read and discuss texts from fields including visual studies, history of science, science studies, art history, history, anthropology, and museum studies. Students will also attend special events and programs. Students will develop a final research project that advances their own scholarly agenda and entails visits to additional exhibitions. The seminar is open to doctoral students in any program in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. It is approved for credit for the Visual Studies and STS graduate certificates.
COMM 647 Seminar on the Network Society
Professor Manuel Castells
This is an advanced research seminar that aims to explore and analyze the interaction between communication technology, society, economy, politics, and culture in an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. The focus of the seminar will be the generation of new knowledge on these issues. Students will be required to develop research and original thinking, and to engage in empirical, analytical work leading to research papers of publishable quality. Students are welcome to use the seminar to develop research related to their theses and dissertations.
COMM 652: Ethnographic Field Research
Professor Christina Dunbar-Hester
The course explores ethnography as research mode including theory and practice of ethnographic research; epistemological and political underpinnings of ethnographic research.
ANTH 608: Feminist Science and Technology Studies
Professor Andrea Ballestero
Offers an overview of the field of Feminist Science and Technology Studies combining historical and transnational approaches with future directions.
ENGL 620: Ecoaesthetics: Literature & Interdisciplinary Studies
Professor Devin Griffiths
In classical and enlightenment philosophy, humanity’s ability to make and appreciate art marked its distinction from non-human life. What if this were not true? How might art’s participation in natural systems recast the aesthetics of nature?
Our seminar will consider the intersection of aesthetic theory, ecocriticism, and ecological science from a series of perspectives. These will include a review of the history of traditional aesthetics, ranging from classical and Enlightenment aesthetic philosophy, to critiques of advanced by Horkheimer and Adorno, Sylvia Wynter, and Kandice Chuh. But it will also consider the ecology of aesthetics, in a series of readings developed from Charles Darwin, Elizabeth Grosz, Eduardo Kohn, Anna Tsing, and Robin Wall Kimmerer. We will lean also on ecofeminist theory, including work by Donna Haraway and Karen Barad, and recent work on the ecopoetics of African American and Pacific Islander poetry by Joshua Bennett , Craig Santos Perez, and others.
Refracted through these theoretical readings, we will examine a range of ecoaesthetic genres across various mediums, ranging from the work of early nature poets, to landscape painters, to mid-century nature writers, and “artist-activist” painters, film makers, and musicians celebrated by Rob Nixon, Stacey Alaimo, Jennifer Wenzel, and others. Seminar participants will also collaborate in identifying emergent eco-aesthetic genres and helping find the theorists best suited to thinking about them.
Sean Fraga ENST 499: Infrastructure and Environmental Justice in US History – 400 level, won’t count unless students do independent study to make it a grad course
Postoponed: Aro Velmet, HIstory: Readings in Science, Technology and Society
Pre-Approved Elective Courses
The following courses are pre-approved to apply toward the certificate. Other courses may be applied toward the certificate, as approved by the STS faculty advisor. One of these courses may be a research workshop geared toward doctoral prospectus development. Unless approved by the program director, directed research may not be counted towards the award of the certificate.
AMST 640: Race, Technology, Power
Taught by Professor Juan de Lara, this course will introduce graduate students to an emerging field of scholarship that examines how race, science, and technology are mutually constituted. We will draw from a number of academic disciplines, including science and technology studies, ethnic studies, critical race studies, and the social sciences.
The class is divided into three sections. Section one will use scientific objects and genetic coding to illustrate how racial thinking has been shaped by and been central to technological innovation. In section two, we will interrogate the multiple ways that race and technology have transformed governance and human subjectivity. The final section will focus on more recent efforts to contest entrenched networks of power and to push for social justice through online platforms.
AMST 700: Theories and Practices of Professional Development
This seminar is the “prospectus course,” in which each person completes a draft of his/her dissertation prospectus by the end of the Fall semester. Along the way, we will talk about how each dissertation project fits into the disciplines of American and Ethnic Studies, including practical matters of preparing for the job market and less tangible issues such as theories of these disciplines and their related scholarly and pedagogical practices.
COMM 573: Networked Publics: Theories & Encounters
This course introduces students to historical and contemporary debates around how publics are made, what they can look like, and what they should be. It traces normative models of the public across communication institutions and infrastructures, focusing on the role that networked information technologies play in how publics are imagined and realized.
CCOMM 574: Science & Technology Studies for Communication & Media Studies
How does knowledge acquire the status of fact, and how does it travel through the world? What is the relationship between science, technology, and social order? It’s tempting to see new technologies, especially new media technologies, as drivers of political and social change. But technological artifacts also embody the values and assumptions — and conflicts — of the societies that produce them, in complicated and surprising ways. This course provides an introduction to the field of Science & Technology Studies, examining the intersection of technology, knowledge, power, and society, with particular attention to cases and theories relevant to the study of communication and media. It takes as its premise that assumptions about society may come to be embodied in technological artifacts and technical knowledge, and undertakes to study how social relations get “inside” technology.
COMM 632: Cultures of Artificial Intelligence
Taught by Professor Jennifer Petersen, the course will draw on literatures including feminist STS, histories of technology, and social theory to investigate the development and implications of AI. The focus will be on a critical genealogy of concepts and forms of knowledge central to AI.
COMM 647: Network and Society
Advanced research seminar examining the interaction between communication technology, society, economy, politics and culture from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives.
COMM 652: Ethnographic Field Research in Communication
Taught by Professor Christina Dunbar-Hester, the course explores ethnography as research mode including theory and practice of ethnographic research; epistemological and political underpinnings of ethnographic research.
CSCI 631: Privacy in the World of Big Data
Privacy challenges that arise in the world driven by data. An overview of algorithmic and technical approaches to addressing them.
Recommended Preparation: thorough understanding of algorithms, proof-based mathematics, and basic probability.
ENGL 509: Marx, Darwin, and the Evolution of Social Theory
Taught by Professor Devin Griffiths, this course will examine the dialogue between two of the nineteenth century’s most influential theorists of social change, while tracing their impact on later discussions of race, aesthetics, labor, and environmental thought.
ENGL 610: Theory at the End of the World: Ecocriticism, Apocalypse, and the Anthropocene
How do we think the end of our world? How might our writing shape the world to come? These questions will be central to our seminar, which will examine major works of ecocriticism, systems thinking, and organic theory to explore how a variety of writers have conceived the world as an integrated ecology, and how such conceptions of the world system inform out attempts to deal with climate change and the dawn of the Anthropocene.
LBST 572: Controversies in Science, Medicine and Ethics
Focus on how scientific developments drive ethical issues in medicine. Exploration of ethical dimensions of issues such as stem cells, genetic engineering and reproductive technology.