This course is designed to give students firsthand experience in the world of politics. Placements are available with elected officials, political consultants, non-governmental organizations, state and local government agencies, environmental organizations, political parties and campaigns, interest groups, political media and more. Internships provide exciting opportunities to participate in the political process and help students gain insight into the nature of political institutions and learn about important policy debates.  Internship opportunities also help students obtain practical experience and build invaluable relationships with potential future employers, all while earning college credit.

POSC 395: California Policy Research Internship

USC students who enroll in POSC 395: California Policy Research Internship will have the opportunity to conduct extensive research and analysis on a major public policy challenge facing California.

Students will take part in a team-based research project where they will work to develop potential solutions in their respective policy areas by conducting interviews with policy experts and reviewing academic and policy reports and other primary and secondary sources.  At the conclusion of their internship, each policy group will present their work to leaders in the realm of policy, politics, and public service.

How to Receive Course Credit

You must meet with an Internship Associate to pursue these internship opportunities.  If you wish to obtain an internship through the Center for the Political Future’s Unruh Institute of Politics, please contact or for more information. You receive course credit by enrolling in POSC 395. This course requires D-Clearance. You must complete an internship agreement form signed by both you and the supervisor at the office where you will be working before you can receive D-Clearance.

Career Possibilities

Political Science students have a vast array of career options to explore with a POSC degree or minor, such as

  • Policy Analyst
  • Foreign Service Worker
  • Media Specialist
  • Journalist
  • Urban Policy Planner
  • Educator
  • Political Consultant
  • Historical Archivist/Researcher
  • attend law school or business school
  • pursue graduate-level degrees in a number of the humanities

Other Career and Internship Resources

Visit USC’s Career Center for more post-graduation planning and career guidance.

And you should always feel free to make an appointment with POSC’s Academic Advising Office to discuss internship opportunities and career possibilities.