Philip J. Ethington is professor of history and political science at USC, North American editor and multimedia editor of the journal Urban History and co-director (with Tara McPherson) of the USC Center for Transformative Scholarship. An interdisciplinary historian, Ethington’s scholarship explores the past as a cartography of time. Recent work includes sociological studies of residential segregation, large-format maps of urban historical change, interactive Web 2.0 tools, and museum exhibit collaborations. He is co-PI of the HyperCities project (funded in part by the MacArthur Foundation and HASTAC). Most recently, Ethington co-wrote the award-winning film Visual Acoustics: The Modernism of Julius Shulman. His photography and cartography have been published and exhibited internationally. He is currently completing a large-format graphic book, interactive online publication, and public art exhibit titled Ghost Metropolis: Los Angeles, since 13,000 Before Present.