Profile picture and text: 50 FOR 50 STORIES: Story #20: Carla CollierStory #20: Carla Collier

Cultural awareness and sensitivity are core to all of JEP’s programs. To help students navigate the diversity of our campus and the communities we work with, every student who wants to do a JEP assignment receives at least one training on how to engage with people who might have a different background than oneself.

While this is a great tool for all of our students, today we wanted to share a unique perspective of one of our current student staff members. Carla Collier is currently working for ReadersPlus – transitioning from Coordinator to Graduate Math Director this summer. As an international student, she has a unique perspective on cultural awareness. She also has special appreciation for the experiences she has made and the things she has learned through her involvement with JEP.

Any international student knows that learning from other cultures is a big motivating factor to study in a different country. With that comes the challenge of needing to take a step back and understanding the new culture one enters and appreciating the fact that one’s own experience is limited. You’re entering an area that is unfamiliar to you – with new rules, customs, and people.This is similar to the experience many JEP students have when they start their assignments.

“I think it is important that our students understand that they cannot just walk into a classroom and think that they know more about a student’s life than the student themselves,” Carla shared. “They sometimes make a lot of assumptions that are often not true or helpful. Kind of like if I came to the US thinking I know what every American is like.” In that way, her international background helps her help the students she works with understand the complexity of working in unfamiliar environments or with people from different backgrounds.

“People with different experiences coming together is so valuable and helps you be a better human being because you explore and empathize with other perspectives. I love JEP and I love Readers because they give us a great space and opportunity to do that” she concluded.