Info for Faculty

Campus Resources

  • Campus Support & Intervention (CSI) is an office within Campus Wellbeing and Crisis Intervention. They are a team of professionals available to assist current students, faculty, and staff in navigating complex issues. Whether you are seeking support for yourself or someone else, CSI is available to help you problem solve, understand options, and connect with resources.

    Tutor Campus Center, TCC Suite 421
    Los Angeles, CA 90089
    (213) 740-0411

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  • Campus Wellbeing and Crisis Intervention (CWCI) is a one stop shop serving the entire USC community. It addresses concerns and questions, and provides support, trouble-shooting, threat assessment, advocacy, education, referrals and crisis response and support. It is the place where people go to seek support for themselves and the community and where people receive answers and options to learn how to proceed to resolve a concern or situation or just to improve themselves or their teams.

    3607 Trousdale Parkway
    Tutor Campus Center, TCC Suite 421
    Los Angeles, CA 90089-3102
    (213) 740-0411

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  • The Interactive Process Center of Expertise (IPCOE) supports employees with disabilities, their managers, and HR Partners to determine and implement reasonable accommodations in the workplace.

    3601 Watt Way GFS, Suite 120
    Los Angeles CA 90089

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  • The Office of Academic Integrity supports a culture of academic integrity by promoting student learning, holding students accountable in the learning and research processes, supporting faculty in creating learning environments, and partnering with the campus community to fairly and consistently enforce academic policies.

    Student Union Building, 206
    3601 Trousdale Pkwy
    Los Angeles, CA 90089-4894
    (213) 764-4163

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  • The Office of Athletic Compliance is dedicated to assisting all coaches, student-athletes, USC faculty and staff, community members, former and future Trojans and all supporters of USC Athletics in complying with NCAA and Pac-12.

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  • The Office of Community Expectations works to provide preventative education regarding student behavior policies to students and Recognized Student Organizations. This office works together with other key members of the university community including staff, faculty, parents, and alumni to implement the university’s Unifying Values as it relates to students and community expectations.

    Student Union Building, 206
    3601 Trousdale Pkwy
    Los Angeles, CA 90089-0894
    (213) 821-7373

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  • 3500 S. Figueroa St., UGB 105
Los Angeles, CA 90089-8007
    Tel: (213) 740-8258
    Fax: (213) 740-9657

    Help & Hotline
    (213) 740-2500
    (800) 348-7454 (toll free)

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  • The Office of Professionalism and Ethics (OPE) serves as a central clearinghouse for complaints and the subsequent tracking of those complaints at USC’s University Park and Health Sciences campuses and all university programs and affiliates.

    3551 Trousdale Pkwy., ADM
    360 Los Angeles, CA 90089
    (213) 740-5755

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  • Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) is responsible for ensuring equal access for students with disabilities in compliance with state and federal law. OSAS serves undergraduate, graduate and professional students; on-ground and on-line students; and students in all credit-granting courses and programs of study.
    (213) 740-0776

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  • Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP) works to prevent and respond to gender- and power-based harm including sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. RSVP provides an advocate team for 24/7 response.
    (213) 740-WELL (9355)

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  • The USC Report & Response website is an easy-to-use portal where USC community members (students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors) can make a report – anonymously if preferred – of an incident they have witnessed or experienced that violates university policies or goes against our Unifying Values.

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  • USC Trojans Care for Trojans (TC4T) is an initiative within the Office of Campus Wellbeing and Crisis Intervention that empowers USC students, faculty and staff to take action when they are concerned about a fellow Trojan challenged with personal difficulties. This private and anonymous request form provides an opportunity for Trojans to help a member of our Trojan Family.

    Tutor Campus Center, TCC Suite 421
    Los Angeles, CA 90089
    (213) 740-0411

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  • The USC Culture Journey is a university-wide initiative to explore USC’s values, align the supportive behaviors that bring those values to life, and develop opportunities to improve systems and processes.

    3500 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 105
    Los Angeles, CA 90089
    Office of Culture, Ethics and Compliance

    (213) 740-8258

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  • The USC WorkWell Center (formerly known as the Center for Work and Family Life) provides programs, resources, and services to USC benefits-eligible faculty, staff, post-docs, and retirees that help them thrive in all areas of work-life wellness.

    UPC – Figueroa Building
    3535 S Figueroa St, Suite E202
    Los Angeles, CA 90007

    HSC – Soto 1 Building
    1845 N Soto St #112
    Los Angeles, CA 900
    (213) 821-0800

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