GE-G, Equity in a Diverse World
About Courses in GE-G
Courses in this category enhance understanding of citizenship and moral agency in today’s increasingly global society, exploring differences and similarities across diverse communities and cultures. Within its particular context, each course considers how the dynamics of race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, tribal and/or national identity have led to conflicts, violence, inequality or domination around the world and in the contemporary United States. Courses engage questions of social responsibility, equity, and citizenship confronting political, social, legal, or economic institutions during the present global era.
The following courses have been approved to satisfy the GE-G, Equity in a Diverse World requirement. Courses that meet this category are indicated with “w” suffix. This list also notes any additional GE requirements the course may satisfy.
updated: 3/3/2025
American Studies and Ethnicity
AMST 101mgw, Race and Class in Los Angeles
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 135mgw, Peoples and Cultures of the Americas
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 140gw, Borderlands in a Global Context
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 150gw, The American War in Viet Nam
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 215gw, Race and Mixed Race
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 220gmw, The Making of Asian America
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 250mgw, The African Diaspora
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 252mgw, Black Social Movements in the U.S.
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 274mw, Exploring Ethnicity through Film
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.AMST 325gw, The Middle East in Hollywood
also satisfies GE-A and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementAMST 331gw, The Black Atlantic: Narratives of Migration and Travel
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
ANTH 273gw, Shamans, Spirits and Ancestors: Non-Western Religious Traditions
Effective Fall 2023, ANTH 273 satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement. As of Fall 2024, it also satisfies GE-G.ANTH 313mw, Water
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
effective Fall 2024ANTH 315gw, Native North Americans
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementANTH 324gw, Contemporary China: Cultural Politics and Social Realities
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Business Communication
BUCO 333mw, Communication in the Working World – Managing Diversity
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
Cinema and Media Studies
CTCS 150gw, Vision of Diversity in the Cinematic Arts
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
Comparative Literature
COLT 382gw, Zen and Taoism in Asian Literature
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementCOLT 395w, Urban Crossroads: Budapest
This course dose not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
COMM 324mw, Intercultural Communication
This course does not satisfy any other GE requirement.
Critical Studies
CRIT 350gw, Global Art, Design and Visual Culture since 1960
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
DANC 312gw, African American Dance
also satisfies GE-ADANC 333gw, Origins of Jazz Dance
also satisfies GE-A
Dramatic Arts
THTR 476mw, African American Theatre, Dance, and Performance
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.THTR 488mw, Theatre in the Community
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
East Asian Languages and Cultures
EALC 150gw, Global Chinese Cinema and Cultural Studies
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementEALC 255gw, Southeast Asian Literature and Film
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
FREN 260gw, Global Women’s Narratives
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementFREN 270gw, Black Europe
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementFREN 375mgw, Global Narratives of Illness and Disability
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Gender and Sexuality Studies
SWMS 210mgw, Social Analysis of Gender
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementSWMS 215gw, Introduction to Gender and Sexuality: International Perspectives
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies
HP 365mgw, Culture, Lifestyle, and Health
also satisfies GE-C
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
HIST 210gw, How to Be An American: Global Histories of U.S. Citizenship
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementHIST 265gw, Racism, Sexism, and the Law
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
International Relations
IR 101xgw, International Relations
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementIR 210gw, International Relations: Introductory Analysis
also satisfies GE-C
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.IR 305w, Managing New Global Challenges
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.IR 308w, Economic Globalization
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.IR 382w, Order and Disorder in Global Affairs
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.IR 424w, Citizenship and Migration in International Politics
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.IR 444w, Theories of Global Society
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
JOUR 200w, The Power and Responsibility of the Press
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
Judaic Studies
JS 150gw, Jewish Histories of the Modern Middle East
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
effective Fall 2024JS 211gw, The Holocaust
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementJS 328gw, Blacks and Jews: Conflicts and Alliances
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementJS 402w, Jews, Judaism and Race
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
effective Spring 2024
LAW 101w, Law and the U.S. Constitution in Global History
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.LAW 200w, Law and Society
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.LAW 250w, Children and the Law
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.LAW 310w, Global Justice for Mass Atrocities and Genocide
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
LING 115gw, Language and Society
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Medical Education
MDED 387w, Community, Advocacy and Health Justice
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
Middle East Studies
MDES 201w, The Middle East: Global and Environmental Perspectives
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.MDES 441w, Cities of the Middle East
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
MUSC 102gw, World Music
also satisfies GE-AMUSC 200mgw, The Broadway Musical: Reflections of American Diversity
also satisfies GE-AMUSC 250mgw, The Music of Black Americans
also satisfies GE-AMUSC 320mgw, Hip-hop Music and Culture
also satisfies GE-A
Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Science
RXRS 202w, Comparative Neuropharmacology: A Kaleidoscope of Experiences
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.RXRS 413w, Globalization of the Biomedical Industry
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
PHIL 166gw, Current Moral and Social Issues
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementPHIL 172mgw, Social Ethics for Earthlings and Others
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementPHIL 174gw, Freedom, Equality, and Social Justice
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementPHIL 176gw, Feminist Philosophy
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
effective Spring 2025PHIL 178gw, Moral Dilemmas in the Legal Domain
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementPHIL 260gw, Ethical Theory and Practice
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Political Science
POSC 248gw, Human Rights
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementPOSC 265gw, Environmental Challenges
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
PBHS 301g, Science and Practice of Building Resilience
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
effective Fall 2025
Public Diplomacy
PUBD 369w, Public Diplomacy and Global Citizenship
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
Quantitative Biology
QBIO 115w, Ethics in Biology, Medicine and Statistics
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
REL 336w, Re-Viewing Religion in Asian America
This course does not satisfy an additional GE requirement.
Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLL 310gw, The Eastern European Jewish Experience: Literature and Film
also satisfies GE-B and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
effective Fall 2024
SOCI 100mgw, Los Angeles and the American Dream
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementSOCI 225gw, Sociology of Health and the Body
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementSOCI 250mgw, Grassroots Participation in Global Perspective
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Spatial Sciences
SSCI 165Lgw, Sustainability Science in the City
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirementSSCI 175gw, Food, Health and Place
also satisfies GE-C and the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
Thematic Option
CORE 104gw, Change and the Future: Thematic Option Honors Program
also satisfies GE-C
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for students in Thematic Option.