Dornsife Core Literacy (DCL)
About Approved Dornsife Core Literacy Courses
All students must complete at least two Core Literacy classes (in Categories GE-A through GE-F) at USC in Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The courses listed on this page satisfy this requirement. Also noted on this list are any additional GE requirements a course may satisfy.
updated: 3/6/2025
Art History
AHIS 100g, Introduction to Visual Culture
also satisfies GE-BAHIS 120gp, Foundations of Western Art: Prehistoric to Renaissance
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HAHIS 121gp, Foundations of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HAHIS 125gp, Arts of Asia I: Antiquity to 1300
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HAHIS 126g, Arts of Asia II: 1300 to the Present
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 127g, Arts of the Ancient Americas
also satisfies GE-BAHIS 128gp, The Arts and Society in Latin America, Colonial to Contemporary
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HAHIS 201g, Digging into the Past
also satisfies GE-BAHIS 215g, Studies in Architecture and Urbanism
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 220g, Medieval Visual Culture
satisfies GE-AAHIS 240g, Introduction to American Art
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 250mg, Art, Modernity and Difference
satisfies GE-AAHIS 255g, Culture Wars: Art and Social Conflict in the Modern World
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 304mg, Art, Power and Identity in Renaissance Italy
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 361g, British Modernism, 1780-1918
Effective Fall 2024, AHIS 361 also satisfies GE-A.AHIS 366g, Picturing Democracy: American Art and Visual Culture, 1750-1900
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 367g, Early American Modernism: American Art and Visual Culture
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 370g, Modern Art III: 1940 to the Present
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 373g, History and Theory of Photography
also satisfies GE-AAHIS 381g, Visual Cultures of Asia
also satisfies GE-B
American Studies and Ethnicity
AMST 101mgw, Race and Class in Los Angeles
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 135mgw, Peoples and Cultures of the Americas
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 140gw, Borderlands in a Global Context
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 150gw, The American War in Viet Nam
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GAMST 200mg, Introduction to American Studies and Ethnicity
also satisfies GE-CAMST 201g, LGBTQ America
also satisfies GE-BAMST 204g, Introduction to Native Studies
also satisfies GE-CAMST 205g, Introduction to American Popular Culture
also satisfies GE-BAMST 206mg, Politics and Culture of the 1960s
also satisfies GE-BAMST 211g, Sex in America
also satisfies GE-CAMST 215gw, Race and Mixed Race
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 220mgw, The Making of Asian America
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 230g, Introduction to African American Studies
also satisfies GE-CAMST 250mgw, The African Diaspora
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 252mgw, Black Social Movements in the U.S.
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GAMST 285mg, African American Popular Culture
also satisfies GE-CAMST 301gp, America, the Frontier, and the New West
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HAMST 325g, The Middle East in Hollywood
also satisfies GE-AAMST 331gw, The Black Atlantic: Narratives of Migration and Travel
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
ANTH 101g, Body, Mind and Healing: Introduction to Medical Anthropology
also satisfies GE-CANTH 140g, Mesoamerican Cosmovision and Culture
also satisfies GE-CANTH 201g, Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
also satisfies GE-CANTH 202g, Archaeology: Our Human Past
also satisfies GE-CANTH 203g, Global Media
also satisfies GE-CANTH 205g, Introduction to Global Studies and Cross-cultural Research
also satisfies GE-CANTH 220g, Anthropology of the Environment
also satisfies GE-C
effective Fall 2023ANTH 235g, The Changing Pacific: History, Culture, Politics
also satisfies GE-CANTH 250g, Race and Sexual Politics in Southeast Asia
also satisfies GE-CANTH 263g, Exploring Culture Through Film
also satisfies GE-CANTH 273gw, Shamans, Spirits and Ancestors: Non-Western Religious Traditions
Effective Fall 2023, ANTH 273 satisfies the requirement in GE-C and the requirement in GE-G as of Fall 2024.ANTH 301g, The Global Performance of Healing
also satisfies GE-CANTH 310g, Archaeology of the Americas
also satisfies GE-C
effective Fall 2024ANTH 314g, The Nature of Maya Civilization
also satisfies GE-CANTH 315gw, North American Indians
also satisfies GE-C, GE-GANTH 316mgp, North American Indians in American Public Life
also satisfies GE-C, GE-HANTH 324gw, Contemporary China: Cultural Politics and Social Realities
also satisfies GE-C, GE-GANTH 332g, Anthropology and Narrative Medicine
also satisfies GE-CANTH 333gm, Forms of Folklore
also satisfies GE-CANTH 338g, Food in Culture and Society
also satisfies GE-CANTH 344g, Social Memory
also satisfies GE-CANTH 357g, Cultures of Genocide, Cultures of Care
also satisfies GE-CANTH 371gm, Cross-Cultural Research on Urban Gangs
also satisfies GE-CANTH 377g, Archaeological Interpretation of Complex Societies
also satisfies GE-C
ARCG 305Lg, Virtual and Digital Culture, Heritage and Archaeology
also satisfies GE-B
ASTR 100Lxg, The Universe
also satisfies GE-EASTR 200Lg, Life in the Universe
also satisfies GE-E
Biological Sciences
BISC 101Lxg, Cellular and Molecular Biology
also satisfies GE-DBISC 102Lxg, Humans and Their Environment
also satisfies GE-DBISC 103xg, General Biology for the Environment and Life
also satisfies GE-DBISC 104Lxg, How the Body Works
also satisfies GE-DBISC 110g, Good Genes, Bad Genes
also satisfies GE-DBISC 112Lxg, Data, Denial or Doom?: Talking about Climate Change
also satisfies GE-DBISC 115Lxg, The Biology of Food
also satisfies GE-DBISC 120Lg, General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.BISC 121Lg, Advanced General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.BISC 140g, Our Blue Planet in a Changing Climate
also satisfies GE-DBISC 150Lxg, The Nature of Human Health and Disease
also satisfies GE-DBISC 180Lxg, Evolution
also satisfies GE-DBISC 220Lg, General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.BISC 221Lg, Advanced General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.BISC 230Lg, The Biology of the Brain
also satisfies GE-DBISC 305g, Statistics for the Biological Sciences
also satisfies GE-FBISC 320Lg, Molecular Biology
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
CHEM 103Lxg, General Chemistry for the Environment and Life
also satisfies GE-ECHEM 105aLg, General Chemistry
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.CHEM 107Lg, General Chemistry for Chemistry Majors
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.CHEM 115aLg, Advanced General Chemistry
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.CHEM 204Lg, Pandemics Shaping Our World: Past, Present and Future
also satisfies GE-DCHEM 205Lxg, Chemical Forensics: The Science, and Its Impact
also satisfies GE-E
CLAS 150gp, The Greeks and their Legacies,
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCLAS 151gp, The Legacy of Rome
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCLAS 160gp, Ancient Lives
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCLAS 170gp, Classics of Music and Literature: from Ancient Greece through Contemporary L.A.
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HCLAS 180g, Classic Mythology and the Mythic Imagination
also satisfies GE-BCLAS 190g, History of Science: Antiquity to the Scientific Revolution
also satisfies GE-CCLAS 195gp, Nature and Environment in Ancient Mediterranean Culture
also satisfies GE-B and GE-H
effective Fall 2023CLAS 275g, The Byzantine Empire, 324 – 1453
also satisfies the Dornsife Core Literacy requirement
effective Spring 2025CLAS 280gp, Classical Mythology in Art and Literature
also satisfies GE-A and GE-HCLAS 320mgp, Diversity and the Classical Western Tradition
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCLAS 337gp, Ancient Drama
satisfies GE-B and GE-HCLAS 348g, Athens in the Age of Democracy and Empire
also satisfies GE-BCLAS 349gp, Ancient Empires
also satisfies GE-C and GE-H
Comparative Literature
COLT 101gp, Masterpieces and Masterminds: Literature and Thought
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCOLT 102g, On Location: The Place of Literature in Global Cultures
also satisfies GE-BCOLT 250g, Cultures of Latin America
also satisfies GE-BCOLT 251g, Modern Literature and Thought of the West Since 1800
also satisfies GE-BCOLT 264gp, Asian Aesthetic and Literature Traditions
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCOLT 360gp, Fictions of Africa
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HCOLT 374mg, Women Writers in Europe and America
also satisfies GE-BCOLT 382gw, Zen and Taoism in Asian Literature
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
East Asian Languages and Cultures
EALC 110gp, East Asian Humanities: The Great Tradition
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 125g, Introduction to Contemporary East Asian Cinema and Culture
also satisfies GE-BEALC 130gp, Introduction to East Asian Ethical Thought
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 145g, Introduction to Chinese Culture, Art and Literature
also satisfies GE-BEALC 150gw, Global Chinese Cinema and Cultural Studies
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GEALC 255gw, Southeast Asian Literature and Film
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GEALC 333g, Introduction to Korean Film
Effective Fall 2024, EALC 333 satisfies the GE-A requirement. This course will only satisfy the GE-B requirement if taken between Fall 2015 and Summer 2024.EALC 340gp, Japanese Civilization
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 342gp, Japanese Literature and Culture
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 344gp, Korean Culture from Ancient to Modern Times
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 346g, Hallyu, the Korean Wave
also satisfies GE-BEALC 350gp, Chinese Civilization
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HEALC 352g, Chinese Literature and Culture
also satisfies GE-BEALC 354g, Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
also satisfies GE-BEALC 358g, Transnational Chinese Literature and Culture
also satisfies GE-BEALC 360g, Performing Japan: Bodies, Media, and Textuality
also satisfies GE-A
East Asian Studies
EASC 150gp, East Asian Societies
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HEASC 160mgp, China and the World
also satisfies GE-C and GE-H
ECON 203g, Principles of Microeconomics
also satisfies GE-FECON 205g, Principles of Macroeconomics
also satisfies GE-F
ENGL 170g, The Monster and the Detective
also satisfies GE-BENGL 172g, The Art of Poetry
also satisfies GE-BENGL 174g, Reading the Heart: Emotional Intelligence and the Humanities
also satisfies GE-BENGL 176g, Los Angeles: the City, the Novel, the Movie
also satisfies GE-BENGL 200g, Introduction to Colonialism/Postcolonialism
also satisfies GE-BENGL 230g, Shakespeare and His Times
also satisfies GE-BENGL 233g, Jane Austen and Her World
also satisfies GE-B
effective Spring 2025ENGL 261g, English Literature to 1800
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors. Registration in the course requires permission from the English department.ENGL 262g, English Literature since 1800
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors. Registration in the course requires permission from the English department.ENGL 263g, American Literature
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors. Registration in the course requires permission from the English department.ENGL 270g, Studying Narrative
also satisfies GE-BENGL 280g, Introduction to Narrative Medicine
also satisfies GE-BENGL 297g, Introduction to the Genre of Nonfiction
also satisfies GE-BENGL 298g, Introduction to the Genre of Fiction
also satisfies GE-BENGL 299g, Introduction to the Genre of Poetry
also satisfies GE-BENGL 325g, Premodern Wonders: Magic, Monsters and Marvels
also satisfies GE-BENGL 333g, Literature of Gandhi’s India
also satisfies GE-BENGL 342g, Women in English and American Literature after 1800
also satisfies GE-BENGL 344gm, Sexual/Textual Diversity
satisfies GE-BENGL 350g, Literature of California
also satisfies GE-BENGL 352g, Bookpacking
satisfies GE-BENGL 355g, Anglo-American Law and Literature: Conceptions of Tyranny
also satisfies GE-BENGL 361g, Contemporary Prose
also satisfies GE-BENGL 362g, Contemporary Poetry
also satisfies GE-BENGL 363g, Contemporary Drama
also satisfies GE-BENGL 371g, Literary Genres and Film
also satisfies GE-BENGL 373g, Literature and Society
also satisfies GE-BENGL 376g, Comics and Graphic Novels
also satisfies GE-B
Environmental Studies
ENST 100g, Introduction to Environmental Studies
also satisfies GE-CENST 150xg, Environmental Issues in Society
also satisfies GE-C
FREN 260gw, Global Women’s Narratives
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GFREN 270gw, Black Europe
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GFREN 272gp, Medicine, Health and the Body in Literature and Culture
This course also satisfies GE-B and GE-H. Effective Fall 2025, FREN 272 is the same as FREN 372.FREN 307g, Public Memory and the Ghosts of History
also satisfies GE-BFREN 320g, The French New Wave and its Legacy
also satisfies GE-AFREN 347g, Race, Gender, and Power in Francophone Literature
also satisfies GE-BFREN 370mg, Equality and Difference around the Enlightenment
also satisfies GE-BFREN 372gp, Medicine, Health and the Body in Literature and Culture
This course also satisfies GE-B and GE-H. Effective only from Spring 2022 to Spring 2025. Starting in Fall 2025, FREN 372 will be renumbered to FREN 272.FREN 373g, Remembering Loss, Writing Memory
also satisfies GE-BFREN 375mgw, Global Narratives of Illness and Disability
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
Gender and Sexuality Studies
SWMS 105g, Identity Development of the Contemporary Female
also satisfies GE-CSWMS 106g, Identity Development of the Contemporary Male
Effective Summer 2023, SWMS 106 is no longer offered.SWMS 210mgw, Social Analysis of Gender
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GSWMS 212gp, Introduction to Gender and Sexuality: American Perspectives
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HSWMS 215gw, Introduction to Gender and Sexuality: International Perspectives
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GSWMS 219gp, Introduction to Feminist Theory
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HSWMS 221g, Introduction to Queer Theory
also satisfies GE-BSWMS 227gp, Death and Gender in Urban Contexts
also satisfies GE-B and GE-H
General Education Seminars
GE Seminars are only available for freshmen.
GESM 110g, Seminar in the Arts
also satisfies GE-AGESM 120g, Seminar in Humanistic Inquiry
also satisfies GE-BGESM 130g, Seminar in Social Analysis
also satisfies GE-CGESM 140g, Seminar in the Life Sciences
also satisfies GE-DGESM 150Lg, Seminar in the Physical Sciences
also satisfies GE-EGESM 160g, Seminar in Quantitative Reasoning
also satisfies GE-F
Geological Sciences
GEOL 105Lg, Planet Earth
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 107Lg, Oceanography
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 108Lg, Crises of a Planet
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 125Lg, Earth History: A Planet and Its Evolution
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 126Lg, The History of Life on Earth: A View from the Museum
also satisfies GE-DGEOL 130Lg, The Nature of Scientific Inquiry
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 145g, Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
also satisfies GE-FGEOL 150Lg, Climate Change
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 157Lg, The Logic of Climate Change: From Data to Deeds
also satisfies GE-FGEOL 160Lg, Introduction to Geosystems
vsatisfies GE-EGEOL 165g, Metals and Life on Earth
also satisfies GE-DGEOL 240Lg, Earthquakes
also satisfies GE-EGEOL 241Lg, Energy Systems
also satisfies GE-E
GERM 360g, Twentieth Century German Prose: Texts and Films
also satisfies GE-BGERM 372g, Literature and Culture in Berlin in the 1920s
also satisfies GE-BGERM 375, The German Exile Experience
also satisfies GE-B
HIST 100mg, The American Experience
also satisfies GE-BHIST 101gp, State and Society in the Ancient World
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HHIST 102mg, The Worlds of Medieval Europe
also satisfies GE-BHIST 103g, The Emergence of Modern Europe
also satisfies GE-BHIST 104gp, Modern Europe
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HHIST 105g, The Korean Past
also satisfies GE-BHIST 106g, Chinese Lives: An Introduction to Chinese History
also satisfies GE-BHIST 107gp, Introduction to the History of Japan
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HHIST 108g, Histories of South Asia
also satisfies GE-BHIST 109g, The Latin American Experience
also satisfies GE-BHIST 110g, History of Early Africa
also satisfies GE-CHIST 111g, African History Since 1880
also satisfies GE-CHIST 185g, A Survey of Armenian History
also satisfies GE-BHIST 210gw, How to Be An American: Global Histories of U.S. Citizenship
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GHIST 211gp, Race in America
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HHIST 220gp, Murder on Trial in America
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HHIST 225g, Film, Power, and American History
also satisfies GE-CHIST 235g, War and the American Experience
also satisfies GE-BHIST 237gp, Fascism
satisfies GE-C and GE-HHIST 240gp, History of California
also GE-B and GE-HHIST 245mgp, How Sex Changed: US History, 1870-the Present
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HHIST 250g, Climate Change: Science, History, and Solutions
also satisfies GE-CHIST 251gp, History of Science, Technology and Medicine
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HHIST 260g, Dramatizations of Korean History
also satisfies GE-AHIST 265gw, Racism, Sexism, and the Law
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GHIST 266gp, Business and East Asian Culture, 1800-Present
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HHIST 268g, Kings, Courts, and Clerics: Foundations of East Asian Political Culture
also satisfies GE-CHIST 271g, Telling Native American Stories
also satisfies GE-BHIST 272g, Women and Gender in the Ancient and Spanish Americas
also satisfies GE-BHIST 275g, The Worlds of the Silk Road
also satisfies GE-BHIST 278gp, Ottomans and Empire: Anatolia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean World
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HHIST 393g, Quantitative Historical Analysis
also satisfies GE-F
Human Biology
HBIO 200Lg, The Human Animal
also satisfies GE-DHBIO 202g, Nutrition for Life
also satisfies GE-DHBIO 205Lxg, The Science of Sport
also satisfies GE-DHBIO 250g, The Pharmacology of Performance-Enhancing Drugs
also satisfies GE-D
International Relations
IR 101xgw, International Relations
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GIR 210gw, International Relations: Introductory Analysis
also satisfies GE-C and GE-G
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors.IR 211g: International Relations: Approaches to Research
also satisfies GE-F
ITAL 300g, Inventing Modern Italy
also satisfies GE-BITAL 340g, Italian and French Cinema and Society
also satisfies GE-AITAL 350g, Gender and Sexuality in Renaissance Italy
also satisfies GE-BITAL 360g, Italian Cinema
also satisfies GE-AITAL 382g, Dante
also satisfies GE-B
Judaic Studies
JS 100gp, Jewish History
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HJS 150gw, Jewish Histories of the Modern Middle East
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
effective Fall 2024JS 170gp, Exploring the Hebrew Bible
also satisfies GE-B and GE-H
effective Spring 2024JS 180gp, Judaism
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HJS 211gw, The Holocaust
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GJS 258gp, Food, Faith and Conflict
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HJS 314gp, Holy War And History: Jews, Christians, Muslims
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HJS 315g, Anti-Semitism, Racism and Other Hatreds
also satisfies GE-BJS 320g, The Sephardic World
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
effective Spring 2025JS 328gw, Blacks and Jews: Conflicts and Alliances
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GJS 370gp, Digs and Dispute: Religion and Archaeology in Israel
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HJS 379gm, Mixing and Matching: Intermarriage in 21st Century
also satisfies GE-CJS 382g, Judaism as an American Religion
also satisfies GE-C
LING 110g, In a Word
also satisfies GE-DLING 115gw, Language and Society
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GLING 210g, Introduction to Linguistics
also satisfies GE-FLING 275Lg, Language and Mind
also satisfies GE-DLING 285Lg, Human Language and Technology
also satisfies GE-ELING 322g, Language Contact and Language Acquisition
also satisfies GE-BLING 325g, Language and Number
also satisfies GE-FLING 385Lg, Human Language as Computation
also satisfies GE-F
MATH 108g, Contemporary Precalculus
also satisfies GE-FMATH 114xg, Foundations of Statistics
also satisfies GE-FMATH 117g, Introduction to Mathematics for Business and Economics
also satisfies GE-FMATH 118xg, Fundamental Principles in Calculus
also satisfies GE-FMATH 125g, Calculus I
also satisfies GE-FMATH 126g, Calculus II
also satisfies GE-F
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.MATH 226g, Calculus III
also satisfies GE-F
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.
Middle East Studies
MDES 213gp, Iran: From Antiquity to Modernity
also satisfies GE-C and GE-HMDES 301g, The Global Middle East
also satisfies GE-CMDES 320g, Arabic Literature: Classical to Contemporary
also satisfies GE-B
effective Spring 2024MDES 325g, Politics of Film and Literature in Modern Iran
also satisfies GE-BMDES 340g, The United States and the Middle East
also satisfies GE-C
effective Spring 2024MDES 342g, Arab Intellectuals in Question
also satisfies GE-CMDES 343g, Modern Arab Culture and Literature
also satisfies GE-BMDES 355g, Arab-Israeli Conflict
also satisfies GE-C
PHIL 100g, Central Problems of Philosophy
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 101g, Free People, Free Thought and Free Markets
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 102gp, Historical Introduction of Philosophy
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HPHIL 103g, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in Europe, from Renaissance to Enlightenment
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 104g, Ancient Foundation of Western Thought
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 110g, Modern Foundations of Western Thought
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 120g, Introduction to Formal Logic
also satisfies GE-FPHIL 130g, The Physical World and Our Place In It
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 138g, Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 141gp, The Professions and the Public Interest in American Life
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HPHIL 166gw, Current Moral and Social Issues
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GPHIL 168g, The Meaning of Life
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 170g, Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the Law
also satisfies GE-B
effective Spring 2025PHIL 172mgw, Social Ethics for Earthlings and Others
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GPHIL 174gw, Freedom, Equality, and Social Justice
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GPHIL 176gw, Feminist Philosophy
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
effective Spring 2025PHIL 178gw, Moral Dilemmas in the Legal Domain
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GPHIL 220g, Introduction to Logic
also satisfies GE-FPHIL 222g, Logic and Language
also satisfies GE-FPHIL 236g, Issues in Space and Time
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 240g, Mind, Self, and Consciousness
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 246Lg, Foundations of Cognitive Science
also satisfies GE-DPHIL 252g, The Ways of Paradox
also satisfies GE-FPHIL 254gp, Science, Knowledge and Objectivity
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HPHIL 255gp, Existentialism in Philosophy, Literature and Film
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HPHIL 256g, Science, Religion, and the Making of the Modern Mind
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 258g, Probability and Rational Choice
also satisfies GE-FPHIL 260gw, Ethical Theory and Practice
also satisfies GE-B and GE-GPHIL 265g, Ethics, Technology and Value
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 270g, Conceptual Foundations of Conflict
also satisfies GE-BPHIL 284gp, Ideas on Trial
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HPHIL 288gp, Love and Its Representations in Western Literature, Film, and Philosophy
also satisfies GE-B and GE-H
PHYS 100Lxg, The Physical World
also satisfies GE-EPHYS 110Lxg, Physical Science and the Universe
also satisfies GE-EPHYS 111xg, Representations of Physics and Astronomy in the Arts
also satisfies GE-APHYS 125Lg, Physics for Architects
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PHYS 135aLg, Physics for the Life Sciences
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PHYS 151Lg, Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PHYS 161Lg, Advanced Principles of Physics I
also satisfies GE-E
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PHYS 171Lg, Applied Physics I: Mechanics
also satisfies GE-EPHYS 200Lxg, The Physics and Technology of Energy
also satisfies GE-E
PORT 250g, Visions of Brazil
also satisfies GE-B
Political Science
POSC 100g, Theory and Practice of American Democracy
also satisfies GE-CPOSC 110g, Ideology and Political Conflict
also satisfies GE-CPOSC 130g, Law, Politics and Public Policy
also satisfies GE-CPOSC 220g, Critical Issues in American Politics: Presidential Elections
also satisfies GE-CPOSC 248gw, Human Rights
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GPOSC 265gw, Environmental Challenges
also satisfies GE-C and GE-G
PSYC 100Lg, Introduction to Psychology
also satisfies GE-D
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PSYC 165Lg, Drugs, Behavior, and Society
also satisfies GE-DPSYC 215Lg, Music, Mind and the Brain
also satisfies GE-DPSYC 240xg, Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning in Health Care
also satisfies GE-FPSYC 274Lg, Statistics
also satisfies GE-F
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors and pre-professional students.PSYC 339Lg, Origins of the Mind
also satisfies GE-DPSYC 353g, Close Relationships
also satisfies GE-CPSYC 367g, Stress, Health, and the Mind-Body Connection
also satisfies GE-C
Quantitative Biology
QBIO 110g, Drug Discovery: From Genes to Medicines
also satisfies GE-DQBIO 305g, Statistics for Biological Sciences
also satisfies GE-F
REL 111g, The World of the Hebrew Bible
satisfies GE-BREL 112g, Religions of Ancient Egypt and the Near East
satisfies GE-BREL 114g, The Mediterranean: A Religious History
satisfies GE-BREL 115g, Jerusalem, City of Three Faiths
satisfies GE-BREL 116g, Jews in the Middle East
also satisfies GE-BREL 121g, The World of the New Testament
also satisfies GE-BREL 125gp, Introduction to Christianity: Antiquity to 1500
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HREL 132g, Origins of Western Religions
also satisfies GE-BREL 134g, Introduction to Buddhism
also satisfies GE-BREL 135g, Chinese Religions and Culture
also satisfies GE-BREL 136g, Sense and Sensuality in Indian Religions and Culture
also satisfies GE-BREL 137g, Introduction to Islam
also satisfies GE-BREL 138g, Japanese Religions and Culture
also satisfies GE-BREL 141g, Global Religions in Los Angeles
also satisfies GE-BREL 147g, Religion, Media and Popular Culture
also satisfies GE-BREL 303g, Exploring Ancient Ways of Living: Experimental Archaeology
also satisfies GE-CREL 311g, The Bible in Western Literature
also satisfies GE-BREL 317g, The Bible in Its Ancient Context
also satisfies GE-BREL 324g, Sex and the Bible: Gender, Sexuality, and Scripture
also satisfies GE-BREL 325g, Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World
also satisfies GE-BREL 326gp, The Historical Jesus
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HREL 327g, Heretics, Martyrs, and Miracles
also satisfies GE-BREL 334g, Religion and Colonial Encounter
also satisfies GE-BREL 342g, Buddhist Modernism
also satisfies GE-BREL 359g, Culture in Diaspora: The Jews of Spain
also satisfies GE-BREL 363g, Black Religion in America
also satisfies GE-BREL 376g, Religion and Human Rights
also satisfies GE-C
Slavic Languages and Literatures
SLL 110g, Russia in the Modern Era
also satisfies GE-BSLL 302g, Modern Russian Literature
also satisfies GE-BSLL 310gw, The Eastern European Jewish Experience: Literature and Film
also satisfies GE-B and GE-G
effective Fall 2024SLL 330gp, Russian Thought and Civilization
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HSLL 344g, Tolstoy: Writer and Moralist
also satisfies GE-BSLL 345g, Literature and Philosophy: Dostoevsky
also satisfies GE-BSLL 348g, The Novels of Vladimir Nabokov
also satisfies GE-B
SOCI 100mg, Los Angeles and the American Dream
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 142mg, Diversity and Racial Conflict
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 150mg, Social Problems
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 155mg, Immigrant America
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 169mg, Changing Family Forms
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 200mg, Introduction to Sociology
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 210g, Science, Technology, and Social Conflict
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 215g, Sociology of Wall Street
also also satisfies GE-CSOCI 220mg, Questions of Intimacy
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 225gw, Sociology of Health and the Body
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GSOCI 235g, Migration, Law and Society
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 242g, Sociology, Demography, and Health
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 250mgw, Grassroots Participation in Global Perspective
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GSOCI 255g, Sociology of Globalization
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 270g, Sociological Theory
also satisfies GE-CSOCI 314Lg, Analyzing Social Statistics
also satisfies GE-F
SPAN 290gp, Introduction to Latin American and Iberian Studies
also satisfies GE-B and GE-HSPAN 295g, Gender and Sexuality in Latin American and Spanish Cinema
also satisfies GE-B
(effective Spring 2024)SPAN 380g, Literature of Mexico
also satisfies GE-B
This course is not for a general student audience. It is part of the curriculum for certain majors.
Spatial Sciences
SSCI 135Lg, Maps in the Digital World
also satisfies GE-FSSCI 165Lgw, Sustainability Science in the City
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GSSCI 175gw, Food, Health and Place
also satisfies GE-C and GE-GSSCI 214g, Human Populations and Natural Hazards
also satisfies GE-CSSCI 265Lg, The Water Planet
also satisfies GE-E