Undergraduate Mentoring

I welcome motivated, smart, capable undergraduates interested in a challenging and rewarding research experience. Our research is highly interdisciplinary with aspects that appeal to those with chemistry, biology, climate, geology and engineering interests and majors from each of those areas currently or previously have worked with us. Not only is hands-on research a great educational opportunity, these research experiences can also be very beneficial for graduate school applications, company internships or job applications and for enhancing your CV for applications to professional schools. Undergraduates are encouraged to write proposals to support their research endeavors with mentoring. Prior research interns have obtained Provost Fellowships, ESRAP fellowships, WiSE undergraduate research fellowship and federal Work Study support. Please contact me if you are a USC undergraduate interested in a laboratory-based research experience.


Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Mentoring

I mentor the professional and research development of researchers at graduate level and beyond through collaborative research activities, with researchers in my own and other groups. I am always interested to hear from motivated, talented prospective students interested in conducting research within my group. USC Earth Sciences does not have a stand-alone masters program, but we offer the progressive masters degree track for our undergraduate majors and we have a vibrant PhD program.

USC has a new postdoctoral fellowship for students from Mexico. If you meet eligibility requirements, and have research interests allied to mine, I encourage you to contact me about possibilities.

Towards the goal of supporting the increased involvement of diverse researchers beyond the graduate level: I initiated the Earth-WiSE listserv and mentoring group under the umbrella of the USC WiSE (Women in Science and Engineering Program).

Recommended Reading:

Boice: Advice for new faculty, a nihil nimus approach
Feibelman: A PhD is not enough
Peters: Getting what you came here for
Rick Reis: Tommorrow’s professor listserv