Undergraduate Course Descriptions
Welcome to the Department of English. For the Spring 2025 semester we offer a select number of courses, largely in English and American literature and culture and creative writing. Please feel free to speak with any faculty in the English department, with one of our undergraduate program coordinators, or with our Director of Undergraduate Studies, to help you select the courses that are right for you.
The Course Descriptions Packet is typically made available to coincide with the release of the Schedule of Classes. As further scheduling updates may occur prior to the first day of the semester, please see the most up-to-date offerings here.

Departmental clearance
Most Department of English courses are “R” (open registration) courses during the regular registration period, but the following “D” courses (along with any Maymester/Julymester courses) always require departmental clearance: ENGL 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 407, 408, 490, 491, and 492. Our literature/GE-B overlapping courses are also “R” to start but then switch to “D” for the rest of the reg period. Departmental clearance is not required for “R” course registration prior to the beginning of the semester, but is required for “D” course registration. On the first day of classes all classes besides large GE lectures will be closed—admission is granted only with the instructor’s direct approval (more information on this process available on our FAQ page).
Be sure to check the class numbers (e.g., 32734R) and class hours against the official Schedule of Classes at classes.usc.edu.
Previous Course Descriptions
Additional Resources
For registration information and to declare a major or minor in the Department of English, please contact one of our undergraduate student coordinators.
Contact Details
USC Department of English
3501 Trousdale Parkway
Taper Hall of Humanities 404
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354