All students in the Department of English should meet with a faculty or staff adviser once a semester before registering for courses. Students are encouraged to consult with an adviser at any time during the semester, and several advisers are available in the weeks immediately prior to registration. Students should consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the department’s staff undergraduate advisers about such matters as departmental clearances and course substitutions.

Before speaking to an adviser about registration, students must first consult the department’s online information on the English and Narrative Studies majors. Students should review course offerings using the Schedule of Classes and the Department of English course descriptions.

Students must bring a copy of their university STARS report with them to the advisement session. Students in both majors can pick up advising records for both majors in the Department of English front office in THH 404.

Advisement and Registration

  • Advisement and Registration for Fall 2018
  • English majors (ENGL and CRWT) for Fall 2018
  • Narrative Studies majors for Fall 2018
  • Minors for Fall 2018
  • Interested non-majors for Fall 2018

Advisement and Registration for Fall 2018

Online registration for undergraduates for the Fall 2018 semester will begin Wednesday, March 30, 2018. To check for your registration date and time, log on to OASIS via MyUSC and then click on “Permit to Register.” Registration times are assigned by the number of units completed. Students can and should be advised prior to their registration appointment times. Students should also check for any holds on their account that will prevent them from registering at their registration appointment time.

If you are in Thematic Option, follow the advising information in this posting. Clearance for registration in CORE classes will be handled by the TO office.

English majors (ENGL and CRWT) for Fall 2018

Faculty advising for Fall 2018 in the English department will run from Monday, March 19, 2018 through Friday, March 23, 2018. There will be several faculty advisers available every day, and you may also consult with any English faculty member.

Please note that we will have just one week of intensive advisement with many faculty on hand, and we strongly advise that you start early in the week when it is easiest to find an adviser. A list of faculty who are advising will be posted outside the department office THH 404. You do not need an appointment to see a faculty adviser.

1. From the “Documents” widget you can find a copy of the advising record you will need when you meet with a faculty adviser.

2. Descriptions of English courses are available on our website. Click on our undergraduate tab for “Courses.” Read the descriptions carefully to see what is really happening in English (the official titles often do not tell you much).

3. Within the English major you can emphasize either English Literature or Creative Writing; click on our undergraduate tab for “English Major.”

4. Requirements for the English minor will be found under “Minors.”

5. Requirements and courses for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Early Modern Studies will be found under “Minors.”

6. Requirements and courses for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Narrative Structure will be found under “Minors.”

7. After you have chosen your courses and times, come speak with us. You absolutely must bring your university STARS report with you.

8. Your adviser will complete the Advising Record with you, which you must then bring immediately to the Department of English office, Taper Hall 404.

9. Be sure to indicate which sections for which you would like d-clearance on your advising record. You will not be assigned d-clearance without a specific section number and your USC ID on the advising record.


Laura Hough will be available to advise you for Fall 2018 by appointment only. You will be able to sign up for appointments under the “Undergraduate Advisement” tab on MyUSC. If you forget your appointment, then you will need to sign up for the next available spot. If you have trouble signing up for an appointment, please use an on-campus lab computer or contact ITS for computer support.

Follow-up advisement appointments with Laura will be available for English majors starting Monday, March 20, 2018. You will be able to sign up for advisement appointments online starting Wednesday, March 15, 2018.

Narrative Studies majors for Fall 2018

Narrative Studies students should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the department’s staff undergraduate adviser.

Laura will be available to advise you for Fall 2018 by appointment only. You will be able to sign up for appointments under the “Undergraduate Advisement” tab on MyUSC. If you forget your appointment, then you will need to sign up for the next available spot. If you have trouble signing up for an appointment, please use an on-campus lab computer or contact ITS for computer support.

Advisement appointments will be available for Narrative Studies majors starting Monday, March 19, 2018. You will be able to sign up for advisement appointments online starting Wednesday, March 14, 2018.

1. From the “Documents” widget you can find a copy of the advising record you will need when you meet with a faculty adviser.

2. Descriptions of English courses are available on our website. Click on our undergraduate tab for “Courses.” Read the descriptions carefully to see what is really happening in English (the official titles often do not tell you much).

3. Requirements for the English minor will be found under “Minors.”

4. Requirements and courses for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Early Modern Studies will be found under “Minors.”

5. After you have chosen your courses and times, come speak with us. You absolutely must bring your university STARS report with you.

6. If you are interested in taking a course to count for the Narrative Studies major that is not listed on list of acceptable courses for the major in the USC Catalogue, you should bring a syllabus for the course and a brief written justification.

7. Your adviser will complete the Advising Record with you, which you must then bring immediately to the Department of English office, Taper Hall 404.

8. Be sure to indicate which sections for which you would like d-clearance on your advising record. You will not be assigned d-clearance without a specific section number and your USC ID on the advising record.

Minors for Fall 2018

Students who are minoring in English, Early Modern Studies, or Narrative Structure should contact the department’s staff undergraduate adviser for d-clearance starting Monday, March 19, 2018. For advisement, students should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the department’s staff undergraduate adviser.

Laura will be available to meet with students by appointment only. You can sign up for an appointment under the “Undergraduate Advisement” tab on MyUSC.

Interested non-majors for Fall 2018

Are you looking to declare a major or minor in the Department of English? Students who have not formally declared a major or minor in the Department of English should meet with one of our staff undergraduate advisers.

Students should meet with their current major advisers for a referral to the Department of English. Students who have been referred to the Department of English will be able to make appointments online on MyUSC to meet with a staff adviser.

Students may also contact the staff undergraduate advisers directly via email to make appointments.

The edge of a USC Village building is captured in this image. A stop sign is at the right of the picture.
The edge of a USC Village building is captured in this image. A stop sign is at the right of the picture.
The edge of a USC Village building is captured in this image. A stop sign is at the right of the picture.
The edge of a USC Village building is captured in this image. A stop sign is at the right of the picture.
The edge of a USC Village building is captured in this image. A stop sign is at the right of the picture.

Contact Details

USC Department of English

3501 Trousdale Parkway
Taper Hall of Humanities 404
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354

Office Hours

Monday – Friday

8:30am- 5pm

Times may adjust in accordance with university holidays. 

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