Silvio Foce
Silvio Foce is a first-year PhD student in Classics at USC. They studied Classical Studies (BA, magna cum laude, 2020) at the University of Naples “Federico II” (Naples, Italy), with a focus on Roman History and Roman water management. They completed their Master’s in Modern Philology at the same institution (magna cum laude, 2022), specializing in the History of the Italian Language, Textual Linguistics, and travel writing between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era. They also studied language acquisition, and language teaching, obtaining a certificate as a Teacher of Italian as a Second Language (CEDILS) from the University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari” (Venice, Italy, 2023).
- BA University of Naples Federico II
- MA University of Naples Federico II
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Their main research interests include:
– The administrative and material history of the provincial territories of the Roman Empire, with a focus on resource management, the environment, and natural disasters.
– Linguistic analysis and Classical reception in the description of urban spaces (descriptio urbis) up to the Early Modern Era.
-Linguistic, textual, and geographical analysis of European travel writing between the Fourteenth and Sixteenth centuries, and the development of spatial observation.
Research Keywords
Roman water supply, resource management, natural disasters, archaeology of Roman provinces, travel writing, urban change
Other Presentations
- “I contrafacta del Ms. G”, Coursework Collaborative Presentation, Naples, Italy, 2021-2022
- “Salernum: storia della città antica tra ipotesi e problematiche ricostruttive”, Coursework Collaborative Presentation , Naples, Italy, 2019-2020