CPF Student Staff Arija Martin Headshot
USC Center for the Political Future

Administrative Coordinator

Arija Martin is an Administrative Coordinator at the USC Center for Political Future (CPF) working to support CPF events, day-to-day functions, and helping manage their digital content and social media outlets. Originally from Upper Marlboro, Maryland, Arija is a junior majoring in International Relations with a minor in Dance.

On campus, Arija is the President of the Iota Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and serves on USC’s National Pan-Hellenic Council as the Director of Community Engagement.

This past summer, Arija spent two months studying social justice and activism in Cape Town, South Africa. She was placed at an internship with a local organization where she helped to redesign and organize auditing systems for their human rights enterprise and provided social media marketing and branding strategies to increase company profits. Over the past five years, Arija has worked with organizations dedicated to international education and exchange, localizing service, and creating spaces for bipartisan discussions. Outside of school, you can find Arija at dance rehearsals, baking, or spending time with her sorority sisters.