Teaching International Relations Program—TIRP

  • A special set of TIRP tags below are linked to a starter set of materials to design a team plan.  The first search result is an overview that can facilitate how to organize a TIRP series of lessons.
  • Guides provide teaching notes and usually point to related materials as further options. For example, “political economy” incorporates several analytical frames that each go in different directions.

For other users, database materials go beyond TIRP to support grades 5-12 across a variety of events and topics.  Note the search tags listed for a selected database item and use the tags to find related materials.

TIRP Topics Tags Analytical Frameworks / Tools
globalization 4ir four worlds – trace dynamics of actors & factors across political, economic, social, and cultural worlds to analyze policy options
— a basic tool for most cases and issues
climate change gcp-set policy options continuum — What are the trade-offs between government and market solutions?
political economy ipe-basic several analytical frames are used for overlapping topics with a wide variety of cases in political economy:
glo-labor … globalization of labor
glo-dev … development
glo-trade … trade
causes of war loa-war levels of analysis – establishes a wide variety of variables and distinguishes them across three levels: human, national, systemic
equality & identity equal-id the equality continuum — an A-B-C continuum series — distinguishes views of “the other” and relates to evolving equal rights policy
ethics & human rights ethics-hr ethical principles & value paradigms – outlines ethical dilemmas (right vs. right) and “equally important competing values”
nation building gvnc-basic functions of government – three functions provide criteria for failed states or good governance
environment environ-set policy options continuum — policy decisions reflect political culture
security world-vw worldviews – distinguishes sets of assumptions and uses the DEPPP analysis to trace how each view determines different policy choices
foreign policy fopo-basic to be used with worldviews and levels of anaysis
human security change-sec changing nature of security –
identity identity-sec identity & security – subcultures are distinguished to consider each person’s multiple identities, and the basis for common culture, unity & diversity