Purposeful – Relevant – Impactful
Teach locally, Reach globally
Our outreach is free to neighboring urban schools.
Our database of classroom materials is open to the worldwide web.

What we have…
- a validated approach – intellectually and pedagogically – for engaging America’s youth in complex analysis of the lessons of history and in responding to contemporary issues
- a growing database – open to the worldwide web – with an extensive foundation of materials to test, build, and hone our strategies and sharpen our vision

What we do…
- outreach programs that engage USC students in local schools, partnered with teachers – and that bring local students to campus to work with USC student mentors
- workshops for dialog in the ongoing hands-on process of creating new frameworks and clear, substantive materials

What we want…
- to support leadership of our faculty, students, and partner teachers in creating analytical tools that build an alternative approach to teaching and learning in the social sciences
- to create a new paradigm supported by teaching resources and ongoing professional dialog needed to realize the vision of vibrant social science classrooms
Your support makes a difference!
The mission is vital; the potential is dazzling.