Global Studies Major (B.A.)
A global perspective
Global Studies is an interdisciplinary major at USC, grounded in Anthropology and related disciplines including political science, international relations, history, foreign languages and religion. It offers students the opportunity to learn about the world from a variety of academic perspectives and to make connections among them. Along with the required core courses, the elective units allow sufficient flexibility to complete course prerequisites for regional and area studies programs, law school, and business school.
The B.A. in Global Studies offers an interdisciplinary perspective on global issues and problems, while also providing opportunities for cross-cultural engagement and real-world learning.
Global Studies challenges students to examine their place within a complex globalized world, and to explore how they can act to make a difference. Awareness of global issues enables Global Studies majors to advocate effectively and responsibly for peace, human rights, environmental preservation and economic equality. Studying complex connections between the local and the global, from consumption patterns to resource-based conflicts, they prepare for careers in policy, law, public health, government, business, social justice, social advocacy and international aid.
The Global Studies major is built to allow students to pursue study abroad and experiential learning opportunities, and to do original research. In order to prepare for this experience, students are encouraged to take courses in the culture, language, history, and politics of a region, and develop a plan for an independent research project that will be the subject of their senior capstone. The capstone project provides an opportunity bring together insights gained from coursework as well as from independent research and place it into comparative perspective.
- Experiential Learning: In addition to specific course work, students in the Global Studies major are expected to engage in curricular experiential learning, such as by completing a minimum of one intensive internship (such as 4 credits or more of ANTH 393), one semester of study abroad, or equivalent. Ideally, a student will spend one summer and one semester engaged in experiential learning prior to the senior year. Approved experiential learning courses include ANTH 325 and ANTH 393, as well as Problems Without Passports and many Maymester courses. Your academic adviser can provide more information on approved experiential learning options.
- Language: Language proficiency is an important foundation for cross-cultural learning. For this reason, Global Studies majors are encouraged to have or acquire at least intermediate conversational proficiency in a language not already familiar to them.
- Capstone Project and Seminar: The capstone project is the final requirement for the Global Studies major. It is a cumulative project that draws upon the experiential learning and coursework completed for the major. Students complete the capstone project while enrolled in an approved 4-unit capstone seminar.
This is the recommended sequence of study for Global Studies Majors:
First Year
- ANTH 205 Introduction to Global Studies and Cross-Cultural Research. Examines the effects of globalization on social life in diverse communities, approaching related issues from an ethnographic perspective. Gateway course for the Global Studies Major. Students are oriented to themes that they can explore in their own research.
- Students are encouraged to take foreign language coursework and courses about their region of interest — its history, religion, politics, international relations and literature.
- Experiential learning: Many students will have their first cross-cultural experience after the freshman year, as a Maymester course or a summer study abroad program.
Second Year
- Research methods coursework: ANTH 325 Global Studies Research Methods, introduces students to methods for field research in international settings include ethnography, archival work, surveying and documentation.
- Students take more foreign language and additional electives that align with their thematic or regional focus.
Third Year
- ANTH 415 Global Issues Seminar (Fall). Advanced seminar on a key theme or topic in Global Studies. Seminar focus is selected by the instructor and changes with each offering.
- Experiential learning: Students are encouraged spend to their third year engaged in experiential learning including internships and/or study abroad. Many students will spend the year overseas, in either a semester or year long program in a region that they have already studied in coursework.
Senior Year
- ANTH 485 Global Studies Capstone Seminar (Spring) provides senior Global Studies majors with the practical and theoretical skills needed to complete the required capstone project in Global Studies.
Course Requirements
Students take a sequence of four courses offered through the Anthropology department:
- ANTH 205 Introduction to Global Studies and Cross-Cultural Research
- ANTH 325 Global Studies Research Methods
- ANTH 415 Global Issues Seminar
- ANTH 485 Global Studies Capstone Seminar
Global Studies majors also take six more elective courses, including an experiential learning course or study-abroad program (such as one summer or May term and one semester or year as a junior). Typically in the junior or senior year, students complete Global Issues Seminar (Anth 415). Students complete a capstone project in the final year (ANTH 485), usually a written thesis.
Substitutions are allowed of other courses that would suit the student’s interests with the approval of the Academic Advisor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Search for “Global Studies” in the current Course Catalog for a full listing of recommended electives.
Experiential Learning & Study Abroad
Students in the Global Studies major are expected to engage in curricular experiential learning, such as by completing a minimum of one intensive internship (such as 4 credits or more of ANTH 393), one semester of study abroad, or equivalent.
Ideally, a student will spend one summer and one semester engaged in experiential learning prior to the senior year. Approved experiential learning courses include ANTH 325 and ANTH 393, as well as Problems Without Passports and many Maymester courses.
Study abroad is one of the best and most fulfilling ways to complete the experiential learning requirement. USC students have the opportunity to study abroad during for a semester or a year in one of programs offered in over 30 countries.
Study abroad & experiential learning resources and recommendations for Global Studies and Anthropology students:
Senior Capstone & Thesis Guidelines
Candidates for the Global Studies degree are required to complete a senior capstone project, usually a written thesis. See the guidelines sheet for more information:
- Global Studies Capstone Guidelines (download)
- Global Studies Capstone Cover Sheet (download)
- Global Studies Faculty Advisor Guidance (download)
Honors Program in Global Studies:
Candidates for the Honors Program in Global Studies are expected to:
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 GPA both in the university as a whole, and in the courses that qualify for the Global Studies major (a USC honors requirement).
- Complete an Honors Thesis that is certified by its two faculty readers in Global Studies or Anthropology as of honors level.
For more information on the Honors Program in Global Studies, see the Global Studies Capstone/Thesis guidelines above.
Questions & Contact
If you have questions about the Global Studies major, please contact:
- Dr. Emily Zeamer, Director of Undergraduate Studies, email: Anth-DUS@dornsife.usc.edu, or
- Kim Vinson, Undergraduate Academic Advisor, GFS 220A. To schedule an appointment with Kim, please visit: http://bit.ly/USCkimvinson. Phone: (213) 740 – 2534. Email: vinson@usc.edu.