Students are welcome to join the Neurobiology Section Seminar Series on Mondays from 12:00- 1:00 PM.

This is a great way to learn about the research interests of our faculty

and the work being done in their labs.

Recordings are only accessible to USC faculty, students and staff using your login.


Upcoming seminars

Monday, January 27, 2025

Tito Borner, PhD

“Central Mechanisms of Nausea and Emesis”

University of Southern California

Host: Emily Liman, PhD

Recorded Link

Monday, February 3, 2025

Peyman Golshani, PhD

“Volatile Working Memory Representations Crystalize with Practice”

University of California Los Angeles

Host: Bruce Herring, PhD

Recorded Link

Monday, February 24, 2025

Aryn Gittis, PhD

“Circuit-Inspired Strategies to Improve Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease”

Carnegie Mellon University

Host: Lauren McElvain, PhD

Recorded Link

Monday, March 24, 2025

Eve Marder, PhD

“Cryptic (hidden) changes that result from perturbations and climate change shape future dynamics of degenerate neurons and circuits” 

Brandeis University

Host: Jeffrey Moore, PhD

Monday, March 31, 2025

Holly Ingraham, PhD

“Neural Pathways That Sculpt Female Physiology”

University of California, San Francisco

Host: Emily Liman, PhD

Monday, April 14, 2025

Alan Watts, PhD

“The Functional Anatomy of the Hypothalamus: A View from the Connectome”

Host: Sarah Bottjer, PhD

Recordings are only accessible to USC faculty, students, and staff using login.


Past Seminars

  • Monday, September 9, 2024

    Liqun Luo, PhD

    “Deconstructing the Serotonin System in the Mouse Brain

    Stanford University

    Host: Joel Hahn, PhD

    In-Person Seminar

    Monday, September 16, 2024

    Pascal Kaeser, PhD

    Mechanisms And The Roles of Dopamine Signaling” 

    Harvard Medical School

    Host: Dion Dickman, PhD

    In-Person Seminar

    Monday, September 23, 2024

    Jan-Marino Ramirez, PhD

    “Neuronal Networks Without Borders: The Dynamic Control of Rhythms and Function” 

    Seattle Children’s Hospital

    Host: Jeffrey Moore, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, October 14, 2024

    Ira Clark, PhD

    “Research Deconstruction – A Low-Cost Strategy for Bringing Discovery Into Your Classroom”

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Host: Rita Barakat, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, October 21, 2024

    Patricia Janak, PhD

    “Subcortical Reward Representation and Evaluation” 

    Johns Hopkins University

    Host: Sarah Bottjer, PhD

    Recorded Link 

    Monday, October 28, 2024

    Martyn Goulding, PhD

    “Sensory Feedback and the Control of Movement “

    Salk Institute for Biological Studies

    Host: Lauren McElvain, PhD

    Recorded Link 

    Monday, November 4, 2024

    Joshua Trachtenberg, PhD

    “The Evolution of Cortical Plasticity”

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Host: Andrew Hires, PhD and Dion Dickman, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, November 18, 2024

    William Yang, PhD

    “Understanding Selective Neuronal Pathogenesis in Huntington’s Disease With a 21st-Century Toolbox”

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Host: Don Arnold, PhD

    Monday, December 2, 2024

    Yang Dan, PhD

    The How and Why of Sleep 

    University of California, Berkeley

    Host: Judith Hirsch, PhD

    Recorded Link

  • Monday, May 06, 2024

    Jim Surmeier, PhD

    “Acquired Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Parkinsonism, and Network Determinants of Disability”

    Northwestern University

    Host: Lauren McElvain, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, April 022, 2024

    Lydia Daboussi, PhD

    “Transcriptional Control of Axonal Repair”


    Host: Jeffrey Moore, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, April 01, 2024

    Olaf Sporns, PhD

    “Connectomics and Network Science: Understanding the Brain as a Complex System”

    Indiana University

    Host: Joel Hahn, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, March 25, 2024

    Greg Field, PhD

    “A Unified Perspective on Cell Type Diversity, Spatial Sampling, and Efficient Coding”


    Host: Judith Hirsch, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, March 18, 2024

    DJ Bambah-Mukku, PhD


    UC San Diego

    Host: Lauren McElvain, PhD

    Not Recorded

    Monday, March 4, 2024

    Catherine Cahill, PhD

    “Using genetic Variants to understand TRIO Function in Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

    Semel Institute UCLA

    Host: Rita Barakat, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, February 26, 2024

    Laura Denardo, PhD

    “A Developmental Screen Reveals Circuit Mechanisms of Infantile Amnesia”


    Host: Don Arnold, PhD

    Recorded Link 

    Monday, February 12, 2024

    Seth Blackshaw, PhD

    “Building and Rebuilding the Hypothalamus: from form to Function”

    John Hopkins University

    Host: Jeffrey Moore, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, February 5, 2024

    Tony Koleske, PhD

    “Using genetic Variants to understand TRIO Function in Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

    Yale University

    Host: Bruce Herring, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, January 29, 2024

    Robert Carrillo, PhD

    “Mechanistic and Functional insights into the Assembly and Plasticity of the fly Neuromuscular Circuit”

    The University of Chicago

    Host: Dion Dickman, PhD

    Recorded Link

    Monday, January 22, 2024

    Miriam Goodman, PhD

    “Deciphering Where and How Touch Happens”

    Stanford University

    Host: Emily Liman, PhD

    Recorded Link 

  • Monday, January 23, 2023

    Payam Piray, PhD

    University of Southern California

    Host: Sarah Bottjer

    Recording Link


  • May 9, 2022

    Geoffrey Schoenbaum, PhD

    National Institute on Drug Abuse

    Host: Sarah Bottjer, PhD

    Recording Link

    May 16, 2022

    Jerry Chen, PhD

    Boston University

    Host: Andrew Hires, PhD

    Recording Link

  • Monday, September 13, 2021

    Daniel O’Connor, PhD

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

    Host: Andrew Hires

    Recording Link

  • Tirin Moore, PhD

    HHMI Investigator and Stanford University

    February 8, 2021

    Title: Neural Mechanisms of Stimulus-Driven Visual

    Host: Sarah Bottjer, PhD

    Recording Link

    H. Richard Koerber, PhD

    University of Pittsburgh

    February 22, 2021

    Title: Optical characterization of spinal circuits before and after injury

    Host: David McKemy, PhD

    Recording Link

     Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, PhD

    University of Pennsylvania

    March 22, 2021

    Title: Mouse pain scales and neural circuits for social touch

    Host: David McKemy, PhD

    Recording Link

  • November 4, 2020

    “Ecological resources and the evolution of parent-offspring interactions”

    Lauren O’Connell

    Stanford University, Department of Biology

    Recording Link

  • Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 2PM
    “Homeostatic control of synaptic growth, function, and plasticity”
    Dion Dickman (University of Southern California)
    Host: Chien-Ping Ko
    Recording Link

    October 7, 2019
    “The cost of thinking: an Achilles heel of synapse and brain function”
    Timothy Ryan (Weill Cornell Medicine)
    Host: Dion Dickman
    Recording Link

    November 11, 2019
    “Hierarchy of need: A neural circuit for the suppression of pain during hunger”
    Nicholas Betley (University of Pennsylvania)
    Host: Scott Kanoski
    Recording Link

    November 25, 2019
    “Dopamine Circuits in Rewards and Aversion”
    Stephan Lammel (University of California, Berkeley)
    Host: Sarah Bottjer
    Recording Link

  • January 7, 2019

    “Influencing axon regeneration after spinal cord injury”

    Anderson Mark (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Department: Brain Mind Institute) Host: Dr. Swanson

    Recording Link


    January 14, 2019

    Mechanistic substrates of synaptic dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders: focus on 16p11.2 duplication”

    Peter Penzes (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine) Host: Dr. Herring

    Recording Link


    February 4, 2019

    “The Neurobiology of Homeostasis”

    Zachary Knight (University of California, San Francisco) Host: Dr. Hires and Dr. Liman


    February 25, 2019

    “Cell transplants to treat the “disease” of neuropathic pain”

    Allan Basbaum (University of California, San Francisco) Host: Dr. Swanson

    Recording Link


    March 4, 2019

    “Cell-Specific Pallidal Stimulation Induces Long-Lasting Motor Rescue in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease”

    Aryn Gittis (Carnegie Mellon University) Host: Dr. Bottjer

    Recording Link


    April 8, 2019

    “Straighten up and fly right: Long distance navigation in Drosophila”

    Michael Dickinson (California Institute of Technology) Host: Dr. Dickman

    Recording Link


    April 22, 2019

    “Viral-like mechanisms of intercellular RNA trafficking in the nervous system”

    Jason Shepherd (University of Utah) Host: Dr. Arnold and Dr. Dickman


    May 6, 2019

    “From body to brain: a molecular and functional dissection of the vagus nerve”

    Rui Chang (Yale University, School of Medicine) Host: Dr. Liman


    May 13, 2019

    “Cells and Molecules for Touch and Pain” 

    Alexander Chesler (NCCIH/NIH) Host: Dr. Liman


    For more information visit:

  • August 27, 2018

    “Visualizing the dynamics in synaptic formation and function”

    Matthew Dalva (Thomas Jefferson University) Host: Dr. Dickman

    Recording Link


    September 10, 2018

    Entorhinal function and frailty:  how circuit plasticity may be a vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease”

    Joanna Jankowsky (Baylor College of Medicine) Host: Dr. Ko



    October 19, 2018

    “Neurobiology meets molecular evolution: lessons from electric fish”

    Harold Zakon (The University of Texas at Austin) Host: Dr. Bottjer

    Recording Link



    November 12, 2018

    Viral-Genetic Dissection of the Midbrain Dopamine System”

    Kevin Beier ( University of California, Irvine) Host: Dr. Arnold

    Recording Link



    November 19, 2018

    Hypothalamic inflammation in metabolic syndrome and aging“

    Dongsheng Cai (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) Host: Dr. Watts

    Recording Link



    November 26, 2018

    “Unexpected nodes in BMP signaling: Kir2.1 ion channels”

    Emily Bates (The University of Colorado Denver) Host: Dr. Dickman

    Recording Link



    December 14, 2018

    “Optogenetic and chemogenetic technologies for probing molecular and cellular interactions”

    Alice Ting (Stanford University) Host: Dr. Hires

  • January 22, 2018

    “The Neural Circuits of Itch and Pain”

    Sarah Ross (University of Pittsburgh) Host: McKemy

    Recording Link


    January 29, 2018

    “Sculpting the nervous system: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of neural circuit refinement”

    Karen Zito (UC Davis) Host: Herring

    February 05, 2018

    “Self-tuning neurons and firing rate homeostasis”

    Gina Turrigiano (Brandeis University) Host: Dickman


    February 26, 2018

    “Deconstructing Smell”

    Linda Buck (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington) Host: Liman


    March 05, 2018

    “Circuit Basis for Flexible Behavior”

    Takaki Komiyama (UC San Diego) Host: Bottjer

    Recording Link


    March 13, 2018 Special time and Date

    “New insights into CRH circuits: Feeding, Nutrient Sensing and Valence”

    Greg Suh (NYU) Host: Watts


    March 23, 2018 Special Time and Date

    “Understanding the molecular logic of Adhesion GPCRs in mechanosensation

    Tobias Langenhan (Leipzig University, Germany) Host: Dickman


    March 26, 2018

    “Microbiome-Nervous System Interactions in Health & Disease”

    Elaine Hsiao (UCLA) Host: Ko


    April 16, 2018

    “ Faces: a neural Rosetta stone”

    Doris Tsao (CalTech) Host: Hires


    April 23, 2018

    Axon Degeneration: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications”

    Aaron DiAntonio (Washington University School of Medicine) Host: Dickman


    April 30, 2018

    Transcribing Memories: Encoding of Contextual Memories by Transcriptionally-

    Defined Active Neuronal Ensembles”

    Yingxi Lin (MIT) Host: Dickman

    Recording Link


    May 9, 2018 Special Date

    “Dynamics of Sensorimotor Neural Circuits During Behavioral States”

    Manuel Castro-Alamancos (College of Medicine at Drexel University) Host: Hires

    Recording Link

  • August 25, 2017 SPECIAL FRIDAY at 10AM!
    —“Mechanisms underlying whisking and touch responses in layer-4 barrel cortex”

    David Golomb (Ben Gurion University)Host: Hires


    September 7, 2017 SPECIAL THURSDAY at 11AM!
    —“Evolutionarily conserved molecules that impact sleep and synaptic function”

    Nicholas Stavropoulos (NYU)Host: Dickman

    Recording Link


    September 26, 2017 SPECIAL TUESDAY at 4PM!
    —“Molecular and Neuronal Circuit Mechanisms of Learning and Neurodevelopmental Plasticity”

    Seth Tomchik (The Scripps Research Institute Florida)Host: Dickman

    Recording Link


    October 30, 2017

    — “Molecular mechanisms of GABAergic synapse development

    Wei Lu (NIH) Host: Herring

    Recording Link

  • Monday, January 9, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    —“Neurobiological Studies of Signed and Spoken Language Processing
    David Corina (UC, Davis).  Host: Laurie Eisenberg (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Monday, January 23, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    — “The Systems and Molecular Neuroscience of Hunger”
    Scott Sternson 
    (HHMI). Host: Jonathon Cheung, Grad. Student (NGP)

     Recording Link


    Monday, January 30, 2017 at HSC, 4:00pm
    — Sox2 controls transcription factor expression and half-life in the differentiation of cochlear progenitor cells to hair cells
    Albert Edge 
    (Harvard). Host: Louise Menendez, Grad. Student (HCN)


    Monday, February 6, 2017 at HSC, 4:00pm CANCELED Rescheduled
    —“Molecular identity of the elusive hair cell transduction channel and the prospects for hearing restoration”

    Jeffrey Holt (Harvard).  Host: Kalluri (HCN)

    No Recording


    Monday, February 13, 2017 at HSC, 4:30pm
    —“Retining recovery and rehabilitation after stroke

    John Krakauer (The Johns Hopkins Hospital).  Host: Mairym Llorens Monteserin, Grad Student (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Monday, February 27, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    —“Aminergic Neuromodulation in a Model Genetic Organism”

    David Krantz (UCLA) Host: Dickman/Liman (NB)

     Recording Link

    Monday, March 6, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
     “Does Connectomics Make Sense”
    Jeff Lichtman (Harvard). Host: Ko (NB)

     Recording Link


    Monday, March 20, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “The Function of Synuclein”
    Robert Edwards (UCSF
    ).  Host: Arnold (NB)

     Recording Link


    Monday, March 27, 2017 at HSC, 4:00pm CANCELED Rescheduled

    John Oghalai (Stanford University).  Host: Shera (HCN)


    Monday, April 3, 2017 at HSC, 4:30pm
    —“Towards solving the cocktail party problem

    DeLiang Wang (Ohio State University).  Host: Maury Lander-Portnoy, Grad Student (HCN)


    Monday, April 10, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm

    —      “In Vivo MRI, Ex Vivo MRI, & Histology: a Spectrum of Imaging Neuroscience for Brain Circuitry & Discorders”

    Michael Zeineh (Stanford University). Host: Kirsten Lynch (NGP)


    Monday, April 17, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm

    —      “TBA”

    Larry Zipursky (UCLA). Host: Dickman (NB)


    Monday, April 24, 2017 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm

    —      “TBA”

    Bernardo Sabatini (Harvard). Host: Arnold (NB)


    Monday, May 1, 2017 at HSC, 4:30pm

    — “The Dynamic Spiral Ganglion”

    Robin Davis (Rutgers University). Host: Alex Markowitz, Grad. Student (HCN)

  • September 12, 2016 at 12:00pm
    —“Sensory processing and plasticity in rodent somatosensory cortex ”

    Dan Feldman (UC, Berkeley)Host: Hires (NB)

    Recording Link


    MONDAYSeptember 26, 2016 at 12:00pm
    —“The Generation of Neuronal Diversity: Chromatin to Wiring”

    Adrian Moore (Riken Institute) Host: Dickman (NB)

    No Recording


    WEDNESDAYSeptember 28, 2016 at 4:00pm
    —“How does the brain generate behavioral sequences?”

    Michael Long (New York University)Host: Bottjer (HCN)

    Recording Link


    October 3, 2016 at 12:00pm
    — “A model for regulation by synGAP-a1 of binding of synaptic proteins to PDZ-domain “slots” in the postsynaptic density

    Mary Kennedy (Caltech) Host: Herring (NB)

    Recording Link


    October 7, 2016 ALL DAY at HSC

     Schedule TBA (HCN)



    October 31, 2016 at 4:00pm
    — “The Neurobiology of Decision Making: A Window on Cognition

    Michael Shadlen (Columbia University) Host: Lisa & Jon (NGP)

    Recording Link


    THURSDAYNovember 10, 2016 at 12:00pm
    Molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity

    Robert Malenka (Stanford University)Host:Herring (NB)

    Recording Link


    December 5, 2016 at 12:00pm

    — ”TBA”

    Aaron DiAntonio (Washington University in St. Louis)Host: Dickman (NB)


    December 12, 2016 at 12:00pm

    — “TBA”

    Fan Wang (Duke University)Host: McKemy (NB)

  • Monday, January 11, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    —“Auditory Scene Analysis during Infancy and Childhood
    Lori Leibold (Boys Town National Research Hospital).  Host: Heather Porter, Postdoc (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    — “Axon degeneration in development and disease”
    Marc Freeman 
    (UMass/HHMI). Host: Brian Leung, Grad. Student (NGP)

    Recording Link


    Monday, February 8, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    —“Genetic dissection of social behavior circuit in flies and mice”

    David Anderson (Caltech).  Host:  (NGP)

    No Recording


    Monday, February 29, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    —“The Cuban Neuroscience Center (CNEURO): from Computational Neuroscience to Impacting the Burden of Brain Disorders”

    Pedro Valdes-Sosa.  Host:  (NGP)

    Recording Link


    Monday, March 7, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
     “Neurotransmitter Release Mechanisms for Fast Auditory Signaling”
    Sam Young (Max Plank Institute in Florida). Host: Arnold/Dickman (NB)

    No Recording


    Monday, March 21, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    — “Optical Tools for Analyzing and Repairing Complex Biological Systems”
    Ed Boyden (
    MIT).  Host: Knowles (NGP)

    Recording Link


    Monday, April 11, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm

    —   “Unraveling the mysteries of sleep: when, why and how”

    Amita Sehgal (University of Pennsylvania). Host: Dickman (NGP)

    No Recording


    Monday, April 25, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm

    —   “Neural Mechanisms for Predicting the Sensory Consequences of Behavior”

    Nathaniel Sawtell (Columbia University). Host: Bottjer (NB)

    Recording Link


    Monday, May 2, 2016 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm

    —   “Transcriptional Regulation of Cortical Patterning”

    John Rubenstein (USCF). Host: Ryan Kast, Grad. Student (NGP)

     Recording Link

  • September 14, 2014 at 4:00pm
    —“Normal Brain Aging: Impact on Circuits Critical for Memory”

    Carol Barnes (University of Arizona)  Host: Jon Cheung  (NGP)

    No recording


    October 5, 2015 at 4:00pm
    —“The Neural Substrates of Decision-Making in Rats”

    Carlos Brody (Princeton & HHMI)  Host: Hires (NGP)

    No recording


    October 9, 2015 ALL DAY at HSC

     Schedule TBA (HCN)


    October 12, 2015 at 4:00pm
    — “Neural mechanisms of auditory-vocal communication: mapping receiver tuning to sender behavior”

    Sarah Woolley (Columbia University) Host: Bottjer (HCN)

    No recording


    October 22, 2015 SPECIAL THURSDAY SEMINAR at 12:00pm
    “Homeostatic modulation of presynaptic protein degradation and synaptic transmission”

     Martin Müller (University of Zurich)Host:Dickman (NB)

    Recording Link


    November 9, 2015 at HSC in BCC 101 at 4:00pm
    “Reconstruction of spatial maps and trajectories with single inner ear cell expression data”

    Stefan Heller (Stanford University)Host:Amjad Askary Graduate Student (HCN)

    No Recording


    November 16, 2015 at HSC in BCC 101 at 4:00pm
    “Pattern of hearing loss following cochlear implantation: Human studies and animal model ”

    Joseph Attias (University of Haifa)Host:Shannon (HCN)

    No Recording

    November 23, 2015 at 12:00pm

    — ”Transcriptional regulation of cortical synaptic balance and behaviors relevant to autism and intellectual disability”

    Christopher Cowan (Harvard Medical School, McLean Hospital)Host: Dickman/Levitt (NB)

    No Recording

    November 30, 2015 at 12:00pm

    — “The Stable Brain: Homeostatic Control of Neural Function”

    Graeme Davis (UCSF)Host: Dickman (NB)

    No Recording

  • Monday, January 12, 2015  at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    —“The Spiral Staircase: Tonotopic Microstructure and Cochlear Tuning”
    Christopher Shera
     (Harvard University).  Host: Amanda Ortmann, Postdoc (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    — “The Brain on Stress: Novel Epigenetic Mechanisms of Brain Plasticity”
    Bruce McEwen 
    (The Rockefeller University). Host: Katie Wallin, Grad. Student  (NGP)

    Recording Link


    Monday, January 26, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “Genetic and Circadian Mechanisms that Regulate Zebrafish Sleep”
     (Caltech).  Host: Dickman (NB)

    Recording Link


    Monday, February 9, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm
    — “Neural Circuit in Emotional and Motivational Valence”

    Kay Tye (MIT).  Host: Hires (NGP)

    No Recording


    Thursday, February 19, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 10:00am
    — “Ultrafast Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles”
    Shigeki Watanabe (
    Charité –Universitätzmedizin Berlin). Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

    No Recording


    Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “A genetic, cellular, and circuit basis for mammalian moto behavior”
    Ariel Levine (
    Salk Institute). Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

    No Recording


    Monday, March 2, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “Building the “other” neuronal synapse: Molecular mechanisms of electrical synapse formation”
    Adam Miller (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
    ). Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

    No Recording

    Monday, March 2, 2015 at CHLA, 12:00pm
    —”Neural Circuit Assembly, Plasticity and Repair in CNS Health and Injury”
    Roman Giger  
    (University of Michigan).  Host: Mcgee (NB)

     No Recording


    Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “Molecular and Genetic Assembly of Retinal Circuits”
    Xin Duan (Harvard University
    ). Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

    No Recording


     Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “Neurexin-3 alternative splicing: Insights into the essential synaptic function of neurexins”
    Jason Aoto (Stanford University)
    . Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

     No Recording


    Monday, March 9, 2015 at 4:00pm
    Genome-wide approached to understanding microglia identity and function”
    Christopher K. Glass 
    (University of California, San Diego).  Host: Brian Leugn, Grad. Student (NGP)

    No Recording


    Monday, March 2, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 12:00pm
    — “Building the “other” neuronal synapse: Molecular mechanisms of electrical synapse formation”
    Adam Miller (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
    ). Neurobiology Faculty Search Candidate

     No Recording


    Monday, March 23, 2015 at NOON
    “Neuroplasticity and Genomic Diversity”
    Fred Gage (Salk Institute). Host: Finch (NB)

     No Recording


    Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at HSC,  NOON
    “The middle ear: linking evolution and development to clinical problems”
    Abigail Tucker (King’s College London). Host: Crump/Segil (HCN)

    No Recording


    Monday, March 30, 2015 at 4:00pm
     “From Freud to fMRI: unraveling the mysteries of stuttering”
    Nan Bernstein Ratner (University of Maryland). Host: Candise Lin, Postdoc (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Monday, April 6, 2015 at 4:00pm

     “Thermal sensitivity of the inner ear: basic science and therapeutic applications”

    Suhrud Rajguru (University of Miami). Host: Chris Ventura, Grad. Student (HCN)

    Recording Link


    Monday, April 20, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm

    “Mechanisms of Experience-Dependent Synaptic Remodeling in Thalamus”

    Chinfei Chen (Harvard University). Host: Dickman/Hirsch (NB)

     No recording


    Monday, April 27, 2015 at HSC, Broad CIRM Center (BCC 101), 4:00pm
     “Development of the mammalian cochlea; regulation of cell fate and patterning”
    Matthew Kelley (National Institute of Health). Host: Amjad Askary, Grad. Student (HCN)

     No Recording


    Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at UPC, HNB 100, 4:00pm

    — “Cortical and perceptual processing of visual form”

    Anthony Movshon (New York University). Host: Wan-Qing Yu, Grad. Student (NGP)

     No Recording


    Monday, May 18, 2015 at UPC,  Andrus Gerontology Center Auditorium at 4:00pm


    — “Tools for Mapping and Fixing Brains and Other Complex Biological Systems”

    Ed Boyden (MIT).  (NGP)

  • October 20, 2014 at 4:00pm
    —“The Role of Microcirculation and Blood Brain Barrier in Neurodegeneration”

    Berislav Zlokovic (University of Southern California)  Host: McKemy (NB)

    No recording allowed


    October 27, 2014 at 4:00pm POSTPONED to FALL 2015!
    — “Neural mechanisms of auditory-vocal communication: mapping receiver tuning to sender behavior”

    Sarah Woolley  (Columbia University) Host: Bottjer (HCN)


    November 10, 2014 at 4:00pm

    “Sex Differences in Physiology and Disease: Role of the Sex Chromosomes”

    Arthur Arnold (University of California, Los Angeles)Host: (NGP)

    Recording Link

    November 24, 2014 at 4:00pm

    — “Neural Circuits for Sleep-Wake Control”

    Yang Dan (University of California, Berkeley)  Host:  (NGP)

    Recording Link

    December 1, 2014 at HSC ZNI Herklotz Seminar room 4:00pm

    — “Building a Big Brain: Strategies and Inherent Vulnerabilities”

    Kenneth Kosik (University of California, Santa Barbara)  Host:  (NGP)

    December 3, 2014 WEDNESDAY SEMINAR at 4:00pm

    — “Circuit Assembly and Reassembly in the Vertebrate Retina”

    Rachel Wong (University of Washington)  Host: Hirsch  (NB)

    No recording allowed

    December 8, 2014 at HSC ZNI Herklotz Seminar room 12:00pm

    — “Shaping the mammalian auditory organ by the planar cell polarity signaling pathway

    Ping Helen Chen (Emory University)  Host: Zhang  (HCN)

  • January 3, 2014
    Using Acquired Agnosias to Investigate the Organization of Social Perception
    Brad Duchaine
     (Dartmouth University).  Host: Biederman (NGP)

    No recording


    January 6, 2014
    —Olfactory Control of Instinctive Behavior
    Steve Liberles  
    (Harvard Medical School). Host: Liman  (NB)

    Recording Link


    January 25, 2014
    —The rat cerebral cortex macro-connectome
    Mihail Bota
     (USC).  Host: Watts (NB)

    No recording

    February 3, 2014
    —The higher-order control of feeding behavior
    Scott Kanoski 
    (USC).  Host: Watts (NB)

    Recording Link


    February 10, 2014
    —The higher-order control of feeding behavior
    Craig Montell  
    (University of California, Santa Barbara).  Host: Liman (NB)

    Recording Link


    March 24, 2014
    Wiring the cochlea for the sense of hearing
    Lisa Goodrich (Harvard Medical School). Host: Graduate Students (HCN)

     No recording


    April 7, 2014

    Cellular properties that shape temporal processing in the auditory thalamus across the lifespan

    Edward Bartlett (Purdue University). Host: HCN Grad Student (HCN)

    Recording Link


    April 15, 2014 at 4:00pm

    Why Sex Hormones Matter for Healthy Brain Aging

    Liisa Galea (University of British Columbia). (NGP)

    No recording


    April 21, 2014

    Intracortical circuitry for active sensation

    Hillel Adesnik (University of California, Berkeley). Host: Hires (NB)

    No recording


    April 28, 2014

    Emergence of Complex Communication from Simple Interactions: Lessons from Songbirds and Human Infants

    Michael Goldstein (Cornell University). Host: HCN Grad Student (HCN)

    Recording Link


    May 5, 2014 Andrus Gerontology Center Auditorium at 4:00pm

    Brain Norepinephrine and Goldilocks: The Role of the Locus Coeruleus in Attention

    Gary Aston-Jones (Medical University of South Carolina). Host: Levitt (NGP)

    No recording


    May 28, 2014 Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute (HSC) Herklotz Seminar Room, 112 at 12:00pm

    —Cortical Circuits for Vision

    Massimo Scanziani ( University of California,  San Diego).  (NGP)

  • September 27, 2013 FRIDAY SEMINAR
    — How I Taught My Brain to Hear

    Katherine Bouton  Host: Sarah Bottjer (HCN)

    Recording Link


    September 30, 2013
    — Translational Research in Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a Motor Neuron Disease in Children
    Chien-Ping Ko 
    (USC).Host: Dickman (NB)


    October 28, 2013
    — Applying Perceptual Learning to produce broad-based benefits to vision

    Aaron Seitz (UC, Riverside)  Host: Tjan (NGP)

    Recording Link

    October 29, 2013 TUESDAY SEMINAR
    — Developmental Critical Periods and Alzheimer’s Disease- can knowledge of one help cure the other?

    Carla Shatz (Stanford University)  Host: NGP student (NGP)


    November 4, 2013

    Spencer Smith (University of North Carolina)  Host: Mel (NGP)


    November 13, 2013 WEDNESDAY SEMINAR @ 12:30pm
    — A Neural Coding Scheme to Allow Global Workspace Functionality

    Ken J. Hayworth (HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus)  Host:Biederman (Vision Journal Club)

    Recording Link

    November 14, 2013 THURSDAY SEMINAR @ 4pm
    — Mapping Acoustic Space onto Cortical Space

    Alex Reyes (New York University)  Host: Zhang (HCN)

    Recording Link

    November 18, 2013 THURSDAY SEMINAR @ 4pm
    — Basal Ganglia Circuit Dysfunction Underlying Parkinson’s Disease and Dyskinesia

    Anatol Kreitzer (UC, San Francisco)  Host:Bottjer/Dickman  (NB)

    Recording Link


    December 2, 2013

    — Neural Circuits Controlling Innate Behavior

    Michael Nitabach (Yale University)  Host:Dickman  (NB)

    Recording Link

  • January 11, 2013
    The Basal Ganglia and Behavioral Control
    Joshua Berke
     (University of Michigan). Host: Bottjer  (NB)

    Recording Link


    January 29, 2013
    —Gene and Protein Networks Regulating Synaptic Dopamine: A Child (and a Few Worms) Shall Lead Them
    Randy Blakey 
    (Vanderbilt University). Host: McKemy (NB)

    No Recording


    February 6, 2013
    —Channeling Touch and Pain Transduction: Mechanisms that Detect our Environment
    Cheryl Stucky 
    (Medical College of Wisconsin).  Host:McKemy (NB)

    Recording Link


    February 12, 2013
    —Determining the Rules For Astrocyte Engagement in Neuronal Circuits
    Baljit Khakh 
    (UCLA).  Host:Liman (NB)

    Recording Link

    February 26, 2013
    —Cell Biology meets Physiology: Ankyrin
    Vann Bennett 
    (Duke University).  Host: Arnold (NB)

    Recording Link


    March 5, 2013
    —Neural Circuit Mechanisms of Reward Prediction
    Jeremiah Cohen 
    (Harvard University).  (NB Faculty Search)

    Recording Link


    March 13, 2013
    —Synaptic Mechanisms for Visual Computation in Retinal Circuitry
    Jonathan Demb 
    (Yale School of Medicine). Host:Hirsch (NB)

    Recording Link


    March 19, 2013
    —Local Circuity Mechanism Regulating Adult Neurogenesis
    Juan Song 
    (Johns Hopkins University). (Nerurobiology Faculty Search)

    Recording Link

    March 21, 2013

    Encoding and Decoding of Touch Perception in Cortical Circuits
    S. Andrew Hires (Janelia Farm Research Campus of Howard Hughes Medical Institute). (Neurobiology Faculty Search)

    Recording Link


    March 28, 2013

    —Understanding mechanisms of food choice in Drosophila
    Anupanma Dahanukar (University of California, Riverside)  (Neurobiology Faulty Search)

    Recording Link


    April 2, 2013

    —Cortical Representations of Visual Information
    Ian Nauhaus (Salk Institute)  (Neurobiology Faulty Search)

    No Recording


    April 3, 2013

    —Local and Long-range Cortical Circuits for Visual Processing
    Alex Kwan (University of California, Berkeley)  (Neurobiology Faulty Search)

    Recording Link


    April 9, 2013

    Optogenetic Technologies for the Study of Neuronal Circuits in Health and Disease

    Viviana Gradinaru (Caltech). Host:Ko (NB)

    No Recording


    April 30, 2013

    A Bufunctional Regulator of Potassium Channels and Acetylcholine Receptors that Controls Sleep in Dropsophila

    Bill Joiner (University of California, San Diego). Host:Dickman (NB)

    No Recording


    May 10, 2013  FRIDAY! RRI 101
    Olfaction: From Sensor to Actuators
    Sandeep Robert Datta
     (Harvard University). Host:Liman  (MCB/NB)

    No Recording

  • September 4, 2012
    “The Evolutionary Origins of the Synapse”
    Kenneth S. Kosik (UCSB) Host: Caleb Finch (NB)
    Recording Link

    September 18, 2012
    “Inhibition in the Dorsal Horn Where Touch and Pain Meet”
    Amy MacDermott (Columbia University) Host:David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 30, 2012
    “From Microarrays to Mechanisms of Synapse Development and Plasticity”
    Elva Diaz (UC, Davis) (NGP)

    November 6, 2012
    “How Mitochondria Move and Why It Matters to a Neuron”
    Tom Schwarz (Harvard University) Host: Dion Dickman (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 13, 2012
    “Experience- dependent Plasticity in Drosophila Neural Circuits”
    Quan Yuan (UCSF) Host: Dion Dickman (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 4, 2012
    “Winter Climate and Adaptive Specialization of Spatial Memory and the Hippocampus in Food-Caching Birds”
    Vladimir Pravosudov (University of Neveda Reno) Host: Sergey Nuzhdin (NB/MCB)

    December 11, 2012
    “What is missing in auditory cortex under cochlear implant stimulation”
    Xiaoqin Wang (Johns Hopkins University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (HCN)
    Recording Link

    December 12, 2012
    “The Organization and Development of Neurons that Underlie the Sense of Touch”
    David Ginty (Johns Hopkins University) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)

  • January 10, 2012
    “Oscillations and Grid Cells in the Entorhinal Cortex”
    Michael Hasselmo (Boston University) Host: (KECK)
    Recording Link

    January 17, 2012
    “A Principle of Learning that Allows Different Regions in the Cortex to Communicate without Loss of Information”
    Fritz Sommer (UC, Berkeley) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    January 24, 2012
    “The When and Where of SMN, the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Protein”
    Umrao Monani (Columbia University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NGP)
    Recording Link

    January 25, 2012
    “Towards a Neurobiology of Recollection”
    Howard Eichenbaum (Boston University) Host: (KECK)
    Recording Link

    January 31, 2012
    “Molecular Recognition Linked to Biological Function in Neuronal and Muscle Nicotinic Receptors”
    Steven Sine (Mayo Clinic) Host: Lin Chen (NGP)

    February 21, 2012
    “Prefrontal Control of Fear: The View from Puerto Rico”
    Gregory Quirk (University of Puerto Rico) Host:(KECK)
    Recording Link

    March 27, 2012 @ ZNI 12pm
    “Human Brian Mapping”
    Eileen Lueders (UCLA) Host: Natalie Lepore (NGP)
    Recording Link

    April 10, 2012
    “Children’s Relationships with Pets: Effects on Biology, Brain, and Behavior”
    Kristen Jacobsen (University of Chicago) Host: Laura Baker (NGP)

    April 24, 2012
    “The Saga of ATP, a Neurotransmitter in Taste Buds”
    Stephen Roper (University of Miami) Host: Emily Liman (NB)
    Recording Link

    May 1, 2012
    “Novel Mechanisms Regulating Neurogenesis in the Developing Nervous System”
    Shan Sockanathan (Johns Kopkins University) Host: Samantha Butler (NGP)

    May 8, 2012
    “Spatial Navigation Based Decisions, Learning and Membory”
    Sheri Mizumori (University of Washington) Host: Tansu Celikel (KECK)
    Recording Link

    May 22, 2012
    “Understanding the Rhythm of Breathing: So Near Yet So Far”
    Jack Feldman (UCLA) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

  • September 13, 2011
    “The Establishment of Neural Circuitry in the Developing Spinal Cord”
    Samantha Butler (USC) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    September 20, 2011
    “Role of Coherence and Rapid-plasticity in Active Perception of Complex Auditory Scenes”
    Shihab Shamma (University Maryland) Host:Sarah Bottjer (KECK,HCN)
    Recording Link

    September 27, 2011
    “Neural Signal Integration in Dendrites and Axons in the Hippocampus”
    Nelson Spruston (Northwestern University) Host:Larry Swanson (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 11, 2011
    “Role of Translational Mechanisms in the Retrograde Regulation of Synaptic Homeostasis”
    Ali Pejmun Haghighi (McGill University) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)

    October 25, 2011
    “Limbic Generators for Delight, Desire and Dread: Brain Modules and Modes ”
    Kent Berridge (University of Michigan) Host: Stephen Read (KECK)

    October 26, 2011
    “FMRI Investigations of Medial Temporal and Prefrontal Interactions During Memory Function”
    Chantal Stern (Boston University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (KECK)

    November 6, 2011
    “Itchy Mice and Star-Nosed Moles: New Approaches to Study Itch, Touch and Pain”
    Diana Bautista (UC, Berkeley) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 6, 2011
    “What Role does Neural Activity Play in Sensory Map Development?”
    Michael C. Crair (Yale University) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 13, 2011
    “Watching the Cerebellum in Action: Optical Investigation of Context-Dependant Neural Processing”
    Sam Wang (Princeton University) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
    Recording Link 

  • January 18, 2011
    “Autism: A Model for Integration of Genomics, Genetics and Neurobiology in Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
    Daniel Geschwind (UCLA) Host: Don Arnold & Neil Segil (HCN)

    February 1, 2011
    “Surgery with Molecular Navigation – Development of Biological Probes”
    Quyen Nguyen (UC,San Diego) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

    February 8, 2011
    “Why we Scratch: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Itch Sensation”
    Zhou-Fen Chen (Washington University) Host: David McKemy (NB)

    February 15, 2011 @ ZNI
    “Adventures of an Expeditionary Biologist: A Physio-ethological Approach to Animal Communication”
    Peter Narins (UCLA) Host: Sam Sampath (NS)

    March 1, 2011 @ ZNI
    “Genetic Regulation and Modulation of Retinal Disease: Models to Therapeutics”
    Neena Haider (University of Nebraska) Host: Cheryl Craft (NS)

    March 8, 2011
    “Neurophysiological Investigations of Multisensory Integration processes and Their Breakdown in Autism and Schizophrenia”
    John J. Foxe (City College of the City University of New York) Host:HCN Graduate Students (HCN)
    Recording Link

    March 22, 2011
    “Glutamate Receptor Trafficking and Synaptic Plasticity”
    Roger Nicoll (UC,San Francisco) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    March 29, 2011 @ ZNI
    “Opioids as Battleships or Destroyers: Can Research Help Decide?”
    Chris Evans (UCLA) Host: Pat Levitt (NS)
    Recording Link

    April 12, 2011
    “Adult Auditory Cortical Plasticity”
    Jos Eggermont (University of Calgary) Host: Sarah Bottjer & Neil Segil (HCN)
    Recording Link

  • September 21, 2010
    A “Minty Cool” Ion Channel: TRPM8 and the Molecular Mechanisms of Thermosensation and Nociception
    David McKemy (USC) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    September 28, 20010
    “Adult Cortex Organization and Plasticity: From Basic to Translational Research”
    Ron Frostig (UC, Irvine) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 9, 2010
    “Synapse Discrimination and Classification by Array Tomography: The Synaptome meets the Connectome”
    Stephen Smith (Stanford University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 23, 2010
    “Prosopagnosia Following Brain Damage: What it tells us about the Function and Neural Basis of Face Recognition”
    Bruno Rossin (University Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 30, 2010
    “Multisite Phosphorylation as a Dynamic Regulator of Neuronal Ion Channel Expression, Localization and Function”
    Jim Trimmer (UC, Davis) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 7, 2010
    “Sound Processing in Auditory Cortex”
    Michael Wehr (University of Oregon) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 14, 2010
    “Corticothalamic Function and Sensorimotor Processing in the Whisker-to-barrel System”
    Dan Simons (University of Pittsburgh) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)
    Recording Link

  • January 12, 2010
    “Mechanisms of Axon Regeneration”
    Zhigang He (Children’s Hospital, Harvard University) Host: Le Ma (NS)
    Recording Link

    January 19, 2010
    “On the Nature of Sensory-Motor Interaction in Speech Perception and Production”
    Greg Hickok (UC, Irvine) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

    January 25, 2010
    “Neural Representations of the Chinese Self and Close Others”
    Shihui Han (Peking University) Host: Lisa Aziz-Zadeh (NS)

    January 26, 2010
    “Structure, Function, and Physiological Roles for SK Channels”
    John Adelman (Oregon Health Science University) Host: Emily Liman (NB)
    Recording Link

    February 1, 2010
    “Large Scale Modeling of Brain Function”
    Eugene M. Izhikevich (Brain Corporation) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 2, 2010
    “Cellular Mechanisms of Behavioral Sensitization in Aplysia: The View from the Far Side of the Synapse”
    David Glanzman (UCLA) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 11, 2010
    “Macro-and Micromechanics of Hair Cells from the Inner Ear”
    David Corey (Harvard and HHMI) Host: Emily Liman (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 16, 2010
    “Stability and Plasticity in the Sense of Balance”
    Sascha du Lac (Salk Institute) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 18, 2010
    “How Does a Brain Give Rise to a Mind?”
    Stephen Grossberg (Boston University) Host: Zhong-Lin Lu (NS)

    March 2, 2010
    “Human-Machine Interaction in Socially Assistive Robotics for Rehabilitation and Socialization”
    Maja Mataric (USC, Computer Science) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    March 9, 2010
    “From Genes to Circuits in Huntington’s Disease: Every Neuron Needs Good Connections”
    Michael Levine (UCLA) Host: Giselle Petzinger (NS)
    Recording Link

    March 16, 2010
    “Repressors and Glia: Life Support for Neurons”
    Gail Mandel (OHSU & HHMI) Host: Pat Levitt (NS)

    March 23, 2010
    “Hippocampal Network Dynamics and Memory Formation”
    Thanos Siapas (Cal Tech) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    March 30, 2010
    “Specificity in the Action of Neurotrophin Receptors”
    Moses Chao (New York University) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 6, 2010
    NS Vision Symposium
    “Visual Performance Predicted from the Statistical Structure of Natural Scenes”
    Wilson Geisler (University of Texas, Austin) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    April 13, 2010
    “Role of Membrane-Deforming Proteins and Endocytosis in Neuronal Migration and Morphogenesis”
    Franck Polleux (University of North Carolina) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 20, 2010
    “Role of Membrane-Deforming Proteins and Endocytosis in Neuronal Migration and Morphogenesis”
    Don Cleveland (UC, San Diego) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NS)
    Recording Link

    April 21, 2010
    “Optogenetic Mapping of Brain Circuitry”
    George Augustine (Duke University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 27, 2010
    “Neural Mechanisms of Spatial Attention in the Barn Owl”
    Eric Knudsen (Stanford University) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)

    May 4, 2010
    “Cholesterol, p53 and Axonal Outgrowth Regulation”
    Xiaoning Bi (Western University of Health & Sciences) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)
    Recording Link password.

  • October 6, 2009
    “Neuroinformatic Approach to the Structure-Function Relationship of Mammalian Brain Parts”
    Mihail Bota (USC) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 3, 2009
    “Neural Basis of Motor Preparation and Protheses”
    Krishna Shenoy (Stanford University) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    November 10, 2009
    “Sleep, Learning, and Birdsong”
    Dan Marogliash (University of Chicago) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 17, 2009
    “Brain-Based Values”
    Patricia Churchland (UC, San Diego) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS)
    Recording Link

    December 1, 2009
    “Enabling Systematic Neuroscience with Novel Optical Neural Control Strategies”
    Ed Boyden (MIT) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 8, 2009
    “Molecular Mechanisms of Inner Ear Morphogenesis”
    Victoria Abraira (Harvard Medical School) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 15, 2009
    “Mechanisms of Recovery of Locomotion After a Spinal Cord Injury”
    Reggie Edgerton (UCLA) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

  • January 13, 2009
    “Transmission of Complex and Simple Spikes within an Interneuron Network”
    Larry Trussell (Oregon Health & Science University, Vollum Institute) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 3, 2009
    “Can We Restore Lost Hearing? Tissue Patterning and Regeneration in the Organ of Corti”
    Neil Segil (House Ear Institute, USC) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    February 10, 2009
    “Mechanisms of Competition Between Inputs in the Developing Brain: The Roles of Neurotrophins, Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Cortical Inhibition in the Plasticity of the Visual Cortex”
    Michael Stryker (UC, San Francisco) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)
    Recording Link

    February 24, 2009
    “Motor Neuron Death in Development and Disease”
    Chris Henderson (Columbia University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    March 3, 2009
    “Inhibition of Plasticity in the Injured and Intact CNS by Myelin and the Nogo-66 Receptor”
    Aaron McGee (CHLA, USC) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)
    Recording Link

    March 10, 2009
    “Molecular and Cellular Cognition: Unraveling Mechanisms and Developing Treatments for Cognitive Disorder”
    Alcino Silva (UCLA) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)
    Recording Link

    March 17, 2009
    “Coordinating Excitation with Inhibition in Space and Time”
    Massimo Scanziani (UC, San Diego) Host: Tansu Celikel (NS)
    Recording Link

    March 24, 2009
    “Dissecting the Neural Machinery for Face Processing”
    Doris Tsao (Caltech) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    March 31, 2009
    “The Neural Circuits Underlying Somatosensation”
    Karel Svoboda (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 7, 2009
    “TRP Ion Channels as Sensors of Temperature and Pain”
    Ardem Patapoutian (Scripps) Host: Emily Liman/ David McKemy (NB)

    April 14, 2009
    7th Annual USC NS Vision Symposium
    Organized: Norberto Grzywacz

    April 21, 2009
    “Mechanisms of Cyclic Nucleotide Regulation of Ion Channels”
    William N. Zagotta (University of Washington) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 28, 2009
    “Prolonged Disruption of the Circadian Clock by Acute Light Exposures at Night”
    Jimo Borjigin (University of Michigan) Host: Cheryl Craft (NS)

    May 5, 2009
    “Stress and Health: From Molecular to Societies”
    Robert M. Sapolsky (Stanford University) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)
    Recording Link

    May 26, 2009
    “Cortical Dynamics and Perception”
    Chirs Moore (MIT) Host: Tansu Celikel (NB)

  • September 9, 2008
    “Extracellular Regulators of Synapse Formation in C. Elegans”
    Kang Shen (Stanford University) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)

    September 23, 2008
    “Burning Pain and Body Temperature: Predominant Function of the Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 is Body Temperature Maintenance”
    Narender Vavva (Amgen) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 7, 2008
    “Forcing Cell Fate: Engineering Microenvironments to Induce Differentiation”
    Jonah Chan (USC) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 16, 2008
    “Bayesian Models for the Perception and Neural Representation of Local Motion”
    Eero Simocelli (University of New York) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)
    Recording Link

    October 21, 2008
    “Computational Encoding and Decoding Models of Natural Visual Perception”
    Jack Gallant (UC, Berkeley) Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    October 28, 2008
    “Auditory Cortex at the Cocktail Party: Studies of Spatial Hearing”
    John Middlebrooks (UC, Irvine) Host: Neil Segil/ Sarah Bottjer (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 4, 2008
    “Dancing with Dinosours: Birds and the Origins of Mammalian Cortex”
    Harvey Karten (UC, San Diego) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 11, 2008
    “A Critical Period for Synaptic Circuit Rearrangement in the Visual Thalamus”
    Chinfei Chen (Children’s Hospital in Boston) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 2, 2008
    “Development Mechanisms Controlling Neurogenesis in the Spinal Cord”
    Ben Novitch (UCLA) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 16, 2008
    “Dopamine Genes and Children’s Disruptive Behavior Disorder”
    Irwin Waldman (Emory University) Host: Laura Baker (NS)

  • January 15, 2008
    “Uncovering Circuits for Behavior in Drosophila”
    Leslie Griffith (Brandeis University) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NB)
    Recording Link

    January 16, 2008
    “The Relationship of fMRI-Determined and Neuronally-Determined Object Selectivity in the Primate Temporal Lobe”
    James DiCarlo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    January 22, 2008
    “Encoding and Use of Tactile Afferent Information in Control of Object Oriented Actions”
    Roland Johansson (Umea University) Host: Gerald Loeb (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 5, 2008
    “Genes to Behavior: Drosophila Neural Circuit that Underlie Courtship Behaviors”
    Michelle Arbeitman (USC) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
    Recording Link

    February 12, 2008
    “A Developmental Perspective on Brain Tumorgenesis”
    David Rowitch (UC, San Francisco) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    March 11, 2008
    “Reward, Value and Choice: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Value-Based Decisions”
    Bill Newsome (Stanford University) Host: Samantha Butler (NS)
    Recording Link

    March 25, 2008
    “Spontaneous Rhythmic Activity in the Formation of Spinal Motor Circuits”
    Lynn Landmesser (Case Western Reserve University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko(NS)
    Recording Link

    April 1, 2008
    “Lou Gehrig, Flies, Worms, and Ephrin Receptor Signaling: A Model for the Pathogenesis of ALS”
    Hugo Bellen (Baylor College of Medicine) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NB)

    April 8, 2008
    “Proteoglycans Specify a Mitogenic Response to Sonic Hedgehog”
    Rosalind Segal (Harvard Medical School & Dana Faber Cancer Institute) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    April 15, 2008
    6th Annual USC NS Vision Symposium
    Organizer: Norberto Grzywacz

    April 22, 2008
    “Development of Hypothalamic Feeding Pathways”
    Sebastien Bouret (CHLA, Saban Institute) Host: Sarah Bottjer/ Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    April 29, 2008
    “Spontaneous and Synaptic Signaling in Cerebellar Circuits”
    Indira Ramon (Northwestern University) Host: Emily Liman (NB)
    Recording Link

    May 6, 2008
    “The Neural System Underlying Sign Language Production”
    Karen Emmorey (San Diego State University) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)
    Recording Link

    May 22, 2008
    “Towards Manipulative Neuroscience based on Brain Network Interface”
    Mistsuo Kawato (ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories) Host: Stefan Schaal (NS)
    Recording Link

  • September 25, 2007
    “Early Determinats of Whether and Where Synapses will Form Between Cortical Neurons”
    Kimberly McAllister (UC, Davis) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 16, 2007
    “Thomas Graham Brown, Anders Lundberg, and the Neural Control of Stepping”
    Doug Stuart (University of Arizona, Tucson) Host: Nina Bradley (NS)

    October 23, 2007
    “Spinal Mechanisms of Pain Sensitization: Receptors, Kinases, and Channels”
    Robert Gereau (Washington University in St. Louis) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 30, 2007
    “Bernard Katz and His Contribution to the Current Understanding of Neuromucular Transmission”
    Clarke Slater (University of Newcastle upon Tyne) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 8, 2007
    “Brain Imaging of Visual Learning”
    Zoe Kourtzi (University of Birmingham, UK) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 13, 2007
    “Seeing What’s on your Mind: The interplay Between Working Memory and Visual Attention”
    Glyn Humphreys (University of Birmingham, UK) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)
    Recording Link

    November 14, 2007
    “Interactions of Viewpoint-Invariant and Viewpoint-Dependent Processes in Object Recognition”
    William Hayward (Hong Kong University) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)

    November 20, 2007
    “The Role of BMP Morphogens in Axon Guidance in the Developing Spinal”
    Recording Link

    November 27, 2007
    “Systematic RNAi Analysis of Synapse Structure and Function”
    Derek Sieburth (USC) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
    Recording Link

    December 4, 2007
    “Addressing Brain Complexity”
    Nathaniel Heintz (Rockefeller University) Host: Don Arnold (NS)
    Recording Link

    December 18, 2007
    “Selective Synapse Formation in the Visual System”
    Joshua Sanes (Harvard University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

  • January 9, 2007
    “Recording from Individual Neurons in the Human Brain”
    Christof Koch (Caltech) Host: Laurent Itti (NS)
    Recording Link

    January 16, 2007
    “Linking Perceptual Learning, Perceptual Deterioration and Memory Consolidation”
    Dovi Sagi (The Weizmann Institute of Science) Host: Zhong-Lin Lu (NS)

    January 23, 2007
    “Genetic Regulation of Motor Neuron Development and Connectivity”
    Sam Pfaff (Salk Institute) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)
    Recording Link

    January 30, 2007
    “Assembling Neural Circuits: Wiring up the Brain During Development”
    Susan McConnell (Stanford University) Host: Samantha Butler (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 6, 2007
    “Before and After: Changes in Addicitive Behaviors After Focal Lesions”
    Antoine Bechara (USC) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)
    Recording Link

    February 13, 2007
    “Neurogrid: Emulation a Million Neurons in the Cortex”
    Kwabena Boahen (Stanford University) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    February 27, 2007
    “Multisensory Fusion and Sensorimotor Integration for Flight Control in Drosophila”
    Mark Frye (UCLA) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NS)
    Recording Link

    March 10, 2007
    Graduate Student Spring Symposium

    March 20, 2007
    “Functional Subcompartments in Dendrites”
    Jackie Schiller (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    March 27, 2007
    “Development and Plasticity in Visual Cortex”
    Brian Wandell (Stanford University) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)

    April 3, 2007
    “Planning and Decision Making in Cerebral Cortex”
    Richard Anderson (Caltech) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)

    April 10, 2007
    “Molecular Mechanisms of Synapse Stability and Synaptic Homeostasis”
    Graeme Davis (UC, San Fransico) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NB)

    April 17, 2007
    5th Annual USC Vision Symposium

    April 24, 2007
    “Compartmentalized Dentric Integration and Plasticity”
    Jeff Magee Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    May 2, 2007
    “Synaptic Transmission in the Cortex: It Works Differently than You May Think”
    David McCormick (Yale University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

  • September 12, 2006
    “Neuronal Plasticity and Behavioral Recovery Following Spinal Injury in Monkeys”
    Corinna Darian-Smith (Stanford University) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    September 19, 2006
    “Toward Hippocampal Prothesis: Implantable Biomimetic Microeletronics to Restore Lost Memory Function”
    Ted Berger (USC) (NS)

    September 26, 2006
    “Dynamic Studies of Brain Function and Connectivity with fMRI”
    Xiaoping Hu (Georgia Tech and Emory University) Host: Zhong-Lin Lu (NS)

    October 6, 2006
    “Monitoring Synaptic Competition in Fluorescent Mice”
    Jeff Lichtman (Harvard University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
    Recording Link

    October 10, 2006
    “Associative Synaptic Plasticity Mediated by Endocannabinoinds”
    Wade Regehr (Harvard University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    October 24, 2006
    “Neural Substrates of Shape Representation and Learning in the Primate Brain”
    Anitha Pasupathy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    October 31, 2006
    “Negotiating the Boundaries: The Experiences of Doctoral Students in Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Programs”
    Karri Holley (University of Alabama) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    November 7, 2006
    “Trafficking of NMDA Receptors”
    Robert Wenthold (National Institute of Health) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 14, 2006
    “Molecular Control of Nociceptive/pain Sensory Neuron Development”
    Quifu Ma (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) Host: David McKemy (NB)
    Recording Link

    November 28, 2006
    “Endocannabinoids and Synaptic Plasticity”
    Brad Alger (University of Maryland) Host: Ted Berger (NS)
    Recording Link

    December 5, 2006
    “Long-Range Spread of LTP/LTD in Neural Circuits”
    Mu-Ming Poo (UC, Berkeley) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    December 12, 2006
    “Taste Recognition in Drosophila”
    Kristin Scott (UC, Berkeley) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

  • January 10, 2006
    “Circuits Controlling Locomotion and Sexual Behavior in C. Elegans”
    Paul Sternberg (Caltech) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NB)

    January 17, 2006
    “Hebb and Homeostasis in Developing Cortical Networks”
    Gina Turrigiano (Brandeis University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    January 24, 2006
    “Calcium Signaling and Neurotransmitter Release in Taste Cells”
    Sue Kinnamon (Colorado State University) Host: Emily Liman (NS)

    January 31, 2006
    “Multiple Neuron Studies of Information Processing in the Basal Ganglia: From Dopamine Reinforcement Learning to Synchronized Activity in the MPTP Primate Model of Parkinsonism”
    Hagai Berman (Hebrew University Jerusalem) Host: Gerald Loeb (NS)

    February 21, 2006
    “Transcriptional Control of Spinal Cord Development”
    Jane Johnson (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) Host: Neil Segil (NS)

    February 28, 2006
    BME-525– Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar
    “The Human Mirror Neuron System and its Role in Social Cognition”
    Marco Iacoboni (UCLA) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    March 21, 2006
    “The Neurocircuitry of Drug Addiction: Neuroadaptive Mechanisms within the Brain Stress Systems”
    George Koob (Scripps Research Institute) Host: NGF Graduate Students (NS)

    March 28, 2006
    “Calmodulin Regulation of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels – Smart Ca2+Detection and Biological Impact”
    David Yue (John Hopkins University) Host: David McKemy (NB)

    April 13, 2006
    “Neurogenesis and the Makings of Memories”
    Tracy J. Shors (Rutgers University) Host: Richard F. Thompson (NS)

    April 18, 2006
    Fourth Annual USC Vision Symposium (9am to 5pm)
    Jeannie Chen (USC), Norberto Grzywacz (USC), David Hinto (USC), Judith Hirsch (USC), Laurentii Itti (USC), Bosco Tjan (USC), David Heeger (New York Univeristy)

    April 25, 2006
    “Oscillatory Organization of Hipposcampal Cell Assemblies”
    Gyorgy Buzsaki (Rutgers University) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    May 24, 2006
    “What Taste May Tell Us About Gastrointestinal Chemosensation”
    Robert Margolskee (Mount Sinai School of Medicine) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

  • September 13, 2005
    “Visual Plasticity in the Developing Retina”
    Norberto Grzywacz (USC) Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    September 20, 2005
    “Exocytotic Release of Glutamate from Astrocytes”
    Vladimir Parpura (UC, Riverside) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

    October 4, 2005
    “Wired on hormones: Development of Neural Circuits for Feeding & Reproduction”
    Richard Simerly (USC & Saban Research Institute) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    October 11, 2005
    “Unraveling Smell”
    Linda Buck (HHMI, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) Host: Emily Liman (NS/WiSE)

    October 19, 2005 (Gerontology Auditorium, 9AM to 5PM)
    Neural Development and Disease: Advancing Repairs and Cures
    Samantha Butler (USC), Fiona Doetsch (Columbia University Medical Center), Marie Filbin (Hunter College). Wenbiao Gan (New York University Medial Center), Thomas Jongens (University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine), Christopher Walsh (Harvard Medical School), Li Zhang (USC)

    November 1, 2005
    “Mechanisms of Face Categorization from Cortical Activity”
    Philippe Schyns (University of Glasgow) Host: Irving Biederman (Special Seminar)

    November 22, 2005
    “TRP Channels, Regulators of Sensory Signaling”
    Craig Montell (The John Hopkins University School of Medicine) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    November 29, 2005
    “The Neural Bases of Human Tool Use”
    Scott Frey (University of Oregon) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

    December 6, 2005
    “Illuminating Dendritic Intergration and Synaptic Plasticity with Glutamate Photolysis”
    Scott Thompson (University of Maryland) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    December 13, 2005
    “The Beginnings of Neuroendocrinology”
    Roger Guillemin (Salk Institute) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)

  • January 11, 2005
    “Moving Toward an Understaning of How Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons Work”
    Nelson Spruston (Northwestern) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    January 18, 2005
    “Limbic Neurocircuits and Stress Integration”
    James P. Herman (University of Cincinnati) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    January 25, 2005
    “The Rudiments of Consciousness in the Drosophila Brain”
    Ralph Greenspan (Institute for Neuroscience, San Deigo) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NS)

    February 1, 2005
    “Processing of Emotional and Social Information By the Human Brain”
    Ralph Adolphs (Caltech) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

    February 8, 2005
    “ASIC3, An Ion Channel for Sensing Cardiac Pain”
    Edwin W. McCleskey (Oregon Health & Science University) Host: David McKemy (NB)

    February 22, 2005
    “Synaptic Plasticity in Learning and Memory”
    Yu Tian Wang (Brain Research Center and Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS)

    March 8, 2005
    “How Good is Good Enough? Tuning Neurons and Networks for Function”
    Eve Marder (Brandeis) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    March 22, 2005
    “Synaptic Consequences of In Vivo Activation of CREB”
    Robert Malenka (Stanford University) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    March 29, 2005
    Vision Symposium 2005
    Organized by Norberto Grzywacz

    April 5, 2005
    “Optical Control of Neuronal Circuits”
    Gero Miesenboeck (Yale University) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NB)

    April 19, 2005
    “The Voltage Sensor in Voltage-Dependent Ion Channels”
    Francisco Bezanilla (UCLA) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    April 26, 2005
    “The Role of Neurotrophic Factors and Activity in the Survival of Developing Neurons”
    Ron Oppenheim (Wake Forest University) Host: Nina Bradley/Chien-Ping Ko (NS)

  • September 14, 2004
    “Molecular targets for ethanol in LGICS”
    Ronald Alkana (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    September 21, 2004
    “Brain mapping in health and disease: Atlases of mince and men”
    Art Toga (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    September 28, 2004
    “Hypothalamic regulation of feeding behavior via peptides and amino acid transmitters”
    Glenn Stanley (UC Riverside) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    October 5, 2004
    “The neural basis of object and face perception ”
    Kaanit Grill-Spector (Stanford) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)

    October 12, 2004
    “How the visual system processes ignored information ”
    Geoff Boynton (Salk Institute) Host: Zhong-Lin Lu (NS)

    October 19, 2004
    “The rudiments of consciousness in the Drosophila brain ”
    Ralph Greenspan (Institute of Neuroscience, San Deigo) Host: Michelle Arbeitman (NS)

    November 2, 2004
    “Cerebellar granule cells in vivo: linking sensory integration to memory storage ”
    Michael Hausser (University College, London) Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    November 18-20, 2004
    12th ANNUAL PROVOST’S NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM (Gerontology Auditorium) “Understanding Behavior: From Molecules to Mind”
    (Cosponsored by Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico & Conefo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia Mexico)

    Speakers: Javier Alvarez-Leefmans (CINVESTAV, SSA). “Functional roles of Na+, K+, 2Cl-cotransport in presynatic inhibition and nociception”; Carlos Aramburo (UNAM) “Growth hormone heterogeneity: a model of endocrine, paracine, and/or autocrine diversity?”; Newton S. Canteras (University of Sao Paulo) “Neural systems underlying predatory hunting”; Carlos Cepeda (UCLA) “Morphological and electrophysiological substrates of pediatric epilepsy”; Hong-Wei Dong (Allen Institute for Brain Sciences) “Amygdalar coordination of hypothalamic behavioral and visceral responses; Jorge Larriva (UNAM) “Three dimensional structure of the cerebral hemisphere’s BST”; James McGaugh (UCI) “Role of the amygdala in creating lasting explicit memory”; Raul Parades (UNAM) “Neurobiology of non-copulating rats”; Frederico Bermudez-Rattoni (UNAM) “Molecular mechanism of taste-recognition memory”; Alcino Silva (UCLA) “Molecular and cellular recognition: unraveling the molecular, physiological and neuronantomical basis of remote memory”; Larry Swanson (USC) “Cerebral hemisphere control of motivation and emotion”; Richard Thompson (USC) “Differential processes of short term and long term memory stroage for explicit and implicit memories”; Alan Watts (USC) “Stimulatory and inhibitory neural networks in the control of motivated behaviors.”

    November 23, 2004
    “Adhesion and active zone formation dynamics at a mammalian synapse”
    Ehud Isacoff (UC, Berkeley) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    November 30, 2004
    “Genetic regulation of the neocortex into primary areas and its influence on behavior”
    Dennis O’Leary (Salk Institute) Host: Samantha Butler (NB)

  • January 15, 2004
    “Extinction: Curioser and Curioser”
    James Kahoe (University of New South Wales, Australia) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    January 22, 2004
    “Surfing the Retinal Wave: Mechanisms & Function of Spontaneous Activity in Developing Mammalian Visual System”
    Marla Feller (UC, San Diego) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    January 26, 2004
    “From Motor Control to Cognition and Language”
    Masao Ito (RIKEN Institute, Japan) Hosts: Larry Swanson & Richard Thompson (NS)

    January 29, 2004
    “Grand Illusions of Memory”
    Elisabeth Loftus (UC, Irvine) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    February 5, 2004
    “Genetic Control of Neuromuscular Synapse Patterning and Formation”
    Kuo-Fen Lee (Salk Institute) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

    February 12, 2004
    “Seeing the Immune Response In Vivo using Two-Photon Microscopy”
    Michael Cahalan (UC, Irvine) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)

    February 19, 2004
    “Does the Brain Play with Dice?”
    Norberto Grzywacz (USC) Host: Bartlett Mel (NS)

    February 26, 2004
    “How do G-Protein Coupled Receptors Rule the Mind?”
    Bertil Hille (University of Washington) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    March 4, 2004
    “Wiring the Brain: the Logic and Molecular Mechanisms of Axon Guiance and Regeneration”
    Marc Tessier-Levigne (Genentech) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    March 11, 2004
    “Molecular Biology of Pheromone Mediated Behavior in the Mouse”
    Lisa Stowers (Scripps Research Institute) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    March 25, 2004
    “Paradigm Shift in Neuroprotective Drug Development: NMDA Receptor Block by Memantine & Nitrosylation”
    Stuart Lipton (Burnham/Salk/Scripps Institutes) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS) April 1, 2004
    Keynote Speakers: Maureen & Jay Neitz (Wisconsin); Speakers from USC: Cheryl Craft, Judith Hirsch, Zhong-Lin Lu, Gerard Medioni, Bartlett Mel, and James Weiland

    April 8, 2004
    “BDNF: a New Excitatory Neurotransmitter?”
    Arthur Konnerth (Ludwig-Maximillans-Universitat, Munich) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    April 15, 2004
    “Stability and Plasticity in Primate Visual Development”
    Anthony Movshon (New York University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    April 22, 2004
    “Dendritic Excitability and Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus”
    Nelson Spruston (Northwestern) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

  • August 26, 2003
    “Mice, Molecules & Memory: Targeted GLUr Genetic Manipulations Dissociate Hippocampal Memory Systems”
    Nick Rawlins (Oxford University) Host: Larry Swanson (NS & Psychology)

    September 4, 2003
    “Decoding Deafness: Development & Regeneration in the Inner Ear”
    Andy Groves (House Ear Institute) Host: Judith Hirsch (NS)

    September 11, 2003
    “NIBS Neuroscience Strategic Planning: Kicking Off the Next Round”
    Larry Swanson (Director) and Richard Thompson (Scientific Advisor)

    September 18, 2003
    “Some Thoughts on the Functioning of the Thalamus”
    S. Murray Sherman (SUNY, Stony Brook) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    October 5, 2003
    “The neural basis of object and face perception ”
    Kalanit Grill-Spector (Stanford University) Host: Bosco Tjan (NS)

    September 25, 2003
    “Dynamic Assembly of Nascent Synapses”
    Craig Garner (Stanford University) Host: Michael Quick (NB)

    October 3, 2003 Special Research Mini-Retreat (FRIDAY, HNB auditorium, 9am to 4pm)
    “Cell and Molecular Neurobiology — Keynote Lecture (1pm)”
    Richard Tsien (Stanford University) Host: Emily Liman (NB & PNAG)

    October 9, 2003
    11th ANNUAL PROVOST’S NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM (Gerontology Auditorium) Toward Brain Replacement Parts: Creating Functional Neuron-Silicon Interfaces
    Jay Hickman
    (Clemson): “Designing & Culturing Fundamental Neural Circuits on Silicon Substrates

    Bruce Wheeler (Illinois): “Challenges at the Neuron-Silicon Interface”
    Steve DeWerth (Georgia Tech.): “Motor Pattern Generator Networks Growing on Silicon Substrates”
    James Weiland & Mark Humayun (USC): “Intraocular Implants for Artificial Retinal Function in Humans”
    Richard Andersen (Caltech): “Direct Cortical Control of Motor System Prosthetics”
    Ted Berger (USC): “Developing Cognitive Prosthetics for Restoring Hippocampal Memory Function”

    October 16, 2003
    “Using Genomics to Understand Neurological Diseases”
    Dan Geschwind (New York University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    October 23, 2003
    “Stability and Plasticity in Primate Visual Development”
    Anthony Movshon (UCLA) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    October 30, 2003
    “Ensemble Coding of Visual Motion in the Primate Retina”
    E.J. Chichilnisky (Salk Institute) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    November 20, 2003
    “Feedback Regulation of Neuron Number”
    Anne Calof (UC, Irvine) Host: Neil Segil (NS)

    December 4, 2003
    “Molecular Mechanism of AMPA Receptor Targeting”
    Lu Chen (UC, Berkeley) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    December 11, 2003
    “Circadian Clocks in the Central Extended Amygdala”
    Shimon Amir (Concordia University, Montreal) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

  • January 15, 2003
    “Addicted to Love: A Neurobiological Perspective”
    Lique M. Coolen (University of Cincinnati) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    January 22, 2003
    “Stress, Neurodegeneration, and Individual Differences”
    Robert Sapolsky (Stanford University) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)

    January 29, 2003
    “Parallel Pathways and Local Circuits in Visual Cortex”
    Ed Callaway (US, San Diego) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    February 5, 2003
    “Executive Memory”
    Joaquin M. Fuster (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    February 12, 2003
    “Consequences of Feedback Inhibition on Seizure Waves and Sensory Porcessing”
    David Pinto (Brown University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    February 19, 2003
    “Using Functional Imaging to Explore Connectivity and Coding in Primary Visual Cortex”
    David Fitzpatrick (Duke University) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    February 26, 2003
    “Synaptic Mechanisms for Learned Birdsongs”
    Richard Mooney (Duke University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    March 5, 2003
    “Dissection of Neural Features of Schizophrenia into Genetic Disease-Specific Traits: Discordant MZ and DZ Twins”
    Tyrone Cannon (UCLA) Host: Adrian Raine (NS – Co-Sponsored by the Department of Psychology)

    March 12, 2003
    “Molecular Neurobiology Candidate”

    March 26, 2003
    “Molecular Neurobiology Candidate”

    April 2, 2003
    “Synaptic Plasticity in the Hypothalamus Induced by Chronic Dehydration”
    Jeff Tasker (Tulane University) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    April 9, 2003
    “Have I Bitten Off More Than I Can Chew? Cellular Mechanisms Controlling Oral-Motor Burst and Rthythm Generation”
    Scott Chandler (UCLA) Host: Jack Turman (NS)

    April 16, 2003
    “Linking Molecular Motors to Signalling and Neurodegenerative Disease”
    Lawrence S.B.Goldstein (UC, San Diego & HHMI) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    April 23, 2003
    “Phototransduction in Retinal Rods and Cones, and Beyond…”
    King-Wai Yau (John Hopkins University) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    April 30, 2003
    “Bone Morphgenetic Proteins: Multifunctional Regulators of Neurogenesis”
    Anne Calof (UC, Irvine) Host: Neil Segil (NS)

    May 7, 2003
    “Functional Neuroimaging (PET and fMRI) Investigations of Imitation”
    Jean Decety (University of Oregon) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

  • September 4, 2002: USC Neuroscience “Vision Day” (Gerontology Auditorium, 9am-5pm)
    A full day of presentations by and for the USC Vision Community
    Featuring Cheryl Craft, Jeannie Chen, Norberto Grzywacz, Mark Humayun, Judith Hirsch, Bosco Tjan, Irving Biederman, Donald McLeod (UCSD), and posters.

    September 18, 2002
    “Genetic Backgraound as a Determination of Seizure-Induced Cell Death”
    Elyse Schauwecker (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    September 25, 2002
    “Hypothalamic Control of Energy Homeostatsis”
    Michael Cowley (Oregon Regional Primate Research Center) Host: Alan Watts (NB)

    October 2, 2002
    Martin Egelhaaf (U. Bielefeld, Germany): “Measurement of Visual Global Motion in Flies”
    Sheila Nirenberg (UCLA): “What the Retina Codes: Molecular, Electrophysiological, and Computational”
    Robert Shapley (NYU): “Dynamics of Orientation Tuning in Visual Cortex”
    John Maunsell (Baylor): “Physiological Correlates of Perceptual Learning Visual Cortex”
    Daniel Kersten (U. Minnesota): “Visual Perception: Psychophysics and Bayesian Theories”
    Nancy Kawisher (MIT): “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Visual Perception”

    October 9, 2002
    “The Interwined Mechanisms of Human Visual Motion Perception and of Attentive Selection”
    George Sperling (UC, Irvine) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    October 16, 2002
    “Trying to Understand the Cerebellum Well Enough to Build One”
    Michael Mauk (U. Texas) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    October 23, 2002
    “Plasticity in the Visual Cortex: From Synapse to Perception”
    Yang Dan (UC, Berkeley) Host: Judith Hirsch (NB)

    October 30, 2002
    “Stress and Death Domains in Alzheimer’s Disease”
    Carol Miller (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    November 13, 2002
    “Perceptual Organization and Lightness Perception”
    Edward Adelson (MIT) Host: Norberto Grzywacz (NS)

    November 20, 2002
    “Glutamate Transporter Function at Excitatory Synapses in the Cerebellum”
    Tom Otis (UCLA) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    December 4, 2002
    “Complexity of the Amygdalar Complex: Multiple Roles in Associative Learning”
    Michela Gallagher (John Hopkins) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    December 11, 2002
    “Mechanisms that Pattern Neocortical Areas, Cell Types, and Thalamocortical Connections”
    John Rubenstein (UCSF) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    December 18, 2002
    “CRH Gene Expression in Neuroendocrine Paraventricular Neurons: Circuits, Clocks, and Corticosterone”
    Alan Watts (USC) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

  • January 9, 2002: Sixth USC History of Neuroscience Lecture
    “The Search for Cerebral Individuality: the Origins of Comparative and Quantitative Neurobiology”
    Lawrence Kruger (UCLA & The Getty Center) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    January 23, 2002
    “mRNA Trafficking and Protein Synthesis at the Synapse”
    Erin Schuman (Caltech) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    January 29, 2002: SPECIAL MINISYMPOSIUM, 3-5pm
    “Sex Steroids, Cognition, and Aging: Progress on a P01”
    Caleb Finch and Irina Rozovsky, Robbie Brinton and Ted Berger, Richard Thompson and Michael Foy, Michel Baudry, Christian Pike, David Lavond

    February 6, 2002
    “In Search of Memory Traces”
    Richard Thompson (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    February 13, 2002
    “Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies of Developmental Dyslexia”
    Frank Manis (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    February 20, 2002
    “Pacemaking in Central Neurons Driven by TTX-Sensitive Sodium Channels”
    Bruce Bean (Harvard University) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    March 6, 2002
    “Multiple Memory Phases in Aplysia: A Cellular and Molecular Analysis”
    Tom Carew (UC, Irvine) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    March 20, 2002
    “Insights into the Neuropathology of Schizophrenia”
    Edward G. Jones (UCD) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)

    April 3, 2002
    “Genetic Studies of Memory in Mice”
    Mark Mayford (UCSD) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    April 10, 2002
    “On the Role of Striatal-Hypothalamic Circuitry in the Control of Motivated Behavior”
    Ann E. Kelley (University of Wisconsin) Host: Alan Watts (NB)

    April 17, 2002
    “Pioneer Longitudinal Axon Tract Formation in the Developing Brain”
    Alfredo Varela-Echavarria (Neurobiology Center UNAM, Queretaro) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    May 1, 2002
    “The Architecture of Active Zone Materials: Role in Synaptic Transmission Revealed by EM Tomography”
    Uel McMahan (Stanford University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

  • September 12, 2001
    “Cytokine Regulation of Neuro-Immune Interactions and Neurogenesis in the Adult CNS”
    Paul Patterson (Caltech) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    September 26, 2001
    “Communication Between Synapse and Nucleus During Long-Lasting Neural Plasticity”
    Kelsey Martin (UCLA) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    October 10, 2001
    “Membrane Protein Trafficking in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons”
    Gary Banker (Oregon Health Science University) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    October 17, 2001
    “Coordinating the Cell Cycle With Differentiation: The Role of CKI’s and Proneural Genes in the Development of the Mammalian Inner Ear”
    Neil Segil (House Ear Institute & USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    October 24, 2001
    “Molecular Approaches to the Vertebrate Olfactory System”
    John Ngai (UC, Berkeley) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    November 7, 2001: 9th ANNUAL PROVOST’S NEUROSCIENCE SYMPOSIUM (Gerontology Auditorium)
    Marc Raichle (Washington University St. Louis): “The ‘Resting’ Brain”
    Leslie Ungerleider (NIMH-NIH): “Mechanisms of Attention in the Human Brain”
    Scott Grafton (Dartmouth): “Intention, Action and Error Correction: Coordinating Cortical Areas”
    John Gabrieli (Stanford University): “Memory Systems of the Human Brain”

    November 9, 2001 (FRIDAY 3pm, Special Lecture)
    “Shape Coding in Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex”
    Rufin Vogels (Katholieke University Leuven, Belgium) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    November 16, 2001 (FRIDAY 2pm, Special Lecture)
    “Emotion and Vision: Neurons, Networks, and Behavior”
    Edmund Rolls (University of Oxford) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)

    November 28, 2001
    “NMDA Receptor Signalling Complexes: Role of Ion Channel-Associated Proteins in Synaptic Plasticity”
    Tom O’Dell (UCLA) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    December 5, 2001
    “Multiple Systems of Implicit Learning”
    Barbara Knowlton (UCLA) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    December 19, 2001
    “Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies of Subtypes of Develomental Dyslexia”
    Frank Manis (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

  • January 10, 2001
    “Evolutionarily Labile Patterning of Behavioral, Brain, and Gonadal Sex”
    Andrew H. Bass (Cornell University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    January 12, 2001: SPECIAL SEMINAR FRIDAY, 2pm
    “Mechanisms of Intracellular Amyloid-Mediated Cell Death in Alzheimer’s Disease”
    Austin Yang — Candidate for faculty position in Pharmacy (NYU) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)

    February 1, 2001
    “Toward a Molecular Flowchart of Central Synaptic Plasticity”
    Robert Malinow (Cold Spring Harbor) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    February 14, 2001
    “The Nature of Maps in the Brain: Lessons From the Visual Cortex”
    Michael Stryker (UCSF) Host: Michael Arbib (NB)

    February 21, 2001
    “Imaging the Motions and Lineages that Pattern the Developing Nervous System”
    Scott Fraser (Caltech) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    March 7, 2001
    “NMDA Recptor Signaling Complexes: Role of Ion Channel-Associated Proteins in Synaptic Plasticity”
    Tom O’Dell (UCLA) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    March 21, 2001
    “Signal Transduction at the Postsynaptic Density”
    Mary Kennedy (Caltech) Host: Don Arnold (NB)

    April 4, 2001
    “Craniofacial Neuromuscular Alterations in the Krox-20 Null Mutant”
    Jack Turman (USC) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    April 18, 2001
    “Evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease”
    Caleb Finch (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    May 2, 2001
    “Targeting Newly Synthesized mRNAs to Synapses”
    Oswald Steward (UC, Irvine) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

  • September 6, 2000
    “Synapse Assembly and Glutamate Receptor Targeting in Hippocampal Neurons”
    Ann Marie Craig (Washington University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

    September 20, 2000
    “Time and Odor Codes”
    Gilles Laurent (Caltech) Host: Emily Liman (NB)

    October 4, 2000
    “Functional MRI of Language Processing”
    Susan Bookheimer (UCLA) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS)

    October 6, 2000: FRIDAY at Davidson Center, 9am to 5pm
    8th Annual USC Neuroscience Symposium

    October 17, 2000: Special Tuesday Seminar, 4pm
    “Organization of the Primate Basal Ganglia”
    Andre Parent (University Laval, Canada) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    October 18, 2000
    “fMRI and TMS Studies of Initiation and Action Observation in Humans”
    Marco Iacoboni (UCLA) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

    November 1, 2000
    “Neuroprotective Actions of Estrogen and Testosterone and Their Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease”
    Christian Pike (USC) Host: Caleb Finch (NS)

    November 15, 2000
    “Differential Neuromodulation of Learning and Anxiety by CRF Receptor 2”
    Joachim Spiess (Max Planck) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    November 29, 2000
    “A Genetic View of Neurotransmitter Phenotype”
    Paul Salvaterra (City of Hope) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)

    December 6, 2000
    “The Many Faces of the Myelin Basic Protein Gene in Neural Development”
    Tony Campagnoni (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

  • January 12, 2000
    “Does the Environment Exert an Instructive Role on the Development of Motor Control in the Embryonic Period?”
    Nina Bradley (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    January 26, 2000
    “Biophysical and Molecular Studies of Exocytosis in Excitable Cells”
    Robert Chow (USC) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    February 9, 2000
    “Molecular Control of Neural Crest Development”
    David J. Anderson (Caltech) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

    February 23, 2000
    “Goal-Directed Instrumental Action: Contingency, Incentive Learning, and their Neural Substrates”
    Bernard Balleine (UCLA) Host: Alan Watts (NS)

    March 8, 2000
    “An Immunization Approach to Alzheimer Disease”
    Peter Seubert (Elan Pharmaceuticals) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)

    March 22, 2000
    “Seasonal Plasticity of the Avian Song Control System”
    Eliot Brenowitz (University of Washington) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    April 5, 2000
    “Synaptic Plasticity: It’s in the Tail, Not in the Head!”
    Michel Baudry (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    April 26, 2000
    “Roles of Astroglial Cells in the Response to Neural Injury”
    Michael Sofroniew (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    May 3, 2000: 5th USC History of Neuroscience Lecture
    “Solomon Carter Fuller, an African-American Pioneer in Alzheimer Disease”
    Caleb Finch (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

  • September 8, 1999
    “Electrical Measurements of Protein Conformational Changes in Voltage-Dependent Ion Channels”
    Enrico Stefani (UCLA) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)

    September 22, 1999
    “The Hunting Apes: Meat-Eating, Meat-Sharing, and the Evolution of Human Cognition”
    Craig B. Stanford (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    September 29, 1999
    “Neuroplastic Changes in Hippocampal Granule Cells Following Seizures”
    Charles E. Ribak (UC, Irvine) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    October 6, 1999
    “Genetics of Neurological Diseases: Insights from Neurofibromatosis 2 & Spinocerebellar Ataxia 2”
    Stefan M. Pulst (Cedars Sinai) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    October 13, 1999
    “Multiple Internal Models in the Cerebellum and Communication”
    Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Human Information Processing Research Labs & ERATO/Japanese Science and Technology Corp.) Host: Stefan Schaal (NB)

    November 9, 1999
    Preliminary Program:
    Morning Symposium: Learning & Memory — From Genes to Models to Clinic (Larry Swanson, Chair)
    James L. McGaugh (UC, Irvine): A History of Strategies for Understanding Learning and Memory
    Gary Lynch (UC, Irvine): Ampakines: From the Laboratory to the Clinic
    Alcino J. Silva (UCLA): Molecular and Cellular Basis of Learning Disorders
    Terrence J. Sejnowski (Salk Institute): Future Generations of Artificial Learning Networks
    Afternoon Symposium: Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience (Richard Thompson, Chair)
    Irving Biederman (USC): How does the Brain See Objects?
    Adrian Raine (USC): A Neuroscience Approach to Violence
    Theodore Berger (USC): Hybrid Brain Circuit/Silicon Chips for the 21st Century
    Keynote Lecture (4pm)
    Floyd E. Bloom (Scripps Research Clinic/Editor Science): Brain Research in the New Millennium

    December 1, 1999
    “Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Axon Guidance in Drosophila”
    Kai Zinn (Caltech) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)

  • January 13, 1999
    “Ions, Proteins, Glia, and Gap Junctions: Their Roles in Neuroendocrine Cell Excitability”
    Glenn I. Hatton (UCR) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    January 27, 1999
    “Action Without Perception”
    Melvin Goodale (University of Western Ontario) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    February 10, 1999
    “Potassium Regulation and Seizure Generation”
    Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (University of Washington) Hosts: Michel Baudry & Caleb Finch (NS)

    February 24, 1999
    “Intelligence and Learning in Mobile Robots”
    George Bekey (USC) Host: Ted Berger (NS)

    March 3, 1999
    “Effect and Role of Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide in Regulating the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Response to Stress”
    Catherine Rivier (Salk Institute) Host: Alan Watts (NB)

    March 10, 1999
    “Why do Things Look as They Do?”
    Tom Albright (Salk Institute) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    March 24, 1999
    “Are Complex Internal Models Biologically Plausible?”
    Stefan Schaal (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    April 7, 1999
    “The Mechanism and Signitficance of Homosynaptic Long-Term Depression”
    Mark Bear (Brown University) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    April 21, 1999
    “Neural Substrates of Vocal Imitation of Parrots”
    Georg Striedter (UC, Irvine) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    May 5, 1999
    “Unraveling the Molecular and Cellular Basis of Cognitive Disorders with Genetics & Pharmacology”
    Alcino Silva (UCLA) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

  • September 2, 1998
    “Mechanisms that Guide Motor Growth Cones in the Drosophila Embryo”
    David Van Vactor (Harvard University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    September 22, 1998
    Fourth Annual USC History of Neuroscience Lecture:
    Neurons, Gland Cells, and Vesicles: The Historical Context for the Emergence of Neuroendocrinology
    Alan Watts (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    October 7, 1998
    “Pathophysiologica Principles in Ion Channel Diseases”
    Henry Lester (Caltech) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)

    October 21, 1998
    “How to Alter the Lifespan of Postmitotic Cells”
    Pam Larsen (USC) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)

    THURSDAY October 29, 1998
    “Neuroimaging Studies of Working Memory”
    Edward E. Smith (University of Michigan) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    November 4, 1998
    “Neural Ensembles in the Rodent Hippocampus: From Molecules to Memory”
    Matt Wilson (MIT) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS)

    FRIDAY November 6, 1998
    6TH Annual USC Neuroscience Symposium — Neuron-Glial Interactions:
    Chien-Ping Ko (USC): The Role of Schwann Cells in the Dynamics of the Frog NMJ
    Wesley J. Thompson (University of Texas, Austin): Schwann Cells at the Mammalian NMJ
    Richard Robitaille (University of Montreal): Modulation of Synapses By Glial Cells
    Philip G. Haydon (Iowa State University): Astrocyte-Induced Synaptic Modulation
    Greg E. Lemke (Salk Institute): Transcriptional Control of Schwann Cell Differentiation
    Ben A. Barres (Stanford University): Notch Receptor Activation Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Differentiation
    Mary Beth Hatton (Rockefeller): Astrotactins: A New Family of Neuronal Migration Genes
    Sue T. Griffin (University of Arkansas): Neuron-Glial Interactions in Neurodegenerative Disease

    November 18, 1998
    “How Did Lanuage Evolve?”
    Robert C. Berwick (MIT) Host: Vergnaud (NS)

    December 2, 1998
    “Breaking the Code: Regulating Neuronal Differentiation By Patterns of Calcium Transients”
    Nick Spitzer (UCSD) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

  • January 14, 1998
    “The Developmental Neurobiology of the Stress Response: A Region-Specific Repertoire of Gene Regulation”
    Tallie Z. Baram (UC, Irvine) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    February 4, 1998
    “Inactivation Mechanisms of Phototransduction”
    Jeannie Chen (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    February 11, 1998
    “Organization of the Primate Limbic System”
    David Amaral (UC, Davis) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    February 25, 1998
    “fMRI of Working Memory and Cognition”
    Edward E. Smith (University of Michigan) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    March 11, 1998
    “Endogenous Cannabinoids; Biochemistry and Pharmacology”
    Danielle Piomelli (UC, San Diego) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    March 25, 1998
    “Distribution and Function of Neurotransmitter Transporter Molecules”
    Nick Brecha (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)

    April 8, 1998
    “Getting Lost: Synaptic Mechanisms and Network Dynamics in the Aged Rat Hippocampus”
    Carol Barnes (University of Arizona) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    April 22, 1998
    “Silent Synapses and Synaptic Plasticity”
    Robert Malenka (UC, San Francisco) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    April 28, 1998: Fourth USC History of Neuroscience Lecture:
    “Neurons, Gland Cells, and Vesicles: The Historical Context for the Emergence of Neuroendocrinology”
    Alan Watts (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    April 29, 1998: Special Seminar
    “Hormonal Modulation on Ion Currents: Lessons from the Electric Fish”
    Harold Zakon (University of Texas) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    May 6, 1998
    “Sex Attraction in Moths: Behavior and Brain Mechanisms”
    John Hildebrand (University of Arizona) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

  • September 3, 1997
    “Multineuron Recording and the Neurophysiology of Reminiscence”
    Bruce McNaughton (University of Arizona) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)

    September 17, 1997
    The Neurobiology of Emotionally Influenced Memory:
    “Converging Evidence from Infra-Human and Human Subject Studies”
    Larry Cahill (UC, Irvine) Host: Foster (NS)

    October 1, 1997
    “A Neurocomputational Account of Face and Object Recognition”
    Irving Biederman (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

    October 15, 1997
    “Different Behavioral Effects Following Damage to the Medial Temporal Lobe and to the Inferotemporal Cortex: Findings from Monkeys and Humans”
    Stuart M. Zola (VA Medical Center, La Jolla) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    October 20, 1997 (Special Day: Monday; Special place: Gerontology Auditorium; 9am to 5pm)
    5th Annual USC Neuroscience Symposium: THE BASAL GANGLIA
    Mahlon Delong, Micheal Arbib, Anton Reiner, Larry Swanson, Ann Graybiel, Marie-Francois Chesselet, James Surmeier, John Walsh.

    November 12, 1997
    “Making Decisions: The Brain’s Link Between Perception and Action”
    William Newsome (Stanford University) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    November 19, 1997
    “Voltage-Dependent Signal Transduction in Muscle and Nerve”
    Julio Vergara (UCLA) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)

    December 3, 1997
    “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Regulating Vertebrate Neurogenesis”
    Anne Calof (UC, Irvine) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    December 10, 1997
    “Microstructures for Studying Living Neural Networks”
    Jerry Pine (Caltech) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

  • January 22, 1997
    “Cochlear Hair Cell Regeneration: On a Wing and a Prayer”
    Edwin Rubel (University of Washington) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    February 3, 1997 (Special Day: MONDAY)
    “Functional Interactions Between Visual Cortical Areas”
    Jean Bullier (INSERM, Lyon, France) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    February 5, 1997
    “Mechanisms and Theories of Spatial Attention”
    Giacomo Rizzolatti (University of Parma, Italy) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)

    February 12, 1997
    “The Morphometric Synthesis and Statistical Analysis of Brain Images”
    Fred Bookstein (University of Michigan) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)

    February 26, 1997
    “The Role of Innate Knowledge in Vocal Learning”
    Peter Marler (UC, Davis) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)

    March 5, 1997
    “Extending Models of Hippocampal Function in Animal Conditioning to Human Learning and Amnesia”
    Mark Gluck (Rutgers) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    March 19, 1997
    “Functional MRI of Visual Cortex”
    Stephen Engel (UCLA) Host: Irving Biederman (NS)

    March 26, 1997
    “Clusterin (apoJ, SGP-2) has Multiple Functions in the Brain During Reproduction and Aging”
    Caleb Finch (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    April 2, 1997
    SPECIAL PANEL DISCUSSION: Brain ( L. Swanson), Mind ( M. Arbib ), and Spirit ( S. Laemmle)
    Richard Thompson (Moderator)

    April 9, 1997
    “Organization and Development of Sexually Dimorphic Circuits
    Richard Simerly (Oregon Regional Primate Research Center) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)

    April 23, 1997
    “Memory Systems of the Human Brain”
    John Gabrieli (Stanford University) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)

    May 7, 1997
    “A Synthesis of Behavioral Learning, Sensory Physiology, and Neuromodulation: An Approach to the Induction and Contents of Cortical Memory”
    Norman Weinberger (UC, Irvine) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)

  • September 16, 1996 (Special Day: MONDAY)
    Fourth Annual USC Neuroscience Symposium: Neuroethology
    Time: 9:00am to 5:30pm; Place: Gerontology Auditorium

    September 25, 1996
    “Summation of Unitary Synaptic Potentials in Layer V Pyramidal Cells”
    Alex Reyes (Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg)

    October 2, 1996
    “Organization of Mammalian Instinctive Behavior Systems”
    Larry Swanson (USC)

    October 16, 1996
    Third USC History of Neuroscience Lecture:
    Fifty Exciting Years with GABA, the Major Inhibitory Neurotransmitter
    Eugene Roberts (City of Hope)

    October 30, 1996
    “Structure and Function of the Voltage-Sensing Domain in Shaker Potassium Channels
    Dianne Papazian (UCLA)

    November 6, 1996
    “Studies on Immortalized Neuroendocrine Neurons”
    Pamela Mellon (UC, San Diego)

    November 26, 1996
    “Cell Groups and Circuits Mediating the Hormonal Control of Male Sexual Behavior”
    Pauline Yahr (UC, Irvine)

    December 11, 1996
    “The Neurobiology of Early Learning”
    Michael Leon (UC, Irvine)