We would love to know, how and what you have been doing since you graduated from USC. Please, send us your picture, info about 1) year of graduation, 2) major/minors earned 3) and any other information that you would like to share. Please, send your e-mail to: bothe@usc.edu.

We are looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you!


You can find the latest information about German Studies Alumni when you click on the pins in the US and Europe.

SEAN YETTER, German and history major, grad 2010:

“The USC German Studies program provided far more than just an extra minor degree on my diploma—it shaped my broader course of studies as well as my career post-graduation.  In addition to providing me with a solid grasp of the German language, the German minor program also exposed me to numerous cultural, political, and historical themes that had major effects on my other degrees at USC—a major in history and a second minor in cinema production.  I was able to utilize German literature and primary sources that hadn’t previously been consulted for English language publications while writing my history honors thesis on the career of Paul von Hindenburg, and the frequent screenings of German films introduced me to artists and styles that were only briefly mentioned in my cinema classes.  It was through German classes at USC that I learned about the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange, a yearlong exchange program in Germany sponsored by the State Department and the German parliament.  I was fortunate to be accepted to the CBYX program following graduation, which allowed me to spend two months in Cologne taking advanced language classes and the remaining ten months in Stuttgart where I took cinema classes and worked as a production assistant at a German television network.  Since returning to the States I’ve been finishing up two documentary projects I began in Germany and working in video production in Washington, DC.”