Hallo! Gruezi! Servus! Guten Tag!

Whether you are enrolled in a German (Studies) class or just want to meet people on campus who are interested in German culture, language, travel to/or work in German speaking countries . . . please, feel free to join us at the German Club!

The German Club is primarily run by students with the support of a faculty advisor. It is a great way to meet people at USC with similar interests in the German speaking “world.” The German Club is promoting German culture and language on campus. Events take place on campus or at venues that (temporarily) cater to an audience curious about the intellectual and cultural life in German speaking countries – no matter whether it is art, film, literature, theater, music, food, playing board games or politics and business.

For more information or to be added to the mailing list, please, contact the German Studies Club at uscgermanclub@gmail.com or the German Studies club faculty advisor Dr. Bothe at: bothe@usc.edu.




Luke Wakefield

Vice President:

Daniel MacMillen

Programming Chair/PR: 

Austin Tovar


Maksim Pavlicic


Emily Haile