Before you apply to the Thematic Option Honors Program, please read the following:



If you apply by the priority deadline, you will be notified of your acceptance status via email by April 28.
All applications received after April 18 will be considered after May 1, 2025 on a space available basis through a rolling notification process.


Only students who have been ADMITTED to the University of Southern California may apply to the Thematic Option Honors Program.

  • Unfortunately, continuing USC students, transfer students, and students admitted to the spring semester are not eligible to apply for the Thematic Option Honors Program.
  • Students of all majors (except for Dance and World Bachelor in Business) may apply to the Thematic Option Honors Program.
  • Students are considered for acceptance to Thematic Option based on their application to the program. Scholarship status or admission to other USC programs are not taken into consideration.

Since space in the program is limited, we encourage interested students to apply to Thematic Option even if they have not yet decided that they will attend USC.


The Thematic Option application is available to admitted students via the USC applicant portal.