Audrey Li

Research & Practice Areas
Syntax, Chinese language and linguistics
- Ph.D. University of Southern California
Tenure Track Appointments
- Professor, University of Southern California, 01/01/2001 –
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Yen-hui Audrey Li, Ph.D. (University of Southern California).
Audrey Li is interested in the structural properties of natural languages: how and why human languages are the way they are and how and why languages differ in the way they do. The theme of her works is that languages differ in a principled and systematic manner. Meaningful cross-linguistic comparison is based on in-depth investigation of individual languages. The topics of her research include the issues related to constituency and order at the sentential and nominal level, the interpretive mechanisms in universal grammar and the well-formedness conditions on the interpretation and spell-out of syntactic structures, constraints and interpretations of ellipsis structures, interaction between grammar and prosody. The data have been mainly drawn from English and East Asian languages from a comparative perspective.
Li is also interested in the issues regarding language acquisition and pedagogical implications.
Research Keywords
syntax, Chinese language and linguistics, order and constituency, scope, syntax and prosody, quantification, ellipsis, complex sentences.
Research Specialties
Syntax, Chinese language and linguistics
- James Huang, Audrey Li and Andrew Simpson (Ed.). (2014). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell Publisher.
- Li, Yen-Hui Audrey, Andrew Simpson and Dylan Tsai (Ed.). (2014). Chinese Syntax in a Cross-linguistic Perspective. Oxford University Press.
- Chen-Lin, C., Lee, L., Li, Y. A., Tan, D. (2013). Step Up, book II. Cengage Learning.
- Huang, J., Li, Y. A., Li, Y. (2009). The Syntax of Chinese. Cambridge,: Cambridge University Press.
- Simpson, A. A., Li, Y. (2003). Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation: Perspectives from Asian Languages. Routledge-Curzon.
- Huang, J., Li, Y. (2003). New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics. 1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (ed. with James Huang).
- Li, Y. A., Aoun, J. (2003). Essays on the representational and derivational nature of grammar: the diversity of wh-constructions.
- Li, Y. A., Humphries, J., Wei, C. (2000). Ultimate Chinese, Living Languages.
- James Huang, Yen-Hui Audrey Li (Ed.). (1996). New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers.
- Li, Y. A., Aoun, J. (1993). Syntax of Scope.
- Li, Y. A. (1990). Order and Constituency in Mandarin Chinese.
Book Chapters
- Li, Y. A., Wei, T. (2023). Sluicing and Predicate Ellipsis in Chinese. the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford University Press. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, T. (2023). Nominal ellipsis in Chinese. the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford University Press. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, T. (2023). Sentence fragments in Chinese. the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics Oxford University Press. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2022). The case for Case. Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics pp. 467-485. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2017). Chinese ba 2nd edition. The Wiley-Blackwell companion to syntax Wiley-Blackwell. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2017). Mandarin noun phrases with de from the perspective of Taiwan Southern Min. Studies of the Particle de in Chinese pp. 181-196. Beijing University Press.
- Li, Y. A. (2016). Facilitating language learning: a generative perspective. Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research and Language pp. 33-58. John Benjamins. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2016). Verb Phrases. Chinese Reference Grammar pp. 81-115. Cambridge University Press.
- Li, Y. A. (2015). Analyses and syntheses: objects. Chinese Syntax in a Comparative Perspective pp. 179-206. Oxford University Press. Link
- Barrie, M., Li, Y. A. (2015). The Semantics of (Pseudo) Incorporation and Case. Syntax & Semantics, Vol. 40. The Syntax and Seman pp. 159-188. Brill Publishers. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, T. (2014). Ellipsis. the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on Chinese Linguistic Wiley-Blackwell. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2014). Quantification. the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook on Chinese Linguistic Wiley-Blackwell. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2013). Case, Tense and Clauses. Breaking down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Stud Link
- Li, Y. A. (2012). Noun incorporation and non-canonical objects. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 30 Cascadilla Press. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2011). Looking into clauses. Current Issues in Chinese Linguistics London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Li, Y. A. (2009). Case, Tense and Clauses. the Festschrift Alain Peyraube Taipei: Academia Sinica.
- Aoun, J., Li, Y. (2008). Ellipsis and missing objects. pp. 251-274. MIT Press, Cambridge: Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory/MIT Press.
- Li, Y. A. (2007). Technology and language instruction. Bejing,: Beijing Language and Culture University.
- Li, Y. A. (2006). Chinese ba. pp. 374-468. Malden, Mass: Blackwell. Link
- Li, Y. (2005). “Amazing videos in advanced Chinese courses. pp. p.211-234. New Developments in the Teaching and Research of Written Chinese./Beijing Language and Culture University Press.
- Li, Y. A. (2003). NP as argument.
- Li, Y. A. (2003). Word Order, Structure and Relativization.
- Li, Y. A. (1998). Two types of existential sentences.
- Li, Y. A., Aoun, J. (1996). Two cases of logical relations.
- Li, Y. A., Huang, J. (1996). Recent generative studies in Chinese syntax.
- Li, Y. A., Huang, J. (1996). Introduction to New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics.
- Li, Y. A. (1991). The interaction of operator.
Encyclopedia Article
- Li, Y. A. (2016). The Disposal Construction. (Rint Sybesma et al., Ed.). Leiden: Brill. Link
Journal Article
- Wei, T., Li, Y. A. (2022). Word order in Taiwanese: an empirical perspective. Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature. Vol. 17 (2), pp. 179-243. Link
- Li, Y. A., Matthews, S. (2022). Turning the tide: Reversing heritage language attrition and shift in a Chinese American family. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 50 (2), pp. 291-322.
- Barrie, M., Li, Y. A., Wiltschko, M., Park, J. (2021). In Defense of DP (or KP). Linguistic Research. Vol. 38 (2), pp. 207-238. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, W. (2019). Microparameters and Language Variation. Glossa. Vol. 4 (1), pp. 1–34. Link
- Li, Y. A., Feng, S. (2018). “Variations in the Role of Stress and Focus Marking in Tonal Languages: Evidence from Chinese [Num + Cl + de + NP] Expressions. Studies in Prosodic Grammar. Vol. 3 (2), pp. 1-31.
- Wei, W., Li, Y. A. (2018). Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese, Part 1: Preverbal adverbial PPs and clauses. Linguistic Analysis. Vol. 42 (1-2), pp. 163-234. Link
- Wei, W., Li, Y. A. (2018). Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese, Part 2. Ordering and syntax-discourse-prosody interface. Linguistic Analysis. Vol. 42 (1-2), pp. 235-298. Link
- Wei, W., Li, Y. A. (2018). Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese, Part 3. Postverbal purpose clauses – complementation vs. adjunction. Linguistic Analysis. Vol. 42 (1-2), pp. 299-330. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, T. (2017). Sluicing, Sprouting and Missing Objects. Studies in Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 38 (2), pp. 63-92. Link
- Li, Y. A., Wei, W. (2016). Formal linguistics and language learning. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 48 (5), pp. 707-719.
- Wei, T., Li, Y. A. (2016). How to do so in Chinese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. Vol. 25 (2), pp. 183-212. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2016). Waltraud Paul. 2015. New Perspectives on Chinese Syntax. Glossa. pp. 18 pages. Link
- Li, Y. A., Feng, S. (2015). The prosodic conditions on the deletion of ‘one’. Linguistic Sciences. Vol. 14 (1), pp. 1-12. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2014). Born Empty. Lingua. (151), pp. 43-68. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2014). Thematic Hierarchy and Derivational Economy. Language and Linguistics. Vol. 15 (3), pp. 295-339.
- Li, Y. A. (2014). Structure of Noun Phrases – Left or Right?. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics. Vol. 12 (2), pp. 1-32. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2013). P-insertion and Ellipsis. Studies in Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 34 (2), pp. 99-128. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2013). Formal Linguistics and ‘the Best Practices’ of Language Instruction. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching. Vol. 10 (2), pp. 1-38. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2012). The structure of Mandarin nominal phrases: from the perspective of the MinNan modification marker. Shanghai Education Publisher (Shanghai Jiaoyu Chubanshe). Vol. 11, pp. 82-92.
- Li, Y. A. (2012). de in Mandarin <-> e in Taiwanese. Studies in Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 33 (1), pp. 17-40. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2011). Non-canonical objects and case. Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature. Vol. 1 (1), pp. 21-51. Link
- Ke, C., Li, Y. A. (2011). Chinese as a foreign language. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 39 (1), pp. 177-238.
- Li, Y. A. (2008). Theories of phrase structures and DE as a head. Contemporary Linguistics, Academy of Social Sciences. (2), pp. 97-108. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2007). Beyond empty categories. Bulletin of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan. (254), pp. 74-106. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2007). Theories of empty categories and Chinese null elements. Linguistic Sciences. Vol. 6, pp. 37-47.
- Li, Y. (2005). Empty Objects. Linguistic Sciences. Vol. 4.2, pp. 3-19. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2003). Making sense of language differences.
- Li, Y. A., Lu, B. (2002). Nominal projections.
- Li, Y. A. (2001). Universal Constructions? relativization in English and Chinese. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2000). Scope, structure and expert systems.
- Li, Y. A. (2000). The classifier system and the development of men. Link
- Li, Y. A., Cheng, L., Huang, J., Tang, J. (1999). Hoo, Hoo, Hoo: Causative constructions in Taiwanese. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1999). Optional movement and reconstruction.
- Li, Y. A. (1999). Plurality in a classifier language. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1998). Subject orientation properites of acquisition of Chinese long and short distance reflexives.
- Li, Y. A. (1998). Steps towards reading proficiency: progressive readings. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1998). Argument determiner phrases and number phrases.
- Li, Y. A. (1998). Minimalism and Optionality. The Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series. Vol. 28 (3) Link
- Li, Y. A. (1997). Causative compounds across Chinese dialectics: a study of Cantonese, Mandarin and Taiwanese. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1993). On Some Differences between Chinese and Japanese. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1993). Wh-in-situ: S-Structure or LF. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1992). Indefinate wh in Mandarin Chinese. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1990). Minimal Disjointness. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1989). Scope and constituency. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1987). Duration phrases: Distributions and Interpretation. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2018). Argument ellipsis and structures of noun phrases. pp. 195-214. Chicago. the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. University of Chicago. Link
- Li, Y. A. (2006). Profiling empty categories. North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics,GSIL,Linguistics.
- Li, Y. A. (2001). Universal Constructions? relativization in English and Chinese.
- Li, Y. A. (1999). Form and function correspondence: structures and interpretations of nominal expressions in Mandarin Chinese.
- Li, Y. A. (1999). A number projection. Link
- Li, Y. A. (1990). Chinese postverbal constraint.