Town and Gown – April 14, 2023

(Photos by:  Iliana Garcia Photography)

Podium with USC Seal. Florals on floor in front of podium.
Executive Board member Sandra Disner at podium in front of audience.
Executive Board member Karen Tongson at podium.
Executive Board member Margaret Russett at podium
Keynote Speaker Natalia Molina at podium. Side view
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina at podium.
Keynote Speaker Natalia Molina at podium in front of audience.
Executive Board members sitting in audience and applauding.
Inductees standing with right hands raised for swearing in.
Dean Amber Miller at podium.
Inductees standing and smiling with right hands raised for swearing in.
Inductees standing with right hands raised for swearing in.
2023 Inductees standing with right hands raised for swearing.
Inductees standing with right hands raised for swearing in
Inductees standing for swearing in.
Executive Board member Sandra Disner at podium, side view
Undergraduate Award recipient Quin Cho holding award certificate.
Undergraduate Award recipient Kelly Nguyen smiling while holding award certificate
Undergraduate Award recipient Carina Robles smiling while holding award certificate
Award Recipients sitting in front row of audience, holding up their award certificates.
Guests greeting each other in Town & Gown.
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina signing book for PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to PBK inductee
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina with PBK inductees and guest
Keynote speaker Natalia Molina presenting book to Inductee.
Close-up of book being signed by keynote speaker.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
Two Inductees smiling while holding membership certificates.
Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate.
Two Inductees smiling while holding membership certificates.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
Two Inductees smiling while holding membership certificates.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guests.
PBK Inductee smiling while holding membership certificate. Standing with guest.
Glass canisters of water and lemonade on beverage table with dried florals.
USC Seal stained glass window