Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter, M.S., E-RYT500 is an international Yoga teacher based in Northern California and the creator of SmartFLOW Yoga. Known as a “teacher’s teacher” and a committed student of Yoga for over 40 years, Annie continues to bring her passion and curiosity, love of anatomy, evolutionary movement, meditation, and classical philosophy into her teachings. Her SmartFLOW Yoga is a modern approach with an anatomically sound foundation and inspired, creative sequencing. Annie’s method is rooted in deep respect and years of practice in the lineages of Integral, Iyengar and Astanga Yoga. A former dancer and teacher for the Martha Graham Company, Annie is the author of SmartFLOW Yoga, a complete set of practice DVDs produced by Udaya, and Yoga for Total Back Care, a DVD produced by Yoga Journal, and several SmartFLOW manuals. She contributes regularly to Yoga Journal, leads trainings and workshops globally, and is grateful to all of her teachers over the years, including Swami Satchidananda, Maty Ezraty, Chuck Miller, Lisa Walford, Pattabhi Jois, Trudy Goodman, and many others.