Apply today!

Would you like to learn more about the world of independent publishing? Do you have a passion for creative expression? Are you interested in showcasing your abilities and building your résumé?

Palaver Arts Magazine is excited to announce openings for Editors of Art, Poetry and Prose! Editors will be responsible for receiving, reviewing, and editing original student submissions along with fellow editors in your selected genre. Digital Editors will focus on web support and management of our WordPress site, as well as cultivating our social media presence. If you’re interested in applying for an editorial role, send the following to with the role you’re applying for in the subject line:

–       a résumé

–       a brief description of why you’re interested in being an Editor with Palaver, and an explanation of any pertinent publishing, editorial, or design background

–       3-5 sample pieces: these can be your own work, work from creators you admire, or a mixture (just be sure the pieces are properly labeled and credited) reflective of the genre you wish to apply for—please also include a brief statement on what you find interesting about the work of others you wish to share

Be yourself! It’s okay if you’ve never edited a publication before. Share why you want this position, and how it fits with your personal and/or professional goals. Please note that there will be two or three rounds of review to determine whether you and this position are a good fit—so apply today! Applications are due Sept 8.

This editorial position requires an initial year-long commitment with the possibility of staying on for future years. Our editorial board has regular meetings, and usually runs at least two major events a semester. Responsibilities will include soliciting and selecting submissions, developing and participating in arts programming, and collaborative editorial work within your submission category. You will work with the rest of the editorial board to market and showcase our editions seamlessly, professionally, and compellingly. We encourage you to review past issues of Palaver here!